God of Mercenaries

Chapter 15 Internal Court Assessment

Three months have passed quickly, and with the previous three months, the half-year new life has all ended. Next is the process of selecting into the inner courtyard of Zhengqi College.

After three months of hard practice, Wang Fei not only cultivated the wrong step enhanced version to the point of great perfection, but also practiced other three eight star skills.

Among them, the first eight-grade star skill is the Sirius attack that is good at attacking. Take advantage of the speed to directly cause powerful damage to the opponent. Like the wrong step enhanced version, it has also been cultivated to the stage of great perfection. But if you want to achieve perfection, you need to rely on actual combat testing.

The other two eight-star skills were selected by Wang Fei not long ago. At this time, he has just reached the stage of Xiaocheng and can't fight in the battle at all.

After all, it is a great achievement to cultivate two eight-grade star skills to a satisfactory level in only three months.

In addition, Wang Fei's own star power cultivation has broken through to the peak of 20 star rings. There is only one opportunity away from the final breakthrough. If there is no accident, the breakthrough will be completed within a month.

But it has reached the final selection, and we won't wait for Wang Fei to break through and start the selection. For this reason, he is still at a disadvantage in the realm of star power.

However, at the strength of the star power, Wang Fei has reached the star level in the late gas state. It's just a gap in the realm that he still can't use all his star power to the fullest.

"Wang Fei, you can do it, you can do it!"

After living here for three months, the two have been familiar with each other for three months. And Bai Fang is like a sister, carefully taking care of Wang Fei's daily life. The latter has experienced maternal love that he has never experienced before.

"Sister Bai, don't worry! After the freshman of the same year, few people can defeat me as long as I want!" Wang Fei's confident answer immediately reassured Bai Fang a lot.

The relationship between the two has already broken through teachers and students. On weekdays, they are commensurate with their siblings.

Entering the assessment of the inner courtyard is not available to everyone. According to the regulations of Zhengqi College, 50 students can participate in each of the fourth-level class. The quota depends on the will of the teacher.

For Class A, 50 participants are all their students. Students in Class B have a 25% chance of entering the assessment in Class B, and Class C has a 25% chance. As for the last Ding class, the number of participants is less than tenth of the total number. Fifty people are too few.

Wang Fei was recommended by Bai Fang and robbed a place from 100 students in Class B. Although it was resisted by most of the students in Class B, they did not dare to oppose it. After all, the quota is in the hands of Bai Fang and a teacher.

Naturally, Qingji will not resist Wang Fei's participation.

In the process of teaching Qingji, Wang Fei's physical talent far exceeded that of other talented students he had met. He also wants to see how much Wang Fei can grow after having enough opportunities.

A total of 200 freshmen were all concentrated on the square of Zhengqi College. At this time, the surroundings were quiet. Even if the number of people watching reached three or 4,000, there was still no suspected noise.

The entrance examination of the inner courtyard is held every year between freshmen and old students. The number of freshmen selected into the inner courtyard every year is about 20. For about 1,000 freshmen, the probability of individual entry is only 2%.

The number of old students participating is only 20. However, these 20 places are often selected from previous students. Cruel competition is especially better than freshmen.

Today begins with the assessment of freshmen.

Each assessment content is different and there is no reference. However, what is assessed is the comprehensive ability of freshmen, not the strength of a single aspect.

Wang Fei stood in the middle of the crowd, glanced around and found that there were many acquaintances in the crowd. Like my younger brother Gu Li, his roommate Cress when he was in Class B, and the four heavenly kings of Class D. When he was surprised, Ye Cheng, the young city owner of Stone City, was also among the assessment crowd.

Suddenly, he felt a hostile look. Turning his head, he found that Griff was staring at him angrily. An expression that wanted to swallow him, obviously suffered a lot of ridicule during this period.

However, Wang Fei only smiled gently and turned his head as if he turned a blind eye. Being able to defeat once is enough to leave a shadow in the other party's heart. As for the second confrontation, it is not difficult to win.

Without waiting too long, a fat old man with a big belly appeared energetically directly under the stone tablet in the square.

"Good morning, students! It's an honor to have the annual freshman internal hospital examination! None of your freshmen should know me, so let me introduce myself first.

"My name is Fei Zhu, and I am often called a fat pig!"

"Fat pig? Haha! It's so funny. How can it be such a name!" Many freshmen think so in their minds. However, no one dares to laugh. After all, the next assessment is likely to affect their lives.

"It doesn't matter what you call it, as long as you know me. In addition, I am also the dean of the inner courtyard of Zhengqi College. The status in the college is second only to our dean!"

"You should understand what I mean. Today, I can select the best among you and enter the inner court to study. But in the future, if you don't meet my requirements, you will definitely be expelled from the inner court!"

Before entering the inner courtyard, Dean Fei Zhu is like a brand, deeply engraved in the hearts of these freshmen. Whether you can enter the inner courtyard or not, the name of 'fat pig' will spread widely among all new students.

"Well, it's meaningless to talk too much nonsense. I will keep the content of this assessment confidential for the time being. When you get to the place, you will naturally know. Now everyone comes with me. Except for the freshmen who participated in the assessment, if others follow, don't blame me for being rude!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Fei Zhu took the lead and walked outside the college. It seems that this assessment was not held in the college. The 200 freshmen who participated in the assessment followed Fei Zhu closely. Before long, it disappeared from the sight of other students.

"It turned out to be led by Dean Fei Zhu himself. It seems that the college has repaid incomparable confidence in this year's freshmen!"

"Fat pig is famous for being strict. I thought I was also one of the students in the inner courtyard at the beginning, but I made a small mistake and was expelled from the inner courtyard by him. This freshman is in trouble. I don't know how many people can pass the assessment!"

"That's a little mistake! Forget it, let's not talk about this! It's really a pity that I can't see the best of this new students with my own eyes. We still step up our practice, and in half a month, it will be the old students' turn to assess!"

In a short time, thousands of new and old students around them dispersed.

Wang Fei followed in the middle of the team, where he was among the students of Class B, and it was not easy to say hello to Gu Li.

At this time, Dean Fei Zhu, who was walking in the front of the team, walked faster and faster. So that the students in front can only follow closely behind them by running.

And Dean Fei Zhu also seemed to be interested in exploring the physical fitness of the students. The pace under his feet did not accelerate, but the speed of body movement was slowly improving.

Within three or four minutes, the students walking in front of the team have begun to run with all their strength. They did not dare to use star power randomly and were afraid that they would go against the will of the dean and thus lose their qualification to participate in the assessment.

Although these freshmen have undergone half a year of physical training, many freshmen still have excellent physical requirements. For this reason, less than half an hour later, the whole team had a division in its eyes.

About three-quarters of the students still follow Dean Fei Zhu closely. The other quarter has fallen to the rear.

With the passage of time, more and more students have left the ranks of the first group. After waiting for almost two hours, there were only 103 students who could follow Fei Zhu.

At this time, Fei Zhu stopped, looked at the freshmen behind with disappointment, and then said, "This is the first content of this assessment. Those who did not follow me are not qualified to carry out the following assessment!"