God of Mercenaries

Chapter 12 Cohabitation

"Uh, where is this?"

Wang Fei rubbed his eyes while whispering. Looking around, dressed in pink, I knew at a glance that this was a room where women lived.

A ray of sunlight shines from the window onto the ship, bringing warmth to Wang Fei. But the ubiquitous pain in his body, especially in the position of his chest, immediately recalled it in his mind.

The battle is over, but why did you appear here?

"Wang Fei, you're awake!"

Wang Fei looked along the source of the sound and saw a shadow standing at the door. White iconic clothes, the sense of maturity and ** from all over the body, who will it be if it is not Bai Fang?

"Mr. Bai, how can it be you?" Wang Fei asked in surprise that he had not seen Bai Fang for two months since he left Class B.

"Hehe! Good boy, you are really deep enough! Even Griff, who ranked third among the freshmen, was defeated in your hands in the end!"

Bai Fang's voice full of ** made Wang Fei, who was lying in **, react involuntarily. Especially when I smell the smell of the quilt covering my body, the thin quilt was set up by a small tent.

Fortunately, Bai Fang's spirit was not concentrated here, but continued to say excitedly, "Wang Fei, with your strength, it's really a waste to stay in Dingban. Maybe I'll be like this. When you recover from your injury, you can go straight to Class A to study!"


Wang Fei rejected such a benefit and shook his head and retorted, "Mr. Bai, thank you for your kindness! I'm not strong enough now!"

"If your strength is not enough, then none of the freshmen in Class A is qualified enough! Few people can defeat Griff in a frontal battle, even the old students who have been in the college for a year can do it!"

"It's not like that! Mr. Bai, I know my own situation. If I want to join Class A, I must redouble my efforts. Cross Class C and Class B continuously, instead of entering Class A directly with your words!"

"It's not all the same! Anyone who is not convinced can come to you for a comparison!" Bai Fang continued to stick to her point of view. Anyway, she wanted to bring Wang Fei closer to Class A.

However, Wang Fei seemed to have taken a reassurance pill. No matter how Bai Fang persuaded him, he still insisted on not joining Class A.

"Mr. Bai, the rules are set by the college. No matter how strong I am, I need to follow the rules of the college step by step, and finally enter Class A! What's more, in three months, it will be a selection competition for the disciples of the inner courtyard of Zhengqi College. My goal is to enter the inner courtyard!"

"It's also!"

When Bai Fang saw that Wang Fei had made up her mind, she stopped asking for it. After changing the topic, he continued: "Wang Fei, I don't know why you hide your strength and refuse to test your star power. But I have to say that if you don't show it yourself, others can't find your talent. And if you want to improve your strength as much as possible, you must let the teachers of the college know your real value!"

"Teacher, I understand! However, in terms of star power, it is my secret. Please don't ask about this until the right time!" Wang Fei showed a pleading answer. He was afraid to expose the secrets of the nameless heart method and the twenty-star rings.

In fact, Wang Fei's worries are not without reason. After all, a good cultivation method is what everyone wants to get. The 20 star rings and the first solid star ring condensed by the nameless heart method have extraordinary effects.

Don't be afraid of ten thousand, just in case.

With his own strength today, he can't protect the two secrets of his cultivation. Fortunately, Bai Fang didn't ask any more. Under her disappointed face, her eyes were full of resentment.

This is an irresistible look of any man.

Wang Fei stared at Bai Fang, his chest fluctuated, and his breathing became faster. The small tent that was originally supported immediately expanded a little.

"Bad things, young, but not small-minded!"

After Bai Fang noticed Wang Fei's change, she immediately broke a bite, and then her face gradually turned red. The pink neck immediately flashed a little bright red.

Wang Fei closed his eyes immediately with a ashamed face. Simply, after a difficult turn-over, his back turned out to hide his embarrassment.

"Mao doesn't have Zhang Qi's kid, what's going on in his heart! Teacher, I'm going to class. If you are hungry, I'll put food on the table for you! I believe that you don't have to serve your current physical condition!" Bai Fang didn't wait for Wang Fei to thank him. After speaking, she turned around and left directly.

It was not until Bai Fang went far away that Wang Fei breathed a wild breath and said to himself, "Mr. Bai is really a beauty in the world! No matter how strong-willed she is, she will be constrained by her charming skills and her own appearance. Shame on you, it's really embarrassing this time!"

After talking to himself for a while, there were a few 'gurg' and the messages received in his mind, except for countless pains, there was only a strong sense of hunger.

Wang Fei couldn't check the injury and turned his eyes to the food on the table. After struggling to support his body with his hands, he slowly walked to the table.

Simple food, except for a thin porridge, there are only some simple dishes. After drinking two bowls of porridge quickly, he said, "Mr. Bai's service is really thoughtful. I want to thank her master. But the important thing now is to recover your body as soon as possible!"

There is not much star power in the star cave. According to the route of the nameless heart method, the star power flows around the body. Many injuries and the dry operation of the star power made him worry.

Fortunately, after spending three or four times more time than usual, the star force has completely operated in the body, and no major trauma has been found.

"It's okay, it's okay! I'm really thankful that I didn't have been seriously injured this time. If you want to participate in the fight next time, you can no longer be as impulsive as this time. And in the battle, he did not grasp the fighter. And when you are not sure about the strength of your opponent, you choose to take action because you are greedy for 10,000 gold coins!"

"Griff is too proud. If he were a liquid star in the old life, it would definitely not be what I can resist now. Skilled star skills are the foundation of strength. The nine-level star skills mastered now have been cultivated to the perfect stage. There are both attack and body and star skills, but there is a lack of defensive identity. But it doesn't matter. After all, the perfect body can not supplement the defensive defects!"

"It has been three months since I entered Zhengqi College, and now it's time to learn higher-level star skills. It's just that the college's points are not enough to learn eight star skills. Fortunately, I won 10,000 gold coins this time, which is enough to exchange gold coins for a chance to learn!"

"Ah! By the way, I finally lost consciousness. I don't know if 10,000 gold coins have come into my hands? If Griff repents in the end, then..."

A trace of thought just came to my mind, but worries followed. Under Wang Fei's worried eyes, he really wanted to ask if he had won the bet of 10,000 gold coins in the end.

However, the physical trauma still tortures him all the time. The sharp pain from his chest made his forehead sweat.

It is obviously impossible to ask about the bet immediately. Wang Fei could only drag his heavy footsteps and lie down again.

The operation of the star power has not been hindered, but it seems a little dry.

Wang Fei silently runs the star power, supplementing the empty star hole while repairing the wounds in the body. However, the star power contained in the air during the day is still covered by the sun. Compared with the night, the effect is much worse.

It didn't take long for Wang Fei to feel that his eyelids were getting more and more tired. Finally, I couldn't stand it and fell into a deep sleep.

At the same time, inside Zhengqi College, after listening to a teacher's report, the dean immediately showed meditation and whispered to himself, "That freshman should be with the freshman who was about to understand the 'potential' he met last time. If so, the realm should still be at the peak of the stars. At the level of star apprentice, defeat the liquid pre-star, this..."

Even a well-informed dean can't explain this phenomenon for a while.

After a while, the dean's face returned to normal and said to the teacher beside him, "I know about this! Don't ask first. If the freshman is strong, he will definitely enter the inner courtyard in the future. At that time, I will observe it carefully!"