God of Mercenaries

Chapter 17 Elected

There are three strategies formulated by Wang Fei.

The first strategy is to divert the attention of the mercenaries and focus their hatred. Only by setting an imaginary enemy can the mercenaries unite to form an inseparable team.

The second strategy is to look at Gu Li's own performance. When the mercenaries are desperate, as long as they strengthen their belief in the Meteor Mercenary Regiment, they will definitely get the direct support of some mercenaries.

And the third strategy is Guda's speculation before his death. However, this speculation is related to the two powerful deputy leaders. He will never use it easily without reaching the worst.

Once one of the two deputy leaders is indeed a traitor, he will undoubtedly push himself into danger.

"I, Liang Ran, have been in the Meteor Mercenary Regiment since I became a formal mercenary. It is under the training of the regiment leader that I can have my current achievements. Therefore, as long as there is still a glimmer of possibility, I will never take the initiative to leave!"

"Yes, I, Jabe, will never leave the mercenary regiment!"

"I can't either!"

"And me!"


A total of more than 80 mercenaries, and in less than half a minute, more than 60 mercenaries made decisions. The remaining mercenaries were also immersed in deep thinking.

"Thank you very much, really! Father would be very happy to see today's meeting! You also know that I have lived in the Meteor Mercenary Regiment since I was a child, so the Mercenary Corps is my home!"

"As long as my home is still there, I won't leave!"

At this time, Gu Da was partly told in the direction set by Wang Fei, and partly was his own true expression.

"Reiko, I don't want the mercenary regiment to disband like this. After all, this is not only your father's painstaking efforts, but also my Cao Da's lifelong painstaking efforts!"

"Yes, and I'm happy! For the meteor mercenary regiment, he wandered on the edge of death several times. Now that the mercenary regiment has finally reached Samsung, it has been disbanded. I'm really unwilling!"

The two deputy leaders expressed their opinions rigorously, and rarely unified their views. After all, a Samsung mercenary regiment can be established not only with strong personal strength. The mercenary regiment is also a representative of the team. A person can't do what a team can do!

"Two uncles, since we are not willing to disband the Meteor Mercenary Regiment, we should carry forward the Mercenary Corps. I think so, after re-electing a regimental leader, we will continue to operate the mercenary regiment according to the previous process. As for revenge, we can only fight against the giant axe pirate group when we are strong!"

When Gu Li saw it, he said the ultimate purpose in his heart. And his proposal was immediately supported by some mercenaries.

"The young regiment leader said it well! Snakes can't do without a head. I chose the deputy commander of Legui as the new head of the Meteor Mercenary Regiment. He is experienced and strong enough. He is the best choice for the regiment leader!"

"This is bad, Deputy Head Cao Da is the only candidate for Head!"

"No, the strength of the deputy leader is stronger!"

"Deputy Leader Cao Da has more experience!"


Cao Da and Legui's cronies, each other, both sides are full of anger and unyielding at the same time. After a few words, the speech became more and more fierce, and there was no direct competition.

"Hip it all!"

Gu Li is not only burly, but also has a much higher voice than ordinary people. With a roar, he immediately suppressed the mercenaries who wanted to continue to quarrel.

"I just said that I wanted to avenge my father. But you don't mean revenge like this. Can the regimental commander sit down just by speaking loudly? If so, my throat is loud enough! How about I be the head of the regiment?

I don't know if it's unintentional or intentional. This proposal immediately won the support of some mercenaries.

"The young regiment leader is right! Since the mercenary regiment was founded by the commander of Guda, the son inherits his father's business, and naturally the young commander inherits the position of the regimental commander. Then there will be two deputy commanders assisting on the side. I believe that our meteor mercenary regiment will soon regain its strength!"

Liang Ran became the first mercenary to support Guli. Then there was a scattered approval, and Guda obviously became the third candidate to compete for the position of leader.

At this time, Cao Da and Legui exchanged rare eyes. Obviously, they were worried about each other, and Liang Ran's proposal would eventually be supported.

"I can't!" Guli vetoed and continued, "I'm only 17 years old this year, and Xingli is still at the peak of Xingtu. In terms of strength, it is definitely not as good as the two deputy leaders, and the experience is far worse than them!"

"Young commander, what you said is wrong! At the age of 17, he was at the peak of the star apprentice. I believe that the two deputy leaders did not have such a star cultivation at your age! As for experience, you are still young. Can you learn slowly?" Liang Ran immediately refuted Gu Li's point of view and directly regarded the shortcomings of the latter as advantages.

If Gu Li hadn't known that there was no intersection between Lao Wangfei and Liang Ran, he would have thought that Liang Ran was the 'trust' sent by Wang Fei! Not everyone can describe the clear shortcomings as advantages.

"Liang Ran, you know that the young commander is too young to shoulder the heavy burden of managing the mercenary regiment, and you also proposed him to be the regiment leader. What is his intention!" Even if a mercenary jumped out, he asked rudely.

"Ha ha, I don't have any intention! It's just that the Meteor Mercenary Regiment was founded by the commander of Guda, which is naturally the industry of the commander of Guda. And do you think there is a more suitable candidate for the successor besides the young regiment leader Gu Li?

"But the young commander has little experience, and how can he lead us in the future?"

"This is very simple. The young regimental commander is still young and really can't take on the heavy responsibility of the regimental commander. But aren't there two experienced and powerful deputy leaders in our group? Before the young regiment leader has the ability to deal with the things in the regiment independently, just let the two deputy regiment leaders deal with it!"

Between one question and one answer, most of the mercenaries nodded in agreement. Neither of the two deputy leaders is convinced. Choosing a third person as the leader is undoubtedly the most appropriate solution.

"This doesn't seem to be good! Just now, I was just talking!" Gu Li responded weakly, and the proposal had been put out, and he now needed to keep a low profile to win the support of more people.

The key at this time is that neither Cao Da nor Legui, the two deputy leaders, can explicitly oppose this proposal.

If anyone takes the lead in opposing it, it not only means that he directly wants to be the position of regimental commander, but also will be attacked by another person, thus losing his qualification as regimental commander.

The scene remained silent for a few minutes. Seeing that the atmosphere could not be improved and could not really determine the ownership of the regiment leader, he proposed loudly: "In this case, let's vote!" Everyone present, one vote, directly choose who the head of the regiment is!"

The current situation of the Meteor Mercenary Regiment is absolutely a rare special situation in the whole mercenary world.

The voting plan proposed by Gu Li was quickly implemented under the leadership of Cao Da and other two deputy leaders.

With Gu Li, there were 88 mercenaries present, and including the two deputy regiment commanders, the total number reached 90.

Send a note, and after a while, the note with the name was received. Simple operation means the future direction of the Meteor Mercenary Corps.

With all the mercenaries, they filled in the suitable candidates in their minds. And a pile of about 100 votes appeared in the most central position.

For the sake of fairness, a woman who was usually in charge of diet was immediately brought in, and then began to count the votes of the winners. After a while, the result came out.

It was the first time for a woman to participate in such a big scene. She went to the front desk tremblingly, then raised the votes in her hand, and said weakly, "Deputy Leader Cao Da has 23 votes, and Le blames Deputy Head for 25 votes!"

When Legui saw that his vote surpassed Cao Da, he immediately showed a understanding smile on his face.

But then the woman's voice made both of them go crazy.

"16 people abstained, and the last 26 people elected Gu Li, the young leader, as the new leader!"

Such an outcome was greatly beyond the expectation of the mercenaries. The head of a three-star mercenary regiment is just a 17-year-old boy!