God of Mercenaries

Chapter 22 Debt

Gu Li originally thought that after the two deputy commanders accepted the task, the plight of the mercenary regiment would be solved. On the first day, I faced great trouble.

Dozens of businessmen in the Stone City came to the headquarters of the Meteor Mercenary Regiment with the arrears documents in their hands. The document clearly records the money owed by the Meteor Mercenary Regiment.

"Leader Gu, now that you have taken over the position of regimental commander, you should also settle the debts that your mercenary regiment owed us in the past year!"

"Yes! We are all small businesses, but we can't stand the long arrears of your mercenary regiment!"

"Yes, my small hotel is almost closed down, and I just need the money you owe for circulation! If you don't return it, won't you just push it to the death?"


Gu Li couldn't help but think a lot in the face of forced questions from dozens of people. You don't allow him time to think again at all. Four or five minutes later, I finally understood what was going on!

It turned out that in the past year, when the Meteor Mercenary Regiment had no income, the purchase of supplies, went out to eat, etc. were in the form of arrears. Businessmen think that the Meteor Mercenary Corps, one of the three-star mercenary regiments in Stone City, will not do anything that owes money, so they don't care.

However, with the loss of time, there is still no meteor mercenary regiment repaying the debts, which makes the creditors feel restless. This time, under the arrangement of people, dozens of creditors gathered at the headquarters of the Meteor Mercenary Regiment.

"Everyone be quiet!"

Guri tried his best and used his loud voice to finally stabilize the mood of the creditor.

"Although there has been chaos in our meteor mercenary regiment in the past period of time. But now, Cao Da and Legui, two deputy leaders, have accepted the task and left the Stone City. I believe that in the near future, I will definitely return the money to everyone with interest!"

"We have been waiting for a year. Cao Da and other two deputy leaders have also assured us a lot. But nowadays, there are not fewer debts, but more and more!"

"Yes! Le blames them for not being able to believe their words. Do you still want us to believe that you are a boy with no hair?"

Under the provocation of people, the mood of creditors slowly sublimated, and soon began to make noise again. Even a few radical creditors began to slowly approach the mercenary regiment.

Wang Fei listened to the noise and came to the gate of the mercenary regiment and saw the creditors rushing into the headquarters. On the premise that there was already a guess in his heart, he shouted, "Second, tell the members of the mercenary regiment. As long as one person dares to step into the threshold, he will fight to death!"

The soft solution may not be useful, so it can only be hard.

However, Gu Li still has concerns. After all, he is in debt. If he is too tough, he will only damage the reputation of the Meteor Mercenary Regiment in the end.

Once your reputation is damaged, you have to make at least dozens of times more efforts to repair it.

However, among the creditors, it was obvious that someone caught Wang Fei's words and shouted, "The people of the Meteor Mercenary Regiment are so arrogant that they owe money, but they dare to be so righteous! Do they think they are the boss of the Stone City?

"I don't believe that everything has to pay attention to a rational word. In the Stone City, there is no one to judge!"

Seeing that the situation is getting worse and worse, the creditors are constantly approaching and have been under the city and squeezed directly into the gate. A leading creditor shouted, "Friends, I heard that Cao Da and Legui, two deputy leaders of the mercenary regiment, have led their own men and rushed out of the meteor mercenary regiment. Otherwise, how can the position of regimental commander fall to the smelly boy to sit down!"

"So that's it! The boy is burly and righteous, but he is secretly a sinister villain! Obviously, he withdrew from the mercenary regiment and said that he had accepted the task. I think it's time for their meteor mercenary regiment to be disbanded here!"

"Yes, I think that when Chief Guda was there, he never made a debt. It's a pity that a powerful three-star mercenary regiment is coming to an end!"

"You can't let them escape. Otherwise, who will ask for the money owed us!"

"That's right! Before the people left, their headquarters may still have some valuable items. No matter what, you can recover as many losses as you can!"

Obviously, this is a conspiracy action. Everything seems so natural under the arrangement of people with intentions.

Most of the creditors are anxious about the debts owed by the Meteor Mercenary Regiment. However, limited to the strong strength of the mercenary regiment, they did not dare to come to ask for it. Only once someone takes the lead in instigating, the scene in front of you will appear.

Wang Fei knew it clearly, but he didn't know how to explain it to Gu Li and other meteor mercenary regiments. The creditors around them have lost their minds, and there is only one word 'money' left in their eyes.

"Everyone stop and listen to me!"

Gu Li's exhausted shouting did not attract the attention of creditors. More than a dozen creditors have rushed out of the obstruction of the mercenaries and then went deep to find the property in their mouths to pay off their debts.

Wang Fei flashed and immediately appeared in front of them. Then, the seemingly weak body did not know where the power came from. He picked up a person with one hand and threw it out of the door fiercely.


A sudden loud noise immediately stunned the shouting creditors. They didn't consider that the members of the Meteor Mercenary Regiment would really move towards them.

"Enough! That's enough!"

Wang Fei immediately made a loud voice, with a murderous look on his face, and shouted fiercely, "I know that the mercenary regiment owes you money, but if you continue to make trouble like this, it won't help at all!" The situation of the mercenary regiment at this time has been slowly getting better. In less than a month, you will definitely be able to pay off your debts!"

According to the itinerary of the two deputy leaders, they will never come back in a month. Even if it is returned, the commission earned from a task may not be able to pay off all the debts.

Although this is a stopgap measure, it is also the only way at present. Delaying time still has the possibility of paying off debts; entanglement can only completely damage the reputation of the mercenary regiment. At that time, who is willing to hire a meteor mercenary regiment?

"Kid, who are you? Let's ask the Meteor Mercenary Regiment for the account. It's none of your business!"

"That's right, the stinky boy, if you want to mind your own business, you'd better go back to your mother's arms and drink a few more mouthfuls of water!"

"Hahaha, ha ha!"

Wang Fei's face was immediately green, and he saw the whole thing from beginning to end. And the person who just spoke is one of the provocators.

Mother, this word ** completely touched the anger in his heart.

Twenty star rings make Wang Fei's surface strength already in the star apprentice. However, the actual grasp of the star power has long reached the realm of gaseous stars.

Almost all the creditors here do small businesses. How can such a person be Wang Fei's opponent? The latter got up and came to the man who had just insulted. Then he pulled out the iron rod behind him and slapped a fierce stick on the man's face.


The body of the provocative man sprayed blood and teeth and fell heavily to the ground. The severe pain made him faint for a moment.

The remaining creditors were finally suppressed by Wang Fei's ruthlessness. After all, he is just a businessman, how could he have seen such a scene?

The reason why he was able to break into the threshold just now is, on the one hand, Gu Li's timidity, and on the other hand, it is also related to the deliberate release of water by members of the mercenary regiment. Otherwise, how can a mercenary at least reach the cultivation of a gaseous star to defend ordinary people?

"I want to say it well, but you don't listen! It's just a helpless move! I want those who want to destroy the Meteor Mercenary Regiment have a good memory!"

Wang Fei's fierce expression is enough to calm down the creditors around him.

At this time, Gu Li finally got the opportunity to explain and said, "I don't know where you heard the rumors. Cao Da and Legui, the two deputy leaders, really accepted the task and left this time. If you don't believe it, you can go to the mercenary alliance outside the city. Believe in the mercenary discipline, which will answer your doubts!"

"As for the debts owed, you gave me a month. After I have liquidated them, I will return them all to you!"

Under Wang Fei's deterrence and Gu Li's explanation, the remaining creditors could only choose to leave suddenly.

But this is only the first move made by the city owner. Next, the mercenary regiment will definitely face more difficulties!