God of Mercenaries

Chapter 11 Chaos

The nameless canyon is located in an inconspicuous corner of the Lianyun Mountains. There is no fame here. For hundreds of years, it has been inaccessible. However, with the emergence of the star tree and the star fruit, it will definitely become famous.

As time goes by, more and more thieves have heard about it. The narrow valley has been crowded with thousands of nearby thieves. These people, or dozens of people, gathered together and obviously divided into more than ten teams.

In addition, there are many scattered thieves. However, these thieves basically have more than star masters. It is not impossible to get the star fruit by acting alone.

And among the scattered thieves, it is not difficult to find that the figures of Wang Fei and Wu Erlang are hidden in a corner.

The internal discussion of the mercenary regiment is finally subject to Wang Fei's opinion. After all, even if everyone acts together, it is impossible to take advantage of thousands of thieves.

" boss, so many pirates are staring at Xingchenguo. Fortunately, they didn't let the second brother follow." Wu Erlang said gladly. Looking at the dark thieves around him, he began to feel uncomfortable in his heart.

"Erlang, with the hidden method of the two of us, even if we encounter a large-scale melee, as long as we don't force ourselves to come out, the danger will be minimized. And the second one will undoubtedly add a lot of unnecessary trouble to us. Besides, our purpose is only the star fruit, not the thief!"

Wang Fei's eyes kept looking around, circle after circle, observing the cultivation of the thieves.

A thousand thieves, at least 100 of them, broke through to the star level. And the highest level of cultivation has almost reached the level of senior star masters.

If such a thief stands up, Wang Fei may not be his opponent. It is difficult to get the star fruit from their hands.

But Fortunately, the thieves are divided into more than a dozen different camps, waiting for the one to mature, and there will definitely be a fierce melee. At that time, it will be the opportunity for Wang Fei and Wu Erlang.

With the passage of minutes and seconds, the surrounding atmosphere is particularly gloomy. Everyone looked at the star tree not far ahead.

The shape of the star tree is very close to the Christmas tree. On the umbrella-shaped crown, there are five golden fruits shining, which are the star fruit.

At this time, it was late at night, and the starlight flashing in the sky kept condensing towards the star fruit. The scattered star power is injected into the star fruit, emitting a faint golden light.

Suddenly, the regular golden light of the stars immediately burst into a dazzling light. Countless light writes that make this unnamed valley brighter than the day.

"Star fruit will mature soon, and everyone is ready!"

"Prepare to rob, and those who block will be killed!"


The thieves immediately gave orders, making the atmosphere around them particularly tense. One by one, they showed greedy eyes and heavy breaths, and almost rushed forward immediately.

"Erlang, let's not rush ahead, it's not good for us!" Wang Fei was not attracted by the star fruit and said lightly that he obviously didn't want to be a head bird.

Wu Erlang nodded nervously, although he had seen a lot of such a big scene. But when you really have to face it alone, it will be another mood. After all, the fierce eyes of the thieves around him gave him some fear.

It wasn't long before all the golden light emitted by the stars suddenly stopped. And five fruits hung quietly on the branches. Moreover, the light in the valley has returned to its normal appearance.

This is a sign of the complete maturity of the star fruit. At this time, it can fully exert its greatest medicinal effect and is the elixir that all stars dream of.

"The star fruit is mine, who dares to rob me!"

A thief leader gathered hundreds of people and roared, and then the first one rushed to the star tree.

If a hundred thieves act together in normal times, it will definitely give people a sense of shock. But at this time, all the thieves' eyes were on the ripe star fruit. The remaining more than 900 were thieves, roaring almost at the same time and rushing towards the star tree at their fastest speed.

Wang Fei stopped Wu Erlang's impulse and couldn't help moving a few steps. If it is a retreat, it is too obvious. Squeezing to the edge can reduce unextruded attacks.

There are many thieves who have already met at this moment. No one wants to see the limited star fruit picked by others. Under this premise, the hundred thieves running in the front obviously became the target of everyone's attack.

Sword, long knife, spear...

Hundreds of weapons, after being injected with a large amount of star power, launched a direct attack on the thieves in front of them. The fierce momentum is almost like the earth shaking.


A series of roars seemed deafening, and the thieves were not affected at all and continued to be busy.

After a round of attacks, at least half of the 100 thieves who ran to the front lost their lives. Thirty-fourth of the remaining people also lost their ability to act.

That is to say, there are only about 30 people left at the front. And a round of attacks does not mean that they will definitely get the star fruit.

Seeing that the person in front of him is getting closer and closer to the star fruit, the thieves behind him can immediately control themselves. One attack can't clear the obstacles in front of you, so let's make a second attack.

The shouts, the collision of weapons, and the moans of the thieves interweave the tragic scene. In just over ten seconds, at least hundreds of thieves have lost their precious lives.

Of course, almost all these dead thieves are star masters. As for the thieves who are as powerful as stars, they have taken the practice of watching the changes. They don't think that they can win the star fruit with the little guys in front of them.

"Erlang, let's slowly approach the star tree!"

Wang Fei found the appropriate reality, then set up the shadow cloak, and instantly enveloped Wu Erlang in it. The two figures also disappeared into the night air.

Now everyone has focused on the competition for the stars and has not noticed the change of the two at all. After hiding their bodies, they returned to step on the bodies of the thieves on the ground, followed the thieves step by step, and then approached the star tree.

The star tree grows on a small soil slope in the valley. The slope of the soil slope is 40 to 50 degrees and the height is about 30 meters.

The first thief to reach the bottom of the dirt slope immediately showed excitement on his face. It is only about 30 meters away from the star fruit. If you can take one, your strength will definitely improve by leaps.

However, before the thief came to his senses, a long sword on the side instantly pierced his body. The smiling face also immediately turned into a ferocious face, and he was still deeply unwilling.

Such scenes are rare in the valley. Many thieves even killed their companions in order to get the star fruit. Of course, more thieves died from sneak attacks behind the back.

In less than five minutes, no less than 200 bodies have been accumulated below the soil slope. These bodies were pasted and formed a pile of more than ten meters. The circulating blood dyed the surrounding flowers and plants red.

And as it gets closer and closer to the star tree, the scuffle has undoubtedly become more fierce. Almost all the star-level thieves have joined the battle. The flying star power can't hit the opponent in front of you, and it can also hurt innocent people around.

Wu Erlang, who was hiding in Wang Fei's shadow cloak, patted his chest nervously. For this scene, there is only one word to evaluate, which is 'crazy'!

Yes, it's crazy!

Under the 30-meter-high soil slope, the continuous devouring of approaching thieves is life. Even for a period of time, no thief dared to step on the slope at will.

That is the price of bleeding, and the bodies of the thieves under your feet are the best witness.

In this situation, the depressed atmosphere made the battle slowly calm down. The remaining 600 are thieves. While looking at the people around them vigilantly, their greedy eyes are still inseparable from the stars.

Just as the thieves were deadlocked again, Wang Fei and Wu Erlang, hiding in the shadow cloak, were carefully approaching the star tree. Obviously, their goal must be the fruit of the stars!