Medical practice in another world

Chapter 059 The Spirit and the Balancer

The old magician took everyone to an auditorium. There was a lot of space in the auditorium, and two standard basketball courts could be put down side by side. Nearly 400 people stood in the hall without any feeling of crowd.

In addition to the entrance where the old magician brought everyone in, there is another entrance in the auditorium, just opposite the entrance where the old magician brought everyone in. However, after another entrance, there is a corridor about 50 meters long, and there is also an auditorium behind the corridor, but it is smaller than the auditorium where everyone is now.

"Cough!" The old magician coughed and attracted everyone's attention. After the attention of the vast majority of people gathered, the old magician continued: "Classmates, now you have arrived at the place for the entrance examination. Next, the entrance test will officially begin. Please turn around and look at the opposite exit. I believe you have also seen the auditorium behind. The auditorium is the first test, which can accommodate ten people at the same time. When other relearning tests, I also hope that all students can keep quiet and watch in Yidi. The students who completed the first test walked back through the auditorium. Then there is another auditorium. That's the second test. After completing the second test and passing through the auditorium of the second test, you arrive at a square. The last test will be carried out on that square. After completing the final test, you can leave by yourself after receiving the test results from the test tutor. Do you understand?"

"I see." Everyone answered in unison.

"Now that you understand, let's start the test." The old magic announced loudly.

At the same time, the door of the auditorium in the distance opened. Two teachers in magic robes walked out and stood on both sides of the door. Everyone also began to enter the corridor and headed for the site of the first test.

The corridor space is relatively narrow, and only two people can walk side by side. So everyone naturally lined up in two lines.

When I came to the first test auditorium. The teacher standing on both sides of the door stopped the crowd, and then one of them announced loudly, "Only ten people can enter at a time. In order not to affect other people's tests and shorten the time of the total test, only 20 people are allowed in the auditorium. Ten of them are the people who will be tested, and the other ten must wait quietly outside the test area. The ten people to be tested completed the test and all left the test area. Another ten people can enter the test area and prepare for the test. At the same time, the person who completed the test left for the next test. In addition, ten people to be tested entered the auditorium and waited. If someone enters the test area while others are testing, they will be directly disqualified from the test. If you don't understand, there are announcements on both sides of the door.

After informing everyone of the precautions, the teacher standing on both sides of the entrance began to let it go.

The first ten people to enter the test area directly. There are two rows of seats in the test area, five in each row. These chairs are not much different from ordinary chairs. There is an apple-sized magic crystal on the front end of the armrests and the top of the back. Behind each chair stands a magic teacher, which seems to be the one who controls the magic test chair.

Seeing these test chairs, Du Feng couldn't help thinking viciously, "Damn, why do these guys' test chairs look more and more like electric chairs for criminals?"

The first ten people to enter went to ten magic test chairs, handed over their test sheets to the teacher, and then sat down on the magic stone.

At this time, the other ten people had also walked to both sides of the auditorium and waited quietly. The teacher who controls the test chair can only start the test after asking the tester and getting the tester's approval.

Soon, the magic crystal ball on the top of the magic back began to shine. Everyone's light in the magic chair is different. For a while, the auditorium was reflected like a dream, which was extremely dazzling and charming.

Many girls who looked at the appearance couldn't help exclaiming, and Du Feng couldn't help sighing in his heart.

The light lasted only four seconds, and it quickly dimmed. Then each teacher wrote down each person's test speed on the test sheet of the test student. Finally, ten people who finished the test took the test list and thanked the teacher who helped the test. They went to another exit in the auditorium to test the next project.

After watching this test, Du Feng immediately understood what the test was about.

This test is to test the proportion of various magical elements in each person's body.

Everyone's body has a magical attribute, which we have at birth. If the body attribute is more important than the fire system, then when this person practices, the absorption and control of fire energy will be stronger than that of other systems. Of course, this difference depends on the physical attributes. Of course, there are also some very few people who do not have any magic energy in their bodies. This kind of person is called a spirit person and can't practice any magic and martial arts.

Although it focuses on a certain attribute of the body, which will be beneficial to the cultivation of this attribute energy, it does not mean that it cannot cultivate other attribute energy, but it is relatively slower. In the end, it depends on your personal choice. If your body attributes are exactly what you want to practice, then congratulations.

The test was carried out very quickly, and soon it was Du Feng's turn to test. After reading so much, Du Feng also knows how to do it. After giving the test sheet to the teacher, Du Feng sat on the chair and held the magic crystal stone on the armrests on both sides. Then he took the initiative to say to the teacher of the test, "Teacher, I'm ready to start."

"Okay." The female teacher of the test replied. Then Du Feng asked, "Now try to input magic into the crystals in your hands."

Du Feng entered magic into the two magic crystals according to the teacher's request. Of course, Du Feng did not input magic, but pure spiritual power.

Suddenly, the auditorium was like a flash bomb. The white light that was more dazzling than the sun burst. The students in the auditorium only fell white in front of their eyes, and then their eyes couldn't help tingling, and then they subconsciously closed their eyes.

Other people waiting outside the auditorium. I only felt that the auditorium became blazing white, and all the other places in my eyes were shrouded in darkness. Then I also felt a tingling pain in my eyes, and finally I couldn't help closing my eyes.

Du Feng quickly found the key to the problem and immediately stopped entering spiritual power into the crystal ball. The light of the crystal ball on the top of the chair immediately dimmed and returned to its normal transparency. However, everyone's eyes must take a while to recover.

At this moment, Du Feng secretly thought about how to deal with it next: "A failure, the principle of this thing that tests magic attributes is obviously electric light, magic is electricity, and I just forgot to control the size of the input magic. What should I do? How to explain it?"

"White, are you all right?" The test teacher's worried voice sounded behind him.

"I'm fine." After answering, Du Feng suddenly thought of a way to cover it up: "Teacher, is there something wrong with this test chair just now?"

"There should be something wrong." The test teacher replied. At this time, everyone gradually regained their eyesight. They began to talk in a low voice.

"Please be quiet." The previous old magic came out.

After everyone calmed down, the old magician said loudly, "Now the test is suspended, and the failed test chair will be replaced before the test will resume. Please wait patiently.

After that, the old magician ordered others to scatter the test chair Du Feng had just used. About ten minutes later, another test chair was carried in. After a while of inspection, the person who came in with the test chair whispered to the old magician, "Okay, you can continue the test."

After thanking several people, the old magician got up and announced, "Okay, the test can continue now. Please continue the students who failed the test just now."

After that, Du Feng continued to test. In this test, Du Feng carefully controlled the input of spiritual power.

In the end, Du Feng's situation was normal but abnormal.

Normally, the crystal ball of the test chair is not as bright as before, and the intensity of the light is normal.

What is abnormal is that the light emitted by Du Feng's crystal ball is not more or less colored, but pure and colorless.

Du Feng's situation is extremely rare. Because only people with perfectly balanced magic of various attributes can make the crystal ball emit colorless light. This kind of person, like the spiritist, also has a nickname - the balancer.

"Wow, it's really dangerous." Du Feng was secretly relieved. Taking the test list recorded by the teacher, Du Feng went to the next test auditorium. At the same time, he secretly reminded himself, "Although I know what the next test is, I must pay attention to it. If there is another accident like just now and expose my strength, it will be bad."