Medical incense

Chapter 208 Awakening

"... Aunt Magpie, don't worry, your wife's medicine is the best, and it will never leave a scar." Seeing that the magpie was full of worries, Qiu Ju comforted.

This stupid child.

Magpie sighed secretly. She was not worried about the injury on her forehead. A few scars on her forehead were nothing. Even if she was on her face, Li Changhe would not want her. She was worried about her wife.

The more confused Zhen Shiniang is, the calmer and slower her movements will be. However, with ordinary minor injuries, she actually gave medicine for two quarters of an hour. The slow movement, like embroidery, is full of exciting darkness in the calm.

Since she moved to the ancestral house, Zhen Shi Niang has always had a peace of peace of mind. The irritability will gradually calm down in front of her. Every time she sits so quietly beside her, I feel at ease. In this way, I feel a disturbing uneasiness beside her. It is the second time. .

The first time was when Jian Wu was three years old. Because he was chased and scolded as a wild child without a father, he fought with Ge Bajin, who was more than half a year older than him. He kicked and bit and hugged him. The two finally rolled into the ice water together from the grass to the river... After being rescued him, At night, Zhen Shiniang sat undressed by his bed for two days and two nights.

That night, she still remembers it vividly.

The wet nurse slept with Brother Wen, and the room was quiet and scary. It's also quiet, but she just sits next to Zhen Shiniang and feels uneasiness as if the sky is about to fall...

This time, the sky won't really fall, will it?

Magpie can't imagine. If she really separates their mother and son, can Zhen Shiniang still live? How long can she live?

Thinking in a mess, she felt a tight and suffocating breath in the room. She subconsciously turned around, "General..." I don't know when Shen Zhongqi was standing quietly at the door, with a cold face and no sadness or joy.

"Mom, mother..." Jian Wu and Jian Wen both hugged Zhen Shiniang's waist from behind.

The magpie was about to get up when he was held down by Zhen Shiniang, "...don't move." She calmly wrapped the last circle of gauze for the magpie, tied a knot, and then clapped her hands and told Qiu Ju to clean it up.

The autumn chrysanthemum magpie quickly packed up the medicine box and went out.

There are only four members of Shen Zhongzhen and Zhenniang in the room.

Jian Wu Jianwen held Zhen Shi Niang tightly, squeezed his lips and stared at Shen Zhongqi.

"...Brother Wen, Brother Wu, go out first." Shen Zhongqi sat down on the side of the kang, "I have something to say to your mother."

Zhen Shiniang took a photo of Jianwu Jianwen.

"Mom, mother!" Jian Wu and Jian Wen were so scared that he hugged Zhen Shi Niang and didn't give up.

For a long time, Jian Wu looked up at Zhen Shiniang, "... I won't be a general, and I won't take the first exam!" He hugged Zhen Shiniang vigorously, "Mother said that you and he can only choose one. I want my mother, I want my mother... I don't want a general!"

"I want my mother too!" Jian Wen also shouted with him.

It's really a pot that can't be opened!

That evil star was full of anger. Isn't it obvious to burn and add fuel?

I felt a chill in the room. Yu Guang saw that Shen Zhongqi's flat face was black again. Zhen Shiniang quickly patted Jian Wu's back, "Come on, listen to your father and go out first."

"Mother..." Jian Wu Jianwen hugged her to death.

was scared by Shen Zhongqi's strong take them away before. How could Ren Zhenshiniang persuade him? Jian Wu Jianwen just didn't give up.

"Brother Wen, Brother Wu, don't worry, the general won't let you leave your mother." In a desperate way, Gu Yanpu pushed the door and came in, "Father and mother have something to say. Let's follow the master to trace the red first."

This means that he convinced Shen Zhongqi!

Zhen Shiniang looked shocked and suddenly looked up at Gu Yanpu.

Gu Yanpu nodded silently to her.

Feeling the familiar and reassuring tranquility returned to his mother, Jian Wu Jianwen calmed down in an instant and looked up at Zhen Shinang.

"Go ahead..." Zhen Shiniang rubbed their hair with a smile. "Go to do your homework first. I'll come to you later."

"We are in the study. Mother will call us if she has something to do."

Jian Wu Jianwen stared at Shen Zhongqi, who was sitting by the kang. He slowly rubbed down to the ground, bypassed him, and ran out.

There are only Zhen Shiniang and Shen Zhongqi left in the room.

The air suddenly calmed down.

Looking at Zhen Shiniang, who was as white and slender as willow catkins, Shen Zhongqi remembered the conversation with Gu Yanpu in his ear:

"... In the past five years, their mother and son have depended on each other. Mrs. Shen is weak and has almost withered. I'm afraid she has long been in ancient times." Gu Yanpu changed the topic, "The reason why she can live until now is that she is afraid that she will be bullied without a child, so she is forced to live with a spirit. If the general separates them in less than a month, I'm afraid Mrs. Shen will..." Gu Yanpu shook his head and didn't go on.

"I didn't separate them!" As he spoke, Shen Zhongqi realized that he was out of control. He took a breath and slowed down his voice, "I want to take both their mother and son into the general's mansion." He looked at Gu Yanpu sincerely, "... Shi Niang looks soft, but in fact, she is very twisted in her bones. Your husband is highly respected. Can you help me persuade her?"

Gu Yanpu shook his head, "I heard that because of the kindness and resentment six years ago, Mrs. Shen and Mrs. Shen vowed not to be in the same room with her..." Gu Yanpu looked at Shen Zhongqi, "The general thought Mrs. Shen would let Mrs. Shen go to the house with her son?"

"I didn't..." Shen Zhongqi was very frank, "Now I know that she gave birth to a grandchild for my Shen family. It's too late to be happy. I will definitely let her enter the house." Only he knew about her mother's expectation for her direct grandson. "The mother and son have been in poor health these days. The maid proposed to invite Shi Niang to the house to diagnose her mother's pulse, but the mother did not refuse." Looking at Gu Yanpu, "D because Shi Niang treated the seventh prince and added glory to the general's mansion, my mother's attitude towards her has changed."

It didn't think that if Zhen Shi Niang was diagnosed, she would have to wait for the disease in front of the bed. The body couldn't stand it. Seeing that his mother's attitude had changed, he wanted to take Zhen Shiniang into the house while the iron was hot and take the opportunity to repair the relationship between their mother-in-law

Your mother wants to frame your wife into the house to torture her!

Now it's different. How could she miss the ready-made mother-child separation game?

Gu Yanpu sighed, "He still can't understand Mrs. Shen's nature after all." Thinking about it, "Yes, it's the children of those wicked people who have not seen their parents do evil with their own eyes. He also believes that his parents are the best in the world." What's more, Shen Zhongqi is also famous for his filial piety. Over the years, he has been on an expedition. After coming back, he either trained troops in Fenggu Camp or sent an envoy to the State of Qi. He was rarely in the house. How could he know that his mother had changed a long time ago.

Seeing Shen Zhongqi's frank words and had no doubt about the old lady, Gu Yanpu instantly gave up the plan to let him see that the old lady and Zhen Shiniang was not an ordinary mother-in-law and daughter-in-law at all. He lowered his head and thought about it carefully.

"My mother also said that as long as she can give birth to a direct grandson for the Shen family, let him enter the house." Seeing Gu Yanpu's low eyebrows and meditating, Shen Zhongqi explained again, "Sir, don't worry, as long as you can persuade Shi Niang to agree to go back home with me, my mother will definitely accept her."

Gu Yanpu shook his head, "Mrs. Shen has healed my cold legs. I don't want to hurt her." Seeing that Shen Zhongqi's face changed, he changed the topic, "Does General Shen think that the old lady will forget all the resentment against Mrs. Shen when she sees Brother Wen and Brother Wu?"

Of course not, but at least, the old lady will never let her enter the house.

He has found a way to resolve the grievances between them. As long as he enters the house and reconciles in the middle, even if their mother-in-law and daughter-in-law can't get along well, at least they won't hate each other.

For this, Shen Zhongqi is full of confidence.

"You still need to tie the bell to untie the bell..." After thinking for a moment, Shen Zhongqi said, "The reason why my mother doesn't want to see Shi Niang is that six years ago, Shi Niang has changed now, but my mother has no chance to find it." He sighed sincerely, "As long as she is willing to enter the house and has been in contact for a long time, her mother can finally find her good." Just like him before.

The more he was with Zhen Shi Niang, the more he felt that Zhen Shi Niang was unique in the world.

"That's right..." Gu Yanpu was speechless about Shen Zhongqi's stubbornness, "That..." He thought for a moment, "General thought it would take for Mrs. Shen to be resensitive to the old lady after she entered the house?"

"This..." Shen Zhongqi hesitated for a while, "A month or two is enough." The old lady's attitude towards Zhen Shiniang has begun to change. When she saw two grandchildren with pink carving jade again, she was happy and may have changed immediately. He said that two months had been too much.

"The general didn't think about it..." Seeing that Shen Zhongqi was full of confidence, Gu Yanpu changed the topic, "Before the old lady is resced, she will embarrass Mrs. Shen and humiliate her?" Seeing that Shen Zhongqi was about to open his mouth, Gu Yanpu waved his hand and didn't let him say, "...The general can still transfer from the general's mansion. What if the general is not there?" He looked at Shen Zhongqi, "...The general takes care of everything every day, and can't keep their mother-in-law and daughter-in-law all the time. If the old lady sets rules for his wife every day in the past two months, does the general think his wife's body can bear it now?"

"This..." Shen Zhongqi's face was a little pale.

From the great joy of knowing that he had a son to the great sadness that Zhen Shi Niang hated him to the bone, during this day, his mood has been filled with an inexplicable anxiety, which he really hasn't seriously considered.

"It's normal for my mother-in-law to set rules for her daughter-in-law." Gu Yanpu took the opportunity to say, "If it's an ordinary person, the old lady is not in a dilemma. The resentment between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law is so deep that Mrs. Shen should also kneel outside the old lady's door in the morning and evening to ask for forgiveness..." She sighed, "It's a In the middle, not to mention two months, only kneeling for a month, Mrs. Shen about..." In a rude tone, "Xiang Xiaoyu has disappeared!"

Shen Zhongqi's face turned pale.

"General..." Seeing that Shen Zhongqi looked straight at himself without saying a word, Zhen Shiniang shouted in a low voice.

"Oh..." Looking back, Shen Zhongqi withdrew his eyes, "Three conditions!" He looked at Zhen Shiniang and said, "If you agree, I won't pick up Brother Wen and Brother Wu for the time being, and let them live with you in the ancestral house."

Gu Yanpu was right. He was reckless.

Zhen Shi Niang can't go back to the general's mansion for the time being. She is not in good health. She can't do it to resolve the enmity between the old lady and her. These things have to be done by him in person. After he arranges everything and cleans up the eyeliner of An Qinghou beside his mother, RS