God of Mercenaries

Chapter 13 Seeds of Hatred

The weather after the hurricane looks particularly sunny. There are no clouds, a blue and secluded area. Under the sun, there are countless golden lights shining.

Wang Fei's mood is the opposite of the sunny weather. While his face was cloudy, he maintained a cold smile. The iron rod in his hand has reached the edge of action.

"Kid, can you come to trouble with the magic iron rod in your hand?" The bitter master's mouth was upturned, and his eyes were still full of disdain.

After all, Wang Fei's star cultivation is only a two-ring star apprentice. The strength of Lin and Ku has reached the realm of the star master, and the strength in the middle is very different, like the pearl light and the bright moon, which cannot be compared with each other.

Wang Fei did not reply, but continued to hold the iron rod in his hand. He still has a little confidence in dealing with star apprentices, even gaseous star apprentices. But the other party is a star master, which is not what he can deal with at all.

But Zhang Mazi's friendliness kept him firmly in his heart. Lin, Ku and others were out of the danger of pirate pursuit with his help. However, he never thought that the other party would be so selfish.

Turning the object, Wang Fei put his inquiring eyes on Murong's head wearing a sarong and said coldly, "Miss Murong, what do you mean? The mercenary corps is a favor to you. Even if you don't help, please don't hinder me. Otherwise, it's not good for everyone!"

This is Wang Fei's residence and the hiding place his father Wang Li specially sought. In addition to the hidden terrain, there are naturally hidden means. If he wants to leave here, he can be completely unaware of it.

But Wang Fei wanted to know Murong's answer, and Gu Li, who was in a coma, was also a factor of his reassurance. You must understand the situation in order to make the best choice.

"Master, let him leave!"

After thinking for a long time, Murong quietly said the answer in his heart.


"Don't say more!" Murong immediately interrupted, "We can stay here safely now, relying entirely on the help of Wang Fei's little brother. He is a righteous man and will never betray us!"

Wang Fei didn't know why Murong came to such a positive conclusion. He nodded gratefully and then walked out to the forest outside without saying a word.

Until Wang Fei left so far away, Master Su couldn't help but wonder, "Miss, are you so relieved about him?"

Murong shook his head slightly and replied, "It's not that I feel at ease with him, but that we can't stop him from leaving!" Think about it, judging from his previous series of performances, he is definitely not a brainless person. At this time, since we dare to confront you and us head-on, there may be a back hand that we don't know!"

"What's more! If he stays here, the danger must be less than the outside world. Since he can ignore his own danger for the mercenary. Then it's okay. For the sake of the Guli here, it won't betray us!"

Lin and Ku heard this and sent admiring eyes to Murong. The incisive analysis makes them realize that some things can be perfectly solved even without force.

On the other side, after Wang Fei entered the dense forest, he immediately ran quickly towards the place where the island residents lived. All kinds of obstacles on the road did not play any role under his feet. Along the way, it was like a ghost, leaving no complete trace.

"This is the closest to the area where Li lives. I'd better go there first!"

A quarter of an hour later, as the distance between him and the target was pulled in, Wang Fei's actions became more and more cautious. The speed was also controlled by him to the slowest. After that, it took half an hour to reach the destination.

At this time, the sky has gradually darkened. The bright stars replaced the sun and made the sky particularly mysterious. Starlight is scattered on the earth, and the star power in the air adds some color to the earth.


The nose sucked a few mouthfuls of air in the air, and then the smell of blood floated. Wang Fei's mind thought of the horrible scene of the port. His face immediately became extremely pale.

"The smell of blood here comes from the house ahead. Residents must have been poisoned by pirates! I don't know if the pirates are here?"

Wang Fei did not dare to act recklessly. Sanshan Island said it was not small, and it was not easy to trace the mercenaries at once.

After waiting for nearly an hour, the sky has been completely shrouded in starlight. In the quiet environment around, there is no other abnormality except the faint smell of blood.

After waiting for a long time, Wang Fei slowly stood up straight. Approaching the similar houses destroyed by the hurricane.

As the distance got closer, he obviously felt that the smell of blood in the air was getting heavier and heavier. At a distance of about 30 or 40 meters, the body of a child whose head was beheaded was suddenly seen.

Under Wang Fei's pale face, his expression gradually became serious. His fists were tightly pinched, and his nails almost fell into his own flesh.

"Giant Axe Pirates, you are too cruel. The owner of this body is obviously just a six- or seven-year-old child. Unexpectedly, they didn't even let go of such a small child. Presumably all the residents here should have been poisoned by you!"

After reaching this conclusion, he continued to approach carefully. A tragic dead body kept appearing in his eyes. After searching the whole village, no one was found.

"You are also my fellow villagers. Now I don't have the ability to avenge you, and I can't bury you. But please believe me, one day, when I have enough ability, I will definitely uproot the huge axe pirate group!"

Wang Fei looked at the villagers surnamed Li behind him. After making an oath, he continued to follow the traces of the pirates. This method is undoubtedly the best choice to find the whereabouts of the remaining mercenaries.

There are remnants of the hurricane, branches, falling rocks and flowers on the mountain road, making Wang Fei's tracking almost unnecessary. At the same time, they are also pirates. They didn't expect that someone would dare to follow them on this island.

At night, the starlight illuminates the earth. Although the view is not as good as the day, you can see things at least 50 meters away. Wang Fei's sensitive sense of smell and hearing also provided him with great help.

Pirates also need to rest. After chasing for an hour, they finally caught up with pirates in the area inhabited by scattered residents on the island.

"Black fifth, that girl is good, and her skin is white enough. How about leaving it to me!"

"Get out, Ma Xiaoliu, this is what I found. If you want, go there and find it yourself!"

"Mom, you don't want to! It's just that the red-haired ghost captain picked it away, and the rest are slightly better, and it's not my turn to enjoy it!"

"If it's not your turn, you want to take advantage of me! Ma Xiaoliu, come and fight if you have the guts. I'm not afraid of you!"


There is such a dialogue everywhere, and after the ruthless killing, it is time for them to enjoy. There were no other entertainment activities on the island, so I focused on the elderly women on the island.

This is an excellent way of entertainment for pirates. However, generally outstanding women are occupied by powerful pirates. As for the rest of the pick, it can only fall into the hands of the little man.

Black Laowu and Ma Xiaoliu are the lowest existences of the giant axe pirate group. And the object of the two competing for was only the skin slightly better in the rest.

Wang Fei gritted his teeth and watched the pirates' animal walk in the dark. Although he had secretly seen some women bathing or pretending to have no intention to flirt, he could not face the violent animal nature of the pirates.

It's just that he has to face the reality that any pirate may give him a fatal attack. If you can't stop it, you can only endure it silently.

Hundreds of young women on the island kept shouting, cursing and despairing, shouting again and again, like a heavy hammer, stimulating Wang Fei's heart.

Time passed rapidly. After more than three hours, most of the pirates fell asleep after being fully satisfied.

During this period, the women's shouts became weaker and less. Most of them died under the beasts of pirates.

At this time, Wang Fei, who had endured for more than three hours, finally moved towards the pirate's sleeping place.

PS: Are you all watching the Olympics? Everyone, fatten up and then kill it. Remember to collect it!