God of Mercenaries

Chapter 22 Ceremony (Chapter 2)

The square of Zhengqi College is very large because it is used by 4,000 students to practice star skills every day. More than 900 freshmen stood in the center of the square under the direction of the teacher.

There are more than 30 rows of students, just forming a huge square. Compared with the whole square, the area of this phalanx is less than 1%.

In addition to more than 900 freshmen, the old students smiled maliciously around the phalanx. Some people have even begun to keep looking at the freshmen, as if they are looking for something.

" boss, how can I have a strange feeling in my heart! It seems to have become a prey and being stared at by hunters!" Gu Li had a few drops of sweat on his forehead, and the roots of his hair stood up.

Wang Fei's situation is not much better. He is always brewing some conspiracy among the old students around him. However, after more than ten days of rest, after a certain improvement in combat effectiveness, I also have a certain confidence in my heart.

These days, Wang Fei first followed Gu Li and learned a nine-pin star technique called 'connection thorn'. This is the 'lightning combo' he has practiced, although the two departments are not too big, but they can also play a complementary role.

The thorn star skill is in Wang Fei's hands, as if he had found his master. In less than half a month, he has been trained to a nearly perfect stage.

On the other hand, as early as the two outer and one nine-grade magic star skills practiced in the Stone City, after a long journey of precipitation, and then arrived at the correction of Zhengqi College. Finally, three days ago, he successfully practiced to the perfect stage.

Therefore, in terms of actual combat ability, Wang Fei has at least doubled compared with when he was in Stone City. Nowadays, even if you fight against Ye Cheng, there will be nothing left to be beaten.

And after Gu Li only saw Xiao Lin fight and understood something, now the attack mode has become more and more fierce, and there is a tendency to move forward and never retreat.

The progress of Wang Fei and Gu Li fell into the eyes of other teenagers in the Stone City. This also drives the enthusiasm of others to practice. In addition to eating, drinking and sleeping, they are all in the process of cultivation.

In addition to Wang Fei and Gu Li, the only one with the greatest progress is Ye Cheng.

After half a month of hard work, Ye Cheng couldn't help but become more calm in the use of star technology. Even his starry cultivation has reached the peak of the star apprentice. In less than ten days, you can break through to the realm of stars.

However, Ye Cheng was not half happy about this. Because seeing the progress of Wang Fei and Gu Li, he knew that even if his cultivation reached Xingshi, he would not be able to win each other. His only belief now is to become stronger, stronger and stronger again!

The sun has risen high, and after all the teenagers have lined up, they have reached their overhead position. At this time, the hot sun shone on the earth, making every teenager sweat profusely.

However, even if the environment is so bad, there are still countless old people watching. The freshmen did not know the content of the entrance ceremony, so they could only wait patiently.

But as the sun gradually moves westward, the sun is not so dazzling. When it rose to 45 degrees in the southwest, Wang Fei and others had obviously stood for more than two hours!

At this time, some teenagers who were coquettish at home couldn't stand the baking of the scorching sun and sneaked aside. However, these people will soon be quietly found by the old people around them, and then be directly taken out of the sight of the freshmen.

After standing for almost four hours, many new students have approached their physical strength. Even if you have the physique of a star warrior, you can't bake in the hot sun for a long time without eating or drinking. The dissatisfied complaints in the crowd continued one after another, and there was a growing trend.

At this time, several light spots suddenly appeared in the sky approaching rapidly. At the beginning, all the freshmen they saw thought it was a bird. However, they soon found that it was the elder of Zhengqi College who had reached the level of Constellation Master.

After arriving at the square, an elder in the middle announced, "Now I announce that this year's admission ceremony is the beginning!"


Before the freshmen standing with numb legs reacted, the old students couldn't wait to shout. A sound was full of ** and conspiracy laughter, immediately filling the surrounding space.

The speaking elder waved his hand to signal the old students to stop and then explained to the freshmen: "The annual admission ceremony of Zhengqi College is relatively special. That is, every freshman needs to have to deal with ten old students! Limited, the time of each test is one minute, and after ten games, there will be an absolute division of classes!"

"Teacher, how to divide the class?" A freshman couldn't wait to ask, and it was also what all the freshmen thought.

"Dare to interrupt the elder's speech, other freshmen will have ten tests, and you will have 20 games!" The elder said seriously and aroused the cheerful laughter of the old students.

"I..." The talking student wanted to continue, but was soon pulled by his companion next to him. Obviously, if you talk too much, you can only torture yourself more.

"The situation of the comparison is as follows. In the ten games, basically few of you can get the final! The shorter the time to be eliminated, the more you can only be divided into Dingban. When Class D is full, they will enter Class C. And if you stick to the last 50 freshmen, you can enter Class A!"

The elder said this and deliberately stopped to see if there were any students who interrupted. However, he was disappointed. Obviously, the consequences of the newborn just now have made other new growth memory.

"Okay! Now if you have any questions, just ask them directly. Otherwise, this year's entrance ceremony will begin immediately!"

"Teacher, I want to ask what if we defeat the old student?"

The elder obviously didn't realize that there were such confident people in the newborn. However, when he saw the freshman with the cultivation of a liquid star, he couldn't help taking a cold breath.

No wonder! At such a young age, he already has such a deep cultivation. This new life is really not simple!

Suddenly, the elder's mind immediately thought of the teenager's words and possibilities. But now that the other party has exposed his own strength, he can't want to defeat another old student.

"Young man, the questions you asked are not that have not appeared in the previous entrance ceremony. But since you proposed it, I want you to promise. As long as one of this year's freshmen can defeat the old students, they can directly enter Class A until the number of people is full!"

Many freshmen began to move after listening to this sentence. And without moving, their strength was exposed to the eyes of several elders.

I'm a good boy! No wonder the dean said that this year's freshman is surprisingly evil. At the age of 18, there are as many as seven people who have reached the level of liquid stars. And there are as many as 70 or 80 new students with gaseous star power cultivation.

After learning the data they wanted, the five elders exchanged a few glances. At the entrance ceremony of freshmen, there should be no big victory over the old students. The strength has reached the rebirth of liquid stars, which has posed a danger to some old students.

An elder quietly retreated a few steps, then greeted an old man and immediately muttered a few words in the old man's ear. Finally, the old student looked at the excited freshmen with a cunning smile, then turned around to summon the powerful old students and began to arrange the tasks assigned by the elders.

Only a few freshmen for a few irrelevant questions.

As the scene calmed down again, everyone knew that the entrance ceremony was about to begin.

"Well, since you have no problem now, let's start this year's entrance ceremony!"

After the highest-ranking elder in the middle roared, he gave an order to the old students behind him and said, "Old students of Zhengqi College, show your strength!" Let these ignorant little guys see how strong you are after all!"

"coax, coax, coax..."