God of Mercenaries

Chapter 20 Win Again

The scale of the Stone City can only be in a medium position among all cities in the Star Continent. The number of people who really live in the inner city is only 400,000.

After all, the size of the city limits the number of people living.

Of course, the number of people in the whole field of Stone City has reached about 4 million. Among these people, no less than 2,000 are engaged in formal mercenaries. The number of informal mercenaries is definitely over 20,000.

From the above data alone, it is not difficult to see the status of mercenaries in the Stone City. If the two formal informal mercenaries are trained uniformly, they will be a strong army that is not weaker than the Boulder Army.

However, it is not easy to bring the mercenaries together. After all, mercenaries have their ideals, so they need to find a breakthrough to master the hearts of the mercenaries.

Wang Fei sorted out his thoughts, and at this time, the enthusiastic mercenary had already poured dozens of large bowls on the big table full of snow.

The black bull stood at one end of the table angrily, grinning two rows of big yellow teeth, showing a proud smile. And all his companions looked contemptuously at him.

"Wang Fei, don't be stunned! Are you scared and dumbfounded? The wine fight will start right away!"

"Oh, it's coming!"

After Wang Fei accepted, he immediately walked to the other end of the table. After stretching out his hands for a while and doing a warm-up exercise, he laughed and said, "Uncle, let's start!"

The black cow's eyes lit up and did not reply. Even if he picked up a bowl of wine, he drank three sips. After that, a pair of leopards stared at Wang Fei and grinned, "Wang Fei, it's time for you to drink!"

At this time, without the black bull urging, Wang Fei had taken the initiative to picked up the wine bowl. He still drank a small sip of the wine in his hand as he did at the Widow's Hotel.

"Do you still use this trick? I won't be fooled this time! Last time, I ate too much, so I didn't slow down and burped, so that you took advantage of the loophole! I'm empty now, with 20 bowls of your drinking capacity. Let's see how I can drink you down!"

After saying that, the black cow picked up a bowl again. As if just now, I drank it cleanly in a few sips. Then when it was Wang Fei's turn, he still maintained a slow speed and drank it in one gulp.

The mercenaries around held their breath and watched the two people's fight for wine.

Soon, in just four or five minutes, one strong and one young, both of them drank ten bowls of wine. Even if the black bull is massive, it will stop and take a breath. After a little adjustment, you can drink more wine.

However, Wang Fei would not allow the other party to have time to rest. He immediately picked up a bowl and said, "The uncle drank it first, so let me drink these ten bowls first!"

After saying that, Wang Fei wolfed up his speed and burned in a big bowl of snow. In the stomach, there is like a fire, burning brightly!

"Ky, why is it always this trick!"

Black Bull is unwilling to show weakness. Although it is not faster this time, if it slows down under the gaze of hundreds of mercenaries, it will not be able to completely find the lost face. After taking a strong breath, he drank the wine in the bowl at a speed that was not slower than before.

The next ten bowls of wine, one bowl after another, took less than three minutes. After drinking, both Wang Fei and the black cow turned red.

Burning in the snow is a rare high-altitude wine. The drinking method of the two people, no matter how high the alcohol is, the stomach has turned upside down. Almost at the same time, he put down the bowl in his hand and gasped.

According to a bowl and a half catty, 20 bowls is 10 catties. After a long time, Wang Fei and the two of them drank ten catties of snow in only ten minutes.

This is a high degree of wine, not boiled water!

At this time, the mercenaries around began to understand that Wang Fei's wine power may not be worse than the Divinity Black Bull in Stone City. It is not unreasonable to win the last wine fight.

The black bull looked at the teenager who was still standing opposite him, and his heart was shocked that he could no longer express it in words. Last time, although the same 20 bowls of wine, the other party was already drunk.

At this time, the speed of drinking has been significantly improved. However, Wang Fei still stood steadily, indicating that there was still strength left.

After drinking 20 bowls of wine, the black cow's stomach immediately rose. Even if the star warrior's physique is different from ordinary people, it can't withstand the torrent for a short time.

Wang Fei's condition is also better, with a thin body. I really don't know where his wine has gone. At this moment, the sweat on his forehead couldn't help flowing outside. The evaporation of water also allows him to drink more wine.


Suddenly, a mercenary roared and then cared about his palm heavily. Then there were more mercenaries, all of whom gave their inner praise. Wang Fei's performance was obviously recognized by them.


A series of non-stop applause made Wang Fei experience the strange**. This is the pleasure after being recognized, and I am also proud of my drinking power! The ** that gradually revealed his heart instantly picked up a whole jar of snow, and then laughed and said, "Uncle, let's have a good drink today!"

Wang Fei suddenly opened the wine jar. More than a year ago, his drinking capacity was less than half a jar of snow. However, at that time, he was only a second-ring star, and his strength could not be said to be the same as he is now.

After the increase of star power cultivation, Wang Fei's wine power increased sharply. Twenty bowls of wine is already half a jar. At this time, if you drink another jar, it will be burned in 30 pounds of snow.

The black cow was stunned. Before he could react, he heard Wang Fei's 'grunting' drinking sound. The shaking throat and the slowly tilting wine jar stunned him.

This is the god of wine, this is the god of wine!

Although there is some wine, because it is drunk in a jar, it falls to the ground. However, no one can deny that at least 90% of the wine has entered Wang Fei's stomach.

One bite after another, Wang Fei's stomach, the speed observed by justice with the naked eye, slowly became round. However, the wine jar also stood upright from the beginning and tilted little by little.

Ten degrees, twenty degrees... ninety degrees...

In less than three minutes, the wine jar has turned into a vertical stand.

Wang Fei suddenly threw the empty jar and made him stand firm after shaking his body a few times. Breathing heavily, his clothes were already soaked with sweat.

"Uncle, it's your turn!" Wang Fei said clearly that after drinking so much wine at one time, he could only insist on not falling down.

The black bull swallowed a mouthful of foam, looked at Wang Fei, and then glanced at the main jar on the table. I have drunk half of the jar. How can I pour another jar?

This time, I really met my opponent!

"Wang Fei, you are really good!" Black Bull gave a thumbs up and said, "My old cow, for the first time since my debut, I have sincerely bowed to the wind in alcohol! The key is that I sincerely admire your unbrid personality!"

"Last time you were drinking in the hotel, you obviously beat me, but you wanted to be a draw. Finally, in order to keep my face, he deliberately pretended to be drunk. It's just that I didn't understand your kindness and still pulled you for the second wine comparison!"

"Oh, I finally understand! In the future, I will never rely on my own wine power to find people everywhere to drink!"

Black Bull was ashamed and took the initiative, which was equivalent to admitting Wang Fei's drinking capacity and losing the battle again.

At this time, although Wang Fei's body was muddle-headed, his reason was still clear. He shouted in his heart: "Shame, shame!"

Originally, it was just to calculate again next time, but the impure intention has become a favor now. After that, I was also ashamed!

For good, after burning in a jar of snow, his face has become more red than the sun. Only he knows the color of shame in his heart.

Although the mercenary in the castle can't believe that a minor teenager can have such alcohol power. However, they are bold in nature, and after an explanation by Black Bull, they like this naive teenager in their hearts.

There were bursts of cheers, and the waves were higher than the waves. On ordinary days, the atmosphere is stronger than festivals.

But Wang Fei couldn't hear it, because at this time, he was completely drunk!