Medical practice in another world

Chapter 158 *Pet

This is a huge church-like building, and its style is very similar to the bright church in the imperial capital. However, the church in front of us is much bigger than the bright church on the ground. If the church on the ground is compared to an ordinary small building, the church in front of Du Feng is a 20-story office building. It accounts for almost a quarter of the ground of Kerry Palace.

A church of this size is buried 200 meters deep, and the outer wall of the church is covered with powerful magic arrays. In this case, as long as you are not an idiot, you must know that there must be a huge secret in this church.

Returning from the shock, Du Feng took back his consciousness and turned to the crowd: "This stone wall is the outer wall of a huge church, 32 meters below here, 73 meters to the left, there is an entrance to the interior of the church, and then you will push towards that entrance."

"Yes." Keller took the order.

"Okay, there's nothing here. Let's go up." Du Feng turned around and left.

No one asked much about the women and left behind Du Feng. The night shadow team began to determine the direction of the advance and was ready to start pushing towards the entrance.

After returning to the ground, Du Feng took the women directly to the backyard. After looking at the four beasts in the courtyard, all the women showed their love.

These four beasts are not only strong, but also have all kinds of cute skills. After seeing the love shown by the women, they immediately began their respective performances. In particular, the two goods, Red Tiger and Grizzly Bear, are absolutely two living treasures, and Du Feng can't wait to rush up and give a kick.

"Son, where did you get these little guys? They are so cute." Yarui rarely took the initiative to speak in front of others. At this moment, Yarui is gently touching the sky, and the sky is still enjoying it.

Du Feng couldn't help shaking his head helplessly and then explained, "They are all my old playmates that I asked Aunt Liz to bring from the forest. And the purpose of bringing them here is to ensure your safety and prevent similar things from happening again.

After saying that, Du Feng began to introduce the four beasts to the women.

"This guy is called Red Tiger, fire-based, delicious and fun, and it's okay to fight." Du Feng kicked and was lying on the ground with his limbs rolling into the sky.

"Red Tiger?" Nilu looked at the kitten-shaped red tiger and commented, "It looks a little like the fire holy beast flaming red tiger. I want him."

"What does it mean? I'm a real holy beast, flaming red tiger." The red tiger turned over and stood up and said with a stinky face.

All the women were shocked. Then Luna glanced at the other three beasts and finally looked at Du Feng and said, "Are they all holy beasts?"

Du Feng nodded and replied, "Yes, that stupid-looking bear is actually a native holy beast - the bear of the earth. As long as the dead bastard over there is a non-water holy beast - the Xuanbing giant turtle. The last bird that looks very sling is the holy beast of the wind system - the eagle of the sky. However, they are not yet an adult. Now their strength is only equivalent to that of human saints, but they should be stronger than most saints.

For Du Feng's words, all the women were speechless for a while. The women thought that these four beasts were A-level monsters at most, but they didn't expect that they were holy beasts. All the women have received the orthodox education of this world, so the holy beast has become an extremely powerful existence in their hearts, which is the legendary level.

But now Du Feng suddenly told the women that these cats and bears, which are completely different from pets, are those legendary holy beasts, extremely powerful holy beasts. Domineering holy beast.

How can this be acceptable?

Unacceptable doesn't mean that the women don't believe Du Feng's words, but they just can't adapt for a while. This situation is like meeting a goddess on the Internet, but when I really saw these goddesses, I found that the other party was only a little Lori who was still in the first grade of primary school. Of course, those children's shoes with special hobbies are excluded.

It took a while for the women to accept what they saw.

"Since Sister Yarui chose the sky and Nilu chose the red tiger, I'll go to the grizzly bear first." Lian knew in her heart that if she didn't choose first, Luna would not choose first.

Luna actually knows in her heart that even if she chooses first, the women will certainly have no objections. But knowing some things is not the same as being able to do it, and many things take time.

"Now that you have chosen, you can go to school first. I have something else to do. I'll go to the school library to find you later. Du Feng arranged.

"That?" Luna asked strangely, "Don't you have to sign any contract?"

"No." Du Feng shook his head with a smile and said, "They are not less intelligent than human beings, unlike those low-level monsters, who need the power of the contract to restrain the beast in their bodies. Otherwise, it is likely to hurt the owner.

"Hey, don't talk about how high you humans are, as if there is no animal in your body." The red tiger complained with dissatisfaction.

"You talk the most." Du Feng stared at the red tiger and said.

All the women laughed, and Luna no longer worried about anything. Six people and four beasts left together with words and smiles.

After the women left, Du Feng ordered in a low voice, "Let Keller wait for me in the hall on the first floor."

"Yes." Suddenly, there was a sound in the empty backyard.

Du Feng did not immediately go to the hall on the first floor, but came to the white room on the second floor. When everyone was dressing up yesterday afternoon, Du Feng took advantage of this time to treat Bai.

White is in good condition in all aspects. If there is no accident, he should wake up in four days. Thinking of this, Du Feng couldn't help sighing slightly. A dream for ten years, although it is very simple, how many people can accept this kind of thing?

Of course, Du Feng just had some feelings. After checking Bai's body and confirming that there was no hidden danger. Du Feng left for the first floor of the hall.

When Du Feng came to the hall, Keller was already waiting in the hall.

"Captain." Keller saluted Du Feng.

"How is the analysis of the information I gave you yesterday?" Du Feng asked casually.

"I have handed this matter to Xuxue, and I haven't found any important information so far." He reported.

Du Feng nodded slightly and said, "It's really good to leave this matter to Xu Xue. They are careful and suitable for these things."

"Yes." Keller answered.

"The night before yesterday, outside the east of the city, I found that someone buried a very large number of magic crystals in the ground. Your task is to find out whether there are also a large number of crystals buried in other underground areas outside the city, and then find out the purpose of burying these crystals." Du Feng assigned a task to the Night Shadow Team.


"Okay, it's okay. Go and arrange manpower." Du Feng waved his hand.

Returning to the ground and looking at the sky, Du Feng said to himself, "Who is it? What is the purpose of such a big hand?"