God of Mercenaries

Chapter 9 The situation is not good, turn around and run (,)

Pirate ships are large and small, and each of the three nearly 100-meter-long pirate ships in front of them can accommodate at least hundreds of pirates.

Because of the shallow water on the shore or some other problems, pirate ships also need to be equipped with some small boats. Previously, small boats such as wooden boats and today's dragon boats are necessary for large pirate ships.

Three dragon boats, each carrying 15 pirates. Twelve of them rowed forward with two oars, while the other three held huge shields and defended in the bow.

Guda obviously smelled blood from this pirate, which is no longer comparable to those just now. He frowned deeply and shouted, "Archers, stop shooting head-on. "How much can you shoot!"

All the mercenaries with bows and arrows took action, and the speed and narrow shape of the dragon boat was more than twice as fast as that of the canoe. In just a few seconds, the distance has been narrowed to 50 meters.

There is no need for Guda to order to attack again. An arrow infused with star power quickly shot at the pirates on the dragon boat. Fast arrows can reach the position of attack in two or three seconds.

This time, the pirates did not sit back and wait for the arrow to fall on their bodies. Half of the pirates got up with weapons and paid full attention to the arrows they shot.

"Ding Ding Ding!"

A total of eight mercenaries shot arrows, and except for one that hit a pirate, the other seven arrows were blown out by the pirates with weapons.

"They are few, rush over!"

The red-haired pirate on the first ship shouted fiercely with a ferocious expression. At this time, more than 20 meters away from the coast, he actually jumped up and rushed directly to the coast with the help of the inertia of the dragon boat.

"Constellation Master?" Wang Fei narrowed his eyes and whispered doubtfully.

"This is a star skill! The red-haired ghost is a battle captain of the giant axe pirate ship, with the cultivation of a four-patterned star division. His famous star gliding in the sky can fly dozens of meters in the air. This distance is not a problem for him!"

The person who answered Wang Fei's questions was his younger brother Gu Li.

Gu Li has lived in the Meteor Mercenary Regiment since he was a child and still has a deep understanding of famous mercenaries or pirates. He recognized the unique appearance of the red-haired ghost at a glance.

If the four-patterned star master red-haired ghost lets him enter the defensive formation, he will soon be torn out of a gap.

As the head of the Meteor Mercenary Regiment, Guda blocked the red-haired ghost's route. The huge sword in his hand hit the red-haired ghost fiercely.

"Hmm! The eagle worm trick also dares to take it out and show shame!"

The red-haired ghost muttered in his mouth while taking out a blood-red sword from nowhere. With a wave of his right hand, he immediately blocked Guda's attack. A huge force made him lose the motivation to move forward.

"Red-haired ghost, our meteor mercenary regiment and your giant axe pirate group have always been waterless. Isn't it too much for you this time?" Guda held a sword alone and asked with a straight face.

"Gaga!" The red-haired ghost laughed and didn't care about the arrows that the mercenaries continued to shoot at the pirates. He held a sword in one hand and looked at Gu Da with contempt, saying, "Meteor Mercenary Regiment? The small three-star mercenary regiment dares to be compared with our giant axe pirate group. Don't consider whether you are qualified enough!"

"What's more, does our huge axe style need to be evaluated by others?"

During the confrontation between the two, three dragon boats had already landed. The arrows of the mercenaries only cost the pirates four or five people. The remaining 40 pirates rushed to the shore in an orderly manner.

The mercenary responsible for frontal defense has been prepared for a long time. They occupy favorable terrain, with ten points of power, and can definitely burst out 12 points of power. All kinds of star skills containing star power attack the pirates in the front.

"Ding Ding Da..."

The fierce collision sounded, hitting the pirates in the front. Under the joint attack of mercenaries, several people were killed immediately.

The red-haired ghost's eyes glanced at the side, and he immediately understood that his companion's situation was not very good. In the narrow space, the advantage of the number of people is not brought into play, but also needs to be careful of the attacks of bows and arrows on both sides.

Guda's eyes lit up, and he also paid attention to the battle. Pirates will not break through the defensive front in a short time. As long as you hold back the red-haired ghost, you will not be in a passive situation.

Both of them have rich experience and immediately understood the key points. The red-haired ghost's moving body was immediately blocked by Guda and shouted, "Red-haired ghost, let me see your star skills!"

In a moment, the two fought together.

The fierce battle lasted for about ten minutes. The scene held on to each other, and neither side retreated.

However, the situation on the mercenary side is getting worse and worse. The pirate attack has lost five of their companions. Although pirates have also paid more than a dozen people, they still have an advantage in number.

At this time, the eight mercenaries using bows and arrows had to be divided into three to join the defense. Even so, the line of defense is still precarious.

At this moment, three large pirate ships put down a small boat again. And it rushed here at a fast speed.

"No, it's the green-haired ghost and the blue-haired ghost!"

Gu Li exclaimed and immediately attracted Wang Fei's attention. The latter asked doubtfully, "Do these two people have any connection with the red-haired ghost?"

"The giant axe pirate group has four-haired ghosts, red, green, blue and gold. The first three are all four-patterned star masters, while the blonde ghosts have reached the level of six-pattern star masters. They are the four battle captains of the Giant Axe Pirates. They didn't expect that three people would come once!"

While explaining, Gu Li was deeply worried about his father. Once the other two three-patterned star masters are approached, the end of the battle can be imagined.

Murong was also clear about the situation of the giant axe pirate group, even when he shouted, "Master Lin, Master Ku, stop the two people on the wooden boat!"

After receiving the order, Lin Yu immediately took a few steps to block the attack route of the green and blue-haired ghosts.

At this moment, dense footsteps came from the distance. Before long, hundreds of residents wearing different Sanshan Island appeared on the edge of the port.

Some residents, looking at the pirates fighting with the mercenaries, how can the blood in their minds be controlled? If the pirates rush up, they will have to wait for death.

There were about 40 or 50 residents, no matter what, holding fishing nets, harpoons, kitchen knives and so on, rushed to the pirates. They must defend their homes with their own actions.

Murong immediately realized that it was not good. The mercenaries were already difficult enough to defend. If they were rushed by the residents again, the whole formation would be absolutely destroyed. Moreover, the residents are just ordinary people, and they are not the opponents of fierce pirates!

"Stop, everyone stop! If you rush up like this, you can't drive away the pirates, but will disperse the defensive formation!"

More than a dozen residents who had rushed past Murong rushed directly into the crowd without any advice. The formation of the mercenaries was immediately dispersed. Three or four mercenaries, caught off guard, immediately died in the hands of the pirates.

Seeing such a situation, the anger in Guda's eyes almost burst out. The fierce counterattack stopped the attack of the red-haired ghost and shouted at his companions who were almost trapped in a pirate siege: "Brothers, let's withdraw!"

Well-trained mercenaries naturally have their own ways to escape, launch strong attacks one after another, and then immediately leave the battle.

At this time, the residents immediately panicked. More than a dozen residents who rushed in did not cause any damage to the pirates at all, but died tragically under the attack of pirates.

At this time, the remaining 30 pirates, led by the red, green and blue hair ghosts, have all come to the shore. They arranged neat formations, and the bloody desire in their eyes slowly extended.

Wang Fei saw that the situation was wrong, so he pulled Gu Li to turn his head and ran away. There was no longer a simple and honest smile on his face, which made him deeply realize that his situation was in danger of losing his life at any time.

"Brother, let go, I'm going to fight side by side with my father and kill pirates together!"


Wang Fei's hand knife stunned Gu Li. Although the little brother was cheated, he can't ignore it. After holding a coma body, it gradually disappeared into the mountain forest.