God of Mercenaries

Chapter 15 Conspiracy

The night on the mainland is not fundamentally different from the night on Sanshan Island.

The stars in the sky are still emitting bright stars. And shining on the earth, it adds a mysterious veil to it. Star power is accompanied by starlight and scattered in every corner of the surrounding area.

Wang Fei followed Gu Li and turned seven or eight corners in the house before he came to an independent courtyard.

There are three houses in the courtyard, and the only highlight is the more than 100 square meters of martial arts practice in front of the door. It is covered with all kinds of stone piers of different sizes. On one side, there are two shelves for weapons, with several swords on them.

At this time, Gu Li's confused eyes obviously recalled his previous experience.

Wang Fei did not disturb Gu Li, but walked to a corner of the martial arts field and sat cross-legged. Twenty bowls of snow burned, and he didn't drink it easily. Although he did not reach the point of drunkenness, there was still a trace of dizziness in his head.

Running the nameless heart method, the star power scattered in the air condensed towards his body little by little. Twenty rings in the body are distributed in an orderly manner on the astrological hole and absorb the condensed star power.

At this time, Wang Fei's first solid star ring, under the huge phagocytosis, condensed more than 50% of the absorbed star force on the star ring. In this way, there is very little star power allocated to the other 19 rings.

Twenty star rings gave Wang Fei and Gu Li a higher starting point than others.

However, the good use of the starting point is enough to make the two go higher and farther on the difficult road of Star Warrior. But the painstaking efforts of the two people will also multiply.

After accumulating lurking for about two consecutive months, Wang Fei finally felt that the 20 rings in his body began to condense a large amount of star power again. As long as the number reaches the critical point, there may be a real chance to break through the realm of stars.

It took almost half an hour for Gu Li to slowly wake up from his memory. When he saw the boss practicing so hard, his emotions were involuntarily affected.

After all, only when your own strength is strong enough can you face various difficulties calmly.

The two fell into cultivation wholeheartedly, and the starry sky at night gave them enough star power. After the incubation period, both of them obviously felt the improvement of their star power.

"Reiko, is Lizi back?"

I don't know how much time has passed, and a call woke Wang Fei and Gu Li from their practice. Since someone broke in, the practice can't continue.

" boss, this voice is Cao Da, the deputy commander of our Meteor Mercenary Regiment. I didn't expect that he got the news so soon and came here in a hurry!"

Gu Li calmed his emotions a little. If there were really traitors in the mercenary regiment, then it would be Cao Da or another deputy leader.

Not long after, a middle-aged man of medium height appeared in the courtyard. The national character face, a kind look, and the face is still surprised.

"Reiko, you're really back! When I heard Liang Ran's message just now, I thought I heard it wrong!" As soon as Cao Da came up, he immediately walked to Gu Li and glanced up and down.

"Uncle Cao, I'm back!"

Cao Da obviously didn't realize Gu Li's calm tone. He was stunned for a moment and asked, "Where is the regiment commander? When will he come back?

"I'll tell you about this problem at tomorrow's meeting!" Gu Li's calm expression made people unable to see a trace of abnormality.

"Uncle Cao, I'm tired! Please arrange it and don't let anyone bother me anymore!"

Facing his enthusiasm and suffering a cold treatment, Cao Da's face obviously showed a trace of displeasure. But he soon covered it up and still replied with a smile, "Okay! I'll arrange it right away and ask someone to bring a wash. Have a good rest and see you tomorrow!"

"Thank you, Uncle Cao!"

After witnessing Cao Da leave, the calmness on Gu Li's face immediately disappeared, and he asked Wang Fei with a lonely look, " boss, how do you think I should deal with the members of the mercenary regiment tomorrow?"

This is a difficult problem for Wang Fei. After all, he doesn't know much about the mercenary regiment. After thinking for a moment, he asked, "Second, did your father leave any last words before? If something happens to him, who will lead the mercenary regiment?"

"No! It is because of the conflict between the two deputy leaders that it is difficult for the father to confirm the heir of the leader!"

"This is difficult!" After Wang Fei shouted softly, he simply closed his eyes and thought about how Gu Li should deal with the problem tomorrow.

The surroundings are unusually quiet, and there is no sound except for the chirping of some small bugs. And Gu Li did not dare to disturb at will, and he sat and thought about it.

Time passed slowly, and countless stars were gradually covered in the bright starry sky. The dawn is coming, and the rooster's singing is extremely loud.

Almost four or five hours have passed, and Wang Fei has been sitting and thinking deeply. There is still no good answer to the questions in my mind at this time.

At this time, there was a sudden sound around.

"Cao Da, since the young regiment commander has come back, why do you stop us from visiting the young regiment commander? Don't you have ulterior motives to put the young regimental under house arrest!"

"Le Blame, you mad dog, don't bite people casually! The young regiment leader came back last night. He needs to rest! What's more, the news has not been passed on. A meeting of the whole group will be held this morning!"

"The ghost believes in you! The whole night is enough for you to decorate! Get out of the way, or we will break in!"

"How dare you!"

"Do you dare to see!"


Obviously, the two sides of the quarrel are Cao Da and Legui, the two deputy commanders of the mercenary regiment. From the conversation between the two sides, Wang Fei understood that the two deputy leaders had reached the point of water and fire.

At present, there is still no clue as to who betrayed the mercenary regiment.

And if you want to continue to develop the Meteor Mercenary Regiment, the most important point is that you can't have no more dragons! The two deputy leaders, no matter who are qualified to sit in the position of leader.

But after one deputy leader wins, the other deputy leader is bound not to give up! Once the quarrel develops into a few steps of the battle, the consequences will be uncontrollable.

"Second, since they have all come, let's announce the news in advance!"


"If you have anything to say, just say it!"

"Good! I'm afraid that once the news of my father's death is released, the two deputy leaders will take action to compete for the position of leader. At that time, our meteor mercenary regiment will really collapse!" Gu Li expressed his worries. In the final analysis, he still couldn't let go of the foundation established by his father Gu Da.

Wang Fei can understand Gu Li's mood at this time, but procrastination is not the solution to the problem. An idea suddenly jumped into his mind and said, "Since neither of the two deputy regimental commanders can shoulder the heavy responsibility of the mercenary regiment commander, it's up to you to act as the regimental commander!"

"I'll be the regimental commander?" Gu Li stared and asked with a surprised expression, " boss, are you right?" I'm not even a mercenary now, how can I take on the heavy responsibility of the head of the Meteor Mercenary Regiment?

"The head of the regiment is just a position. What can't afford it? What's more, the Meteor Mercenary Regiment was founded by your father. It's not normal for a son to inherit his father's business!"

"That's right! However, mercenaries are no better than other industries. If you don't have a certain prestige, who will listen to you! After all, if you live on the tip of a knife, a wrong order will kill many mercenaries!"

Guri's worries are not surprising at all. Mercenaries are a risky profession. Every mission has the possibility of dying. Only the leader who can ensure that they have a better chance of survival is a good leader worthy of their sincere admiration and support.

"Second, now the two deputy leaders don't accept anyone. This is your chance to rise to power. At least you can't pose any danger to them. I believe that there are still many old mercenaries in the mercenary regiment who will look for your father's face and choose to support you!"

"What's more, after taking the position of regimental commander, there will definitely be unexpected benefits for investigating the traitors of the mercenary regiment!"

"However, I can't directly propose to them that I want to be the head of the regiment!" Obviously, Gu Li has begun to agree with Wang Fei's proposal.

Wang Fei smiled mysteriously and replied, "You don't have to worry about this problem at all. I have come up with a solution for you!"