Medical incense

Chapter 31 Glue

There are few words. I can't open my eyes. I'll write it tomorrow after a nap.


When she came back from the grain shop, Qiu Ju first drank a large glass of cold boiled water as soon as she entered the house. Then she took a breath and wiped the sweat on her forehead with her sleeves. "Miss..." As soon as she pushed the door, the east room was quiet.

"Where have all the people gone?" Qiu Ju looked around, then returned to the yard to put away the corn flour she had just bought, and turned around and walked to the backyard.

Zhen Shiniang was sitting in front of the stove sweating and stirring a pot of translucent glue. The magpie sat on the edge of the stove and pulled the bellows, looking at Jian Wen Jianwu, who was sitting at the door and peeling sunflower seeds.

There are no snacks in winter. In order to relieve the child's greedy, Zhen Shiniang specially planted a lot of sunflowers around the yard. More than ten days ago, she cut it and threw them on the roof to the sun. It was already dry. Jian Wu was holding a sunflower head the size of a plate. His little hand rubbed it, and Pull down one by one. After pulling out a small piece of space, I began to rub it down with my little hands. A mountain-like pile of sunflower seeds was soon piled up in the dustpan under my feet. Occasionally, I would pick up two grains of the skin, throw them in my mouth, chewing it with relish, and sucking my mouth

"Uh-huh..." Zhen Shinie nodded with a smile and encouraged, "It's more fragrant when it's cooked. Brother Wen and Brother Wu peeled all these sunflower heads today. Pour them out of the stove at night, and I'll let Qiu Ju stir-fry them for you."

"Oh...oh...there are cooked melon seeds to eat...there are cooked melon seeds to eat!" Jian Wu Jianwen shouted happily, "Mom, don't worry, these will be peeled off before dark!" After shouting for a while, the two lowered their heads and rubbed hard again.

The magpie looked at Zhen Shiniang and muttered in a low voice, "... The child is so young that the young lady is willing to do it." Seeing Jian Wu and Jianwen doing this and that every day like a small adult, her parents were distressed and secretly asked her to persuade Zhen Shiniang not to be so etroverted, so she bowed to Shen Zhongqi and asked him to pick up the child and return to the general's mansion. Jianwen Jianwu was always more happy here.

Moreover, without children, Zhen Shiniang can also be much more relaxed. Take care of yourself quickly.

Zhen Shiniang smiled slightly, "...Aren't they very happy?"

A great man in his previous life said: Labor is the most glorious!

She is destined to divorce Shen Zhongqi. She was born in such a single-parent family. She hopes that Jianwu Jianwen will learn to be optimistic and face everything firmly from an early age. Don't feel sorry for yourself because you don't have a father, lose the happiness you should have, and become lonely.

"...Sister Qiu Ju!" As he spoke, Qiu Ju pushed the door and walked in, and Jian Wen Jian Wu shouted sweetly.

"Hey..." Qiu Ju bent down and touched Jian Wen Jian Wu's head, "Where about peeling melon seeds?" He also told, "If you are tired, take a break, and I will peel the rest after dinner."

"Not tired at all!" Jianwu Jianwen shook his head at the same time, "Mother said, after peeling these, let you stir-fry melon seeds at night."

" OK, I'll stir-fry it for you after dinner." After listening to Zhen Shi Niang's order, Qiu Ju answered with a smile. As soon as she looked up, she saw Zhen Shi Niang sitting in front of the stove sweating and boiling gelatin. She was shocked, "... Miss, didn't you just come out of a pot the day before yesterday? Why do you make it again?" Heartbrokenly, he took out the only clean handkerchief in his pocket to wipe Zhen Shiniang's sweat.

It takes the most effort to boil donkey-hide gelatin. She and the magpie can't help. Every time she boils, Zhen Shiniang is so tired that she can't get up for a few days. How can she stand such a toss?

"Miss saw that the general bought so much firewood back, and she was afraid that she would not be able to finish it!" The magpie muttered dissatisfiedly.

She also persuaded for a long time, but her young lady just didn't listen. You have to insist on holding on your weak body to get out of the donkey-hide gelatin. In the past, she could also help stir the pot and filter the slurry. Now she is pregnant with six and her stomach is getting bigger and bigger every day. She can only sit here and pull the turbin, watching Zhen Shiniang sweating and anxiously.

Although Qiu Ju is strong, he is too young to do this kind of work at all.

Hearing the magpie's dissatisfaction, Zhen Shiniang sighed quietly.

If possible, she doesn't want to do so.

However, if you don't save more money before being kicked out of the ancestral house, I'm afraid that their mother and son will soon have to beg along the street.

In the past, I always relied on myself to have a house and a lotus pond. Even if I would be hungry in winter, but once the spring is warm and the flowers bloom, there will always be food. Even if it is not good, there is a place to live to shelter from the wind and rain. I know that the day I was kicked out of my If she didn't force it, she had to muddle along.

It was not until that day that Shen Zhongqi appeared in her ancestral home again that she realized that she couldn't even take out a silver or two on her body.

Not to mention opening a medicine hall, even three thatched huts can't be rented.

Thinking of what Shen Zhongqi said, even if she didn't allow her to marry again, Zhen Shiniang's heart sank to the bottom of the valley. It was very difficult, but Zhen Shiniang didn't want the children to appreciate the hardships of the world too early. She quietly stirred the gelatin and asked Qiu Ju, "... Have you bought the corn flour back?"