God of Mercenaries

Chapter 7 Fighting Arena

After the explanation of the four heavenly kings, Wang Fei learned that there are many ways to earn gold coins and even points in Zhengqi College.

First of all, students can fight between each other, and the stakes are determined by the students who fight. However, Zhengqi College needs to ensure the safety of students in this process, so it also needs to pay a fee of 1 to.

But even so, there are still countless students looking for suitable opponents in the ring. Betting is not the only purpose for them, it is just a way to whip themselves.

Through fighting with different students, you can not only recognize your own shortcomings, but also improve the proficiency of star technology. The continuous benefits have also become a way for students to improve their strength.

In addition, if you want to earn gold coins, you can also be reflected in the form of tasks. Students who assign certain tasks by the school and then accept the tasks must try their best to complete the tasks. Failure is not punished; but after success, you will be rewarded accordingly.

Another way is to help teachers and staff of the college maintain daily things in the form of work. Such as cooking and cleaning for students.

Wang Fei thought about it for a long time and found that if he wanted to earn enough living expenses, in his current situation, it was most appropriate to participate in the struggle between students.

For this reason, he thought about it for a short time, so he pulled Zhu San and then came to the arena of Bidou.

At this time, two students are already fighting fiercely in the ring. On both sides, all kinds of star skills are skillfully used. In just over ten minutes, Wang Fei observed at least ten different star skills.

"Wang Fei, these two seniors who are fighting have been in the college for three years. Their own strength has also reached the stage of liquid mid-term stars. Zhu San looked at it for a while before making an introduction for Wang Fei.

"Ye" Wang Fei gave a perfunctory voice and used his eyes to leave the two students in the battle. The skillful use of star technology made him feel ashamed. And the star power in the middle of the liquid is not what he can fight against now!

The battle lasted for about five minutes, and the student with a slightly weak star power first exhausted all the star power. At this time, I had to admit defeat, which ended this wonderful battle.

"Zhu San, do you think the students who participate in the fight are so strong? If so, let's go back early!" After seeing a fight from beginning to end, Wang Fei couldn't help but be a little depressed. The strong opponent made him unable to see any hope of victory.

"The strength of the two people who fought just now is only from the middle and lower middle of the fight. When you are lucky enough to see the battle of those solid-state stars, even seniors who have reached the level of stars, the battle is fierce!"

"It seems that my eyes are short-sighted, like a frog at the bottom of a well. Before he realized the level of the fight in the ring, he wanted to participate in the fight. Go up to find your opponent, don't look for yourself to fight!"

"That's not what you said!" Zhu San immediately shook his head to object and continued, "In addition to the powerful seniors, there should be some freshmen coming. Let's wait for a while. Maybe there will be a suitable one in a while!"

"All right! Anyway, there is nothing wrong today. Even if there is no suitable opponent, after seeing the elegant demeanor of the seniors, you can clearly realize your strength. Maybe we can solve some unthinkable cultivation problems through battle.

Not long after Wang Fei finished his words, a tall student appeared on the ring. The body like an iron tower immediately caused a shout from the students around.

"This is a senior named Ge Shuhao, a star warrior with solid mid-state strength. And his real combat effectiveness is not weaker than that of ordinary solid-state late stars at all.

Wang Fei frowned and obviously cared about his brother Shuhao's strength. At this time, even the gas star is still far away from him. His own condition reminded him of the experience of cultivating the first solid-state star ring.

Is it taking ten years to accumulate before we can break through to the stars?

No, never!

Wang Fei shook his head heavily and swept away the random conjecture in his heart. Then he continued to look up at the ring.

"Is there anyone who wants to fight with me? Bet on ten gold coins, no more!" Brother Shuhao shouted in a loud voice, and then glanced around. I just waited for more than a minute, but no one responded.

Receiving Wang Fei's unreceiving gaze, Zhu San immediately explained, "Brother Shuhao is famous for his difficulties among all stars, and the seniors who have reached the realm of star masters will not bully him. Therefore, he usually needs to go to the ring more than ten times, even dozens of times, and can't wait for a person who is willing to compete with him!"

"Schos with solid-state later cultivation should not be defeated by Brother Shuhao. Why don't they want to go to war? At least one powerful opponent can also promote the growth of their own strength!"

"Hehe! Ten gold coins, for those seniors with solid-state later cultivation, there will fight for so little money! They will never do the act of depreciating themselves.

"It's also!"

After Wang Fei nodded and agreed, he also put himself in his shoes. Take him as an example, even if he is so poor that he doesn't have gold coins to pay next month's tuition, he won't do shameful things such as handyman. It will not only lose its physit, but also slowly lose its spirit.

This kind of sharpness is wonderful and can't be explained clearly.

But it does exist and can't be lost. Once all the sharpness is lost, the whole person can only wait for death muddle-headedly.

Especially for young people, sharpness is the driving force for them to work hard.

Three or four minutes later, Brother Shuhao shouted a few more words, but no one still wanted to fight with him. In the end, he could only walk down the ring with dark eyes.

Almost at the same time, a handsome teenager stepped into the ring. He has loose blonde hair, a tall eagle hook nose, and a pair of sharp eyes.

"Dear seniors, today's freshman Griff has the early cultivation of the liquid state. Now I'm studying in Class A, and now I'm here to ask for a good job from the teachers!" Griff looked arrogant and did not show any intention of asking for advice.

Hearing the new life, Wang Fei's eyes lit up. However, when he heard that the other party had the early cultivation of a liquid star, he was just excited and then fell silent.

In the early stage of the liquid state, there is a gap between two major realms from his current peak of star apprentice!

Although after practicing 20 star rings, his star power reserve reached about the late gaseous star. However, there is still a long distance from the early stage of the liquid star.

At this time, Zhu San, standing beside Wang Fei, suddenly became gloomy and whispered, "Griff, don't be too arrogant! One day, you will be defeated by my Zhu San!"

Wang Fei's sensitive ears immediately heard Zhu San's words and asked in a low voice, "Zhu San, do you have any grudge with Griff?"

Zhu Sanyi was stunned, and his face immediately changed greatly. However, he slowly recovered and said back to Wang Fei, "There is no resentment. It's just that the last time I fought with him, I was defeated by him.

"It's not a big deal if you fail once, right?"

"It's normal to lose. On the road of Star Warrior, I don't believe that anyone has never failed! Any strong man has gained enough experience in failure to make a loud reputation! But Griff is so abominable that after winning the battle with me, he humiliated me with bad words!"

Zhu San's gritting teeth also made Wang Fei deeply understand that the conflict between the two was not as simple as Zhu San said. He didn't comment on this.

However, Griff, who was in the ring, saw that no one took the initiative to go to the ring, laughed crazily, and then shouted, "I know the seniors, and I guess my face will go to the ring for no reason. But there should be many freshmen present. As long as anyone among the freshmen can defeat me, then I will lose him a thousand gold coins!"

One thousand gold coins, how much does it cost to earn it back?

Wang Fei was undoubtedly ready to move at this time. After thinking about it, he stepped on the ring without hesitation.