God of Mercenaries

Chapter 14 Challenge

The chaotic battle lasted for six or seven hours, and finally it was over until only five teenagers were lucky enough to stand in the hero's ring!

It is worth mentioning that one of the five teenagers who finally persisted was the red-haired teenager when he opened his hair.

There is too much uncertainty in such a scuffle. Although the red-haired teenager has to face the attack of the remaining ten teenagers with the weakest strength and worst situation.

But in the melee, he did not choose a one-on-one battle. Instead, when someone wants to take action against him, they rush directly to the side with the largest number of people. In this way, anyone who wants to attack him also needs to think about the consequences.

After all, the blue-haired teenager and the sneaker are the most direct role models!

The appetizer has been served, and the next step is the time for dinner.

The last ten forces of Longyan City, the Cao family, the Long family, the Yu family, the Li family, the Feng family, the Bao family, the Shenfeng Mercenary Regiment, the Heaven and Earth Mercenary Regiment, the Sky Mercenary Regiment and the War Bear Mercenary Regiment. They are in a position side by side, waiting for the challenger's challenge.

The five major forces are the Huang family, the Potter family, the Qinghe Mercenary Corps, the Integrity Mercenary Corps and the Longyan City Chamber of Commerce.

The representatives of the five challenging forces appear in the opposite direction of the ten forces. At the same time, they shot at the top ten forces and finally focused on the Cao family.

The current situation of the Cao family is well known in Longyan City. There are no particularly prominent teenagers in the family, so they put their ideas on the Cao family.

is only one after the challenge. If you want to launch a challenge, you still have to pay a certain price. Of course, this price is often expressed in gold coins. After all, among the ten forces challenged, there will always be soft persimmons.

"My Huang family has issued one million gold coins to challenge the Cao family!"

"The Potter family has issued three million gold coins and also challenged the Cao family!"


Five families reported their sincerity at the same time. As the challenged party, they have the right to choose the object of the challenge in the face of multiple forces.

Although it was regarded as a 'soft persimmon', Cao Kun was very angry. However, think about it from another perspective, those who need to challenge the Cao family will crazily increase the cost of the challenge at this time, and finally all the benefits will not be cheaper.

"The Chamber of Commerce of Longyan City has issued 15 million gold coins. This time, we are bound to squeeze into the top ten forces of Longyan City!"

With the bid of the Longyan City Chamber of Commerce, several other forces have stopped bidding. The price of 15 million gold coins, even the Cao family, one of the ten powers, needs three or four years to accumulate.

Mr. Cao Kun's eyes were almost full of gold coins, and a proud smile appeared on his face, which made him nod his head and replied, "Okay, okay, okay! Since the Longyan City Chamber of Commerce wants to understand the strength of our Cao family, I have taken this challenge on behalf of the Cao family!"

Among the five forces to challenge, the Longyan City Chamber of Commerce can easily take out 15 million gold coins just to get the first choice. It can be seen that the background of the Chamber of Commerce will make it the most difficult of the five forces.

The people present don't understand that for the sake of the Cao family, they would choose the Longyan City Chamber of Commerce and not choose other forces? Did the Cao family really accept their fate this time and withdraw from the stage of the top ten forces in Longyan City to accumulate the last wealth for the family?

"Good! Even so, let's start the first real challenge!"

The first person to step up is the challenger of the Longyan City Chamber of Commerce. According to the rules, the three-game two-win system is implemented. One of them must be attended by people of their own power. The other two games can be attended by foreign aid.

The first person to enter the ring is the eldest son of the president of the Longyan City Chamber of Commerce, who is exactly 25 years old this year. With the cultivation of the three-patterned star division, the first victory against the direct members of the Cao family must be ten-nine.

As long as you win the first victory, you can challenge success in any of the next two games. I believe that there must be a stronger way for the Longyan City Chamber of Commerce.

However, when Cao Wu of the Cao family stepped into the ring, it immediately caused a huge sensation.

In Longyan City, there are almost no secrets that can be retained for the direct personnel of various forces. Cao Wu of the Cao family should linger in the later stage of the solid-state star. Even with the help of elixirs, you can only break through to a star master at most.

However, although Cao Wu, who appeared in front of everyone, had unstable star power, he was also a nailed four-patterned star master. The strong breath made the people of the Longyan City Chamber of Commerce suddenly shout.

"Impossible! How can Cao Wu's strength be improved so much at once?

Anyway, it is an indisputable fact that Cao Wu has stood in the ring. He also obeyed Mr. Cao's warning, and his unstable cultivation made him unable to fight for too long.

Although the star fruit is a rare fruit in a hundred years, it is not a magic elixir. The improvement of strength also requires a step-by-step process.

While the other party was stunned, Cao Wu immediately launched an attack. The one-handed sword is like a flash of lightning, breaking the limitation of time and space, and instantly appears in front of the other party.

Longyan City Chamber of Commerce is a joint force established in order to survive under the control of the ten major forces. The name of the president of the current Chamber of Commerce is Shen Bin, and his son Shen Qiang is a teenager fighting on the field.

Shen Qiang is obviously not a fuel-efficient lamp. Although he is not fully prepared in the face of Cao Wu's sudden attack. However, he, who also used the sword, used his adaptability to take the first sword.

However, the attack did not end at one time. After one failure, Cao Wu continued to launch the attack. Between one move, pay attention to speed. At a lightning-like speed, the opponent only has room to fight.

Seven Star Skills, Seven Star Skills, Six Star Skills...

The star skill of one move, as if it does not need to consume star power, launches continuous attacks in Cao Wu's hands. The fierce attack has a strong momentum.

This is also Mr. Cao's strategy. After all, Cao Wu's cultivation was suddenly upgraded from a solid star to the four-pattern star master level. His real strength is at most at the three-pattern star master level.

Although Shen Qiang's cultivation, there is also some water. But he is five years older than Cao Wu, which gives him an absolute advantage in star technology.

Fortunately, at the opening moment, Cao Wu seized the opportunity to attack and suppressed the opponent's attack. The attack regardless of consumption made Shen Qiang have no room to fight back.

In an instant, Cao Wu, who has used dozens of powerful star skills, can't keep up with his own consumption. But Shen Qiang's situation was equally bad. The continuous attacks caused some non-fatal wounds on him.

"The fluttering of six-pin star skills and moving the sword!"

After Cao Wu continued his star power again, he immediately used the most powerful star skill he has mastered so far. It is also a six-level star skill, but it has been cultivated to the stage of great perfection. The shadows of swords are like falling willow catkins, which are undulating and difficult to figure out.

At this time, more than ten minutes have passed since the battle. Continuous fighting makes the consumption of both of them not small.

Facing Cao Wu's fierce attack again, Shen Qiang wanted to continue to defend, but he seemed to be more than strong. He lost his first hand from the first contact, leaving him passive all the time. The defense, while being injured, also brought him close to the edge of the hero's ring.

A sword flower appeared in front of Shen Qiang in an instant. The sudden attack doubled the difficulty of his defense. The sharp sword in his hand, although there are many attacks. However, there are still more attacks falling on him.


A series of 'sneer', Shen Qiang's body burst out blood. In his desperate eyes, with a trace of howling, he seemed to say, "I admit defeat. Please forgive me this time!"

However, Cao Wu obviously will not stay behind at the critical moment. After taking a deep breath, the sword in his hand continues to attack rapidly. Swords flashed and fell directly on the opponent.


Shen Qiang's body full of scars fell heavily under the ring. It also means that the first battle ended with the victory of the Cao family!