Medical incense

Chapter 90 Breathless

"His aunt, calm down..." Li Qi's daughter-in-law's face turned from white to red, and she grabbed the dog's hand hard.

Everyone was busy pulling, pulling and persuading, "Brother Chun is just a five-year-old child. He is joking. What does he know..."

The dog mother was almost crazy, and she couldn't hear it. She scratched and scratched Li Qi's daughter-in-law with her teeth and claws. For a moment, the room was in a mess.

She was concentrating on how to take out the peanuts choking into the dog's trachea under limited conditions. Zhen Shiniang didn't expect that she only shook her mind, and the situation became like this. Seeing that the scene was out of control, she picked up a teacup and smashed it to the ground fiercely.

With a loud bang, all the voices suddenly disappeared.

For a long time, everyone turned around and looked at Zhen Shiniang, who was quietly standing in front of the soft couch.

"If you don't want to save him, you can take him home and make trouble!" Zhen Shiniang's voice was not high and cold.

"You... you mean... my dog is still saved?" The dog mother was the first to come to her senses.

"The dog is not dead yet." Zhen Shiniang's voice was calm and calm.

She can't guarantee that she will save the dog.

However, as long as the person is not dead, she will not give up.

The dog mother knelt down and kowtowed repeatedly, "If you can save the dog, our family will burn incense and kowtow to you..."

Dead people burn incense and kowtow!

Zhen Shiniang couldn't laugh or cry.

However, she didn't have time to care about this. She robbed people from the Lord of Yan. She had to race against time. Seeing that the room was buzzing again, Zhen Shiniang endured and shouted patiently, "... Let's go out!" Seeing that everyone didn't move, he aggravated his tone, "They are all surrounded in this room, which will affect my rescue." Although the tone is polite, there is no doubt about it.

Yu Liang was the first to wake up and did not avoid the suspicion of men and women. He reached out and pushed everyone out, "... go out first, go out first, go out and wait!" Zhen Shiniang's extraordinary calmness made him inexplicably have an unconditional trust and obeyed her words.

Zhen Shiniang looked back for a long time, only to find that the magpie was far away under the window under the protection of Aunt Li. There was a relief in her heart. At least she knew how to protect herself, otherwise it would be noisy just now, bumped, and moved the fetal gas. At this time, she really didn't know

"Miss..." Seeing her look over, the magpie helped Aunt Li come over.

"Bing the medicine box..." Zhen Shiniang said and looked down at the dog.

The dog mother refused to leave the house. Zhen Shiniang left a strong daughter-in-law named Zhang Li to look at her. Even the magpie and Dongju were kicked out, and only asked people to greet Qiu Ju in.

Although Qiu Ju is not in a hurry, she is bold enough, powerful and careful. She is a typical activist. It is most suitable for her to have an operation.

Washed his hands with his own disinfectant, and asked Yu Liang to move the dog to the window, and then asked him to press the dog's forehead with one hand and drag the dog's jaw with the other hand.

Fortunately, when I operated on Mrs. Xiao, Xiao Yu gave her the equipment temporarily made, including small bronze mirrors, tweezers, catheters, and super-large glass needles specially made after modern syringes. At that time, it was for Mrs. Xiao to suck sputum. Thinking that ordinary people could not afford this, Zhen I was willing to throw it away, made people boil it in boiling water, and brought it back together.

Unexpectedly, it was used today to replace the attractor.

Insert one end of the catheter into the top of the peanut stranded position in the trachea, and then connect the empty glass needle to the other end of the catheter to suck it out...

The copycat version is not as good as the original attractor.

Empty the syringe one by one, and suck it out little by little like a relay. Gradually, the sweat on Zhen Shi Niang's forehead covered her eyes...

"Wipe the sweat..." She blinked hard.

The first time I saw someone put such a long tube into a person's stomach, the bitch was shocked and speechless. Zhang Li trembled and picked up the towel.

The peanut was sucked to the throat and could be faintly seen, so it could no longer be sucked. After removing the tube, Zhen Shiniang changed the tweezers again...

"It's out, it's out..." Seeing that Zhen Shi Niang slowly picked out a sticky peanut from the dog's mouth, the dog's body shook, almost fell down, and was held by Zhang Li.

Yu Liang sat on the ground with a plop.

Dang, Zhen Shiniang threw the tweezers on the plate and felt that her legs were straight.

If she can't do it again, I'm afraid she will hang up.

After a long time, the dog girl exclaimed, "Ayou, you are really a living Bodhisattva!" He pounced on the dog, "Dog, dog!" He shouted twice happily, and suddenly his body shook, "Why doesn't he gasp?"

"How come?" Yu Liang crawled a few times to the soft couch, reached out and tried again under the dog's nose, "His aunt..." He called Zhen Shiniang tremblingly, with a desperate fear in his wrinkled eyes.

Zhen Shi Niang's head was buzzing.

She was negligent!

In the previous life, the tutor especially emphasized that when ingesting foreign bodies in the trachea, you must monitor the vital signs of the patient at any time. If you find that breathing or heartbeat stops, you should immediately stop excluding foreign bodies and do cardiopulmonary resuscitation first.

In the previous life, there was a monitoring instrument, and there was a special nurse guard during the operation to report the patient's vital signs to her at any time. As long as she issued an order in time to respond, she didn't have to worry at all. Without these in this life, no one in this room could help her observe the pulse of the dog

After a moment of panic, she calmed down, got up and came to the dog's face, reached out and tried under her nose, rolled her eyelids, and then touched the dog's carotid artery...

"How's it going?" Yu Liangqi looked at Zhen Shiniang.

The dog girl also forgot to howling and looked at her breathlessly.

Obviously, they saw that their son was out of breath with their own eyes, but without Zhen Shiniang's final conclusion, they still had a trace of desperate expectation in their hearts.

It seems that Zhen Shi Niang is a living Bodhisattva. She said that dogs can live, and their dogs can immediately stand up alive and call them "Dad, Mom..." like before.

The dog's heartbeat stopped!

Check whether the heart is beating. The simplest and most reliable is the carotid artery, but she touched it for a long time without any fluctuation.

Feeling strange and heavy, Zhen Shiniang looked back at Qiu Ju, "...remember the artificial respiration I taught you?" The tone is low and slow, like a stagnant river.

Qiu Ju often leads Jian Wu Jian Wen to play, and she has no energy to guard it. She is afraid that they will not cope with it in case of accidents. Zhen Shi Niang taught them many temporary first aid methods in her spare time, including artificial respiration.

"I remember..." Qiu Ju's voice trembled and her face turned pale.

For the first time, she was so close to death. No matter how bold Qiu Ju was, she was still a child after all. It was not Zhen Shi Niang's calm eyes that encouraged her that she had already collapsed.

"Ap, you make it for him!" Zhen Shiniang took off her shoes on the kang, half knelt on the side of the dog, and folded her hands on the dog's left chest. "Listen to me count, I'll press fifteen times, you blow for him once..." The voice was heavy, calm and slow.

Yu Liang and his wife opened their eyes wide.

They have experienced people and have seen death. The most taboo is the tone before people die. It is said that the last breath of a person before death will be entangled by his soul and dragged to the underworld. Therefore, for those who have been declared hopeless and waiting for death, the living must avoid their mouths. In the don't want to be attacked by ghosts.

However, after listening to Zhen Shiniang's words, Qiu Ju took a deep breath without hesitation, lowered her head and pinched the dog's nose, and blew it into his mouth...

The dog girl suddenly turned her head, covered her mouth with her hands, and the sobs still couldn't help leaking from between her fingers, and her fat back shuddered.

"Damn..." Yu Liang wiped his eyes and reached out to pull her aside. "Don't hinder his aunt's treatment. It's our dog's life to save the good and the bad..." He gritted his teeth, "Maybe he's here to ask for the bill!"

Superstition says that the children who died are all enemies of their parents in their previous lives. Those who come to ask for accounts in this life let them spend their efforts to raise them in this life, and then watch them leave with liver and intestines, and there is no laughter from then on.

Yu Liang's words meant that the dog was dead, and he also admitted it.

Seeing Zhen Shiniang's master and servant giving so wholeheartedly, he knew that they had tried their best.

Even though she knew that the dog was out of breath, she still didn't give up!

How can they blame her?

Dr. Ma has long announced that the dog can't be saved. They didn't give up and forced the dog here. It's good for the dog to save his life. When he met such a kind woman, the dog died... It was God's will.

"His father..." The dog's mother rushed to his shoulder, gritted her teeth and said, "If you really can't save it, it's our dog's bad life, and you don't have the blessing to follow us!"

"Miss, I can't do it..." Qiu Ju covered her chest and gasped, sweating profusely on her forehead.

It's not that she has no strength. The atmosphere in the room is so tight that she only feels that her breath is getting shorter and shorter.

"Hold on...Quick..." Zhen Shiniang shook off the sweat of her forehead, "Thirteen, fourteen, fifteen... Do it again..."

She took a deep breath, but felt that the breath in her chest was not enough. As soon as the breath entered her chest, she was squeezed out uncontrollably. Qiu Ju's tears fell down, and she covered her mouth.

"I'm coming..." Yu Liang walked over trembling. After looking at it for most of the day, he also knew how to do it.

Seeing that the dog's chest was blown up again, Zhen Shiniang exhaled.

Reach out and try the dog's carotid beat, and Zhen Shiniang readjusted the frequency, "one, two, three..." and counted again.

Half a quarter of an hour has passed, and the sand in the leaking pot is still flowing mercilessly one by one.

Gradually, Zhen Shiniang was a little desperate.

A quarter of an hour in ancient times is the fifteenth minute of the previous life, and it is only a quarter of an hour at first sight. According to the experience of the previous life, if you continue to treat for 30 minutes and still have no heartbeat and spontaneous breathing, the doctor will consider giving up...

Did you just give up like this?

I felt that I was powerless to continue, and Zhen Shiniang also slowed down, and there was a heavy weight in her heart. The dog's parents gave the dog's life to her, but there was nothing she could do... RS