Medical incense

Chapter 240 Canine

Add and ask for pink. "Go ahead, the squirrel and the little black's nest have been built." Shen Zhongqi patted him, "Look at whether you like it or not. If you don't like it, let people change it." Knowing how precious his son's little pets are, Shen Zhongqi simply cleaned up a courtyard for Jianwu Jianwen behind Haoranju, which was exactly the same as the overlord's house in Wutong Town, and also hung a sign of the overlord's house.

Jian Wu and Jian Wen ran away.

Afraid that the little maid saw the funny appearance of Shen Zhongqi's clothes, Zhen Shiniang went out to find a blue plain brocade monk's robe to change.

Just as he was about to turn around, he was hugged by Shen Zhongqi.

"Mother actually prepared a futon of pot stones for you." The sluggish voice has a deep self-blame.

For his mother's behavior, he also blushed and felt sorry for Zhen Shiniang.

Zhen Shiniang was shocked and hurriedly pushed him out, "There is a maid outside."

This is not an ancestral house. Sure enough, she was bumped into by the little maid and spread to the courtyards. She simply bought a piece of tofu and killed it.

"They dare not come in..." Shen Zhongqi buried his face in Zhen Shiniang's shoulder. "I just hug, hug." The tone is muffled.

These days, nothing went well in the affairs of the court. He especially missed the quiet taste of Zhen Shiniang, especially in those days in prison. It was rare to think about it carefully. The calm he was, the more he found that he had been wrong before.

I have never seen my mother's nature clearly. I only blindly filially helped her hurt Zhen Shiniang. Now that I think that Zhen Shiniang can treat him like this, it is really a gift from God.

People like him deserve to be sent to the 18th floor of hell!

When Shen Zhongqi was rarely so decadent, he heard the downturn in his tone. Zhen Shiniang was inexplicably distressed, and her body softened in an instant and stood there and let him hold her.

Hearing the maid's footsteps at the door, Shen Zhongqi raised his head, took Zhen Shiniang to the kang and sat down. He sat on the other side. "I want to pick you up in person. Only in the past two days, due to the matter of the horse market, I have been unable to get out of the palace." Thinking that she and her son were crazy, Cai Di was not in a hurry to let Rongsheng pick it up.

"The general has to take these roads to pick up his concubine in person..." Hearing Shen Zhongqi's low tone, Zhen Shiniang smiled and joked, "You can't save a mile. It's all the same." He served a cup of tea for Shen Zhongqi, "Isn't the horse market going well?"

It can make this domineering man frown, which is by no means ordinary unsuccessful. Zhen Shinang's tone unconsciously has a little more worry. When she asks, she thinks of the ten thousand years of admonition... Zhen Shiniang's excitement, she is over the rules!

Carefully look at Shen Zhongqi.

Hearing her worries, Shen Zhongqi's heart was inexplicably warm. "Zheng Ge Lao did not agree to open the horse market, and the cabinet's opinions were not unified... All the officials looked at them, and they were not the same. In the past two days, they have opened the pot." The voice was natural, and Zhen Shiniang asked, "Long live today, I and Brother Xiao have been summoned to the Taihe Hall, and we were instructed to persuade Zheng Gelao within a time limit." He sighed, "What Zheng Ge said is right, reasonable and well-founded, and Brother Xiao also has a headache."

If it hadn't been for the need to conquer Yan Qi, the big week would not be suitable for opening a large horse market.

"There's nothing big brother can do?"

Shen Zhongqi shook his head.

"Long live, why don't you start from Zheng Guifei?" Zhen Shiniang frowned.

But he gave up the near and asked for the far, and instructed them to persuade Zheng Gelao.

"Long live Zheng Guifei is a childhood sweetheart. Long live is probably in a dilemma, right?" In the past, Shen Zhongqi never thought so and would not say such a thing. In the future, the more he came into contact with Zhen Shinang, he gradually felt that women were also thoughtful. They could not always use general means to them. They blindly used strong, sighed faintly, looked up, and saw that Zhen Shiniang was frowned, and immediately felt He said, "Don't worry. Brother Xiao is resourceful and known as a genius. Let him worry about these things. He said that he was responsible for us. I just gave him today's hitman. Long live knows better than anyone else."


Zhen Shiniang smiled?

This evil star will also rely on his incompat at being deceitful and skillful.

Seeing her smile, Shen Zhongqi looked light, "How did you hide?" Hearing Jian Wen and Jian Wu say that Zhen Shi Niang did not kneel to the old lady, he had always been curious.

The old lady is so unreasonable. How can she be appointed to Zhan Shiniang to stand?

His mother splashed, and he, a dignified general, had to kneel down.

"What?" Zhen Shiniang was stunned.

"Why didn't your mother let you kneel?"

He didn't believe that the old lady would find his conscience and began to feel sorry for Zhen Shiniang.

Zhen Shi Niang suddenly understood, so she casually untied the holy Yu Qingxi jade pendant at her waist and showed Shen Zhongqi, "I brought this." Speaking of the situation at that time, I remembered that after all, she was Shen Zhongqi's mother, and he was an ancient man who paid attention to loyalty and filial piety. "I'm not in good health. I'm afraid that I can't eat after kneeling for a long time, which makes my mother even more angry."

Shen Zhongqi took it over and turned over for a long time and said with a smile, "This is really a good thing. Take it with you when you see your mother in the future." Thinking of Jian Wen, the old lady asked her to stand all the time, "You are always a daughter-in-law. It's not good to spread it out in the morning and evening. I want tea..." He looked up and discussed, "I'll customize a few more sets of life clothes for you, and you will wear life clothes when you go to see your mother

The old lady is now dressed in white. She wears her life to ask for it, and she can sit down.

Is he helping her deal with the old lady?

A trace of brilliance appeared in Zhen Shi Niang's eyes. "Isn't it good to wear a life suit in the house?" There is always a sense of showing off in the nest.

However, this is also a good way to escape the old lady from tossing her.

Today, I stood outside the old lady's bedroom for more than two quarters. When she came back, she had been thinking about how to do it. Unexpectedly, Shen Zhongqi thought of it for her.

"What are you afraid of? There is no law prohibiting it." Shen Zhongqi said, "This is your home. You can wear it if you want. You can do whatever you want. Who dares to say it!" The sonorous tone was domineering.

This evil star, I'm afraid he can't change his temper if he wants to do it in his life.

However, sometimes it's quite cute. Zhen Shiniang smiled.

There is a warm atmosphere in the air.

Shen Zhongqi thought of the middle feed again.

"If you are not in good health, don't worry about that. Let Aunt Chu continue to be the master first. It's only three or two months to wait for the younger sister-in-law to give it to her as soon as she enters the door: "I know Zhen Shi Niang's open-mindedness, I will definitely not care about

Zhen Shi Niang was stunned.

No wonder Chu Xinyi asked arrogantly what else she needed as soon as she entered the house today.

However, she risked her life to enter the general's mansion in order to pave the way for Jian Wu Jianwen.

If she can't get the middle feed, she can't clean up the inside and outside of the general's mansion and replace it with her own person, so why did she enter the house?

She looked at Shen Zhongqi thoughtfully.

If you are not allowed to take over the feed, do you really love her body... or are you reluctant to make Chu Xinyi sad?

Seeing that Zhen Shiniang looked wrong, Shen Zhong's heart skimated.

Why does she seem to be very unhappy... Does she want to host the feed?

I didn't realize that I secretly regretted that I promised to be rashly that day. I forgot to ask her what I meant first. I thought in my heart that I would wait for the old lady to find a way to help her get the middle feed after a while, but I was afraid to go on, revealing that the old lady did not let her host Topic..."... I know you are used to Ji Huaifeng and others. Long live the special order to give them to you."

This evil star has always been simple for women, so it's better to make it clear to him.

As soon as she came in, she planned to be honest with Shen Zhongqi in everything, and no longer wasted time guessing each other. Thinking about it again and again, Zhen Shi Niang was about to open her mouth. She never thought that Shen Zhongqi had changed the topic. Seeing that he did not want to talk more, Zhen Shi Niang shut up and Long lives, the general will also pay some attention in front of them in the future.

"I know." Shen Fengqi nodded happily.

He really likes Chu Xinyi, doesn't he?

When the air fell silent, Zhen Shiniang quietly looked at Shen Zhongqi's handsome face. Suddenly, her heart was empty.

The little maid hurriedly knocked on the door and came in. "Master Wu's dog bit several watchdogs to death, and he is deadlocked with Master Xu!"

Shen Zhongqi stood up.

"General!" When Zhen Shiniang stood up, Shen Zhongqi was gone. He quickly helped Qiu Ju and hurriedly caught up with the watchdogs in the general's mansion and kept them in the courtyard behind the room.

At this time, seven or eight dogs in the courtyard door opened and hid tremblingly at the root of the wall in the courtyard door, and hissed and roared from time to time, looking like chopsticks.

There were four or five big dogs more than half a person lying horizontally at the door, all of which were cut off in one bite, and the blood was still flowing. In the middle of several dog corpses, a man in blue was bitten half of his face and lay straight on the ground, very depleen.

Xu Gui, the house custoon, took seven or eight big men with big arms and round waists around half a circle with a stick with a thick bowl in his hand, and confronted Jian Wu, who was leaning on the corner of the wall and holding Xiaohei from afar.

"This dog is so fierce that the house is determined not to keep it. Young master, let it go!" Looking at the blood flowing into a river on the ground, Xu Gui's heart trembled.

God, four or five big dogs were killed in the blink of an eye. Is this still a dog?

Xu Gui doubted whether Jian Wu was a devil.

Jian Wu hugged the ugly little black with extremely bloody ghosts without saying a word, leaning against the wall and staring at everyone stubbornly.

Feng Shisan stood in the corner of the other side with Jian Wen. He was afraid of the fierce breath from the ghost's top and did not dare to approach Jian Wu. He looked at Xu Gui with a stern voice, "Who dares to hurt Master Wu today? I, Feng Shisan, swore to destroy his whole family!"

"Master Feng's anger, how dare we touch the young master..." Xu Gui explained bitterly, "This dog is too fierce, and the general's mansion really can't stay!" He turned around and coaxed Jian Wu, "Young master, let him go quickly. He hurt you carefully."

Shen Zhongqi is here.

Seeing that Jian Wu was covered in blood at a glance, Shen Zhongqi was so scared that he almost lost his breath. "Brother Wu, are you all right!" He raised his foot and rushed to Jian Wu.

Seeing Shen Zhongqi rushing over, Xiaohei's hair stood up in an instant, and there was a roar in his nose. The fierce and ugly dog face was even more ferocious and horrible, and suddenly the night fork was born.

"Don't come here!" Jian Wu shouted loudly. To be continued