God of Mercenaries

Chapter 6 Prepare for a sneak attack

On Monday, he was the eldest of the four heavenly kings of Zhengqi College. After his fall, there were only three of the four heavenly kings left, and the leader became Wu Er.

Among the four people, the second talent can only rank in three or four, and it is not good in terms of wisdom. But he took on the responsibility of being the boss. In five years, he will never sweat less than anyone else. Otherwise, it is impossible for the cultivation to break through to the level of seven-pattern star master.

After accepting the task assigned by Wang Fei, he put his main goals on the Ghost. As for the other three ships, they did not intend to take them away. As long as it is destroyed, it is enough to eliminate the retreat of pirates.

After all, only a dozen people came with him. And these people alone can't drive all the ships away.

For this reason, Wu Er personally stepped on the Ghost. As for the destruction of other three-handed ships, it was handed over to Zhu San. After a group of people sneaked into the boat, they left to take action.

On the side of the pirates, they never thought that the ghost island would have the power to attack their ships while defending. For this reason, the strength of those who stay on the ship is generally relatively underground. In less than a quarter of an hour, all the left-behind pirates have been solved.

At this time, Wu Er immediately said to Zhu San, "Sanzi, you immediately sink the three huge axe pirate ships with your double hammers. The other brothers drove the Ghost to the rear of Ghost Island.

In the coconut grove, the struggle between masters has been in full swing. Almost everyone has used the most powerful attack. Coconut trees have set off countless sand and stones.

Especially the battle between the four nine-striped stars, the scene was even more intense. Countless star power splashes, so that no one in the surrounding circle dares to approach.

On the other side, Tian Tian met an eight-striped star master of a huge axe pirate group. Being able to practice until now, it can be seen that the other party is not a fuel-efficient lamp.

In terms of star power, the two are almost between sowing seeds. However, Tian Tian's combat experience is obviously much weaker. After all, she has only practiced for more than 20 years, and she is nearly half younger than the other party.

But even so, it will take at least half an hour for the other party to defeat Tian Tian.

At this time, Tian Tian seemed to have room for defense later. She half blocked the opponent's attack and retreated towards a corner. Before long, he retreated to the edge of a hut. After looking at the other party in horror, he immediately pushed into the hut.

The chasing thief rushed directly into the hut after a slight pause. However, when he entered the hut, he obviously felt something was wrong. Inside was not only the breath of the woman who had just entered, but also a strong breath immediately appeared.

No, I was fooled!

The thief exclaimed and immediately wanted to retreat. However, Tian Tian's dagger immediately appeared behind him, with a strange attack, changing the previous single defense.

On the other side, a strong man with the strength of the Eight-Streng Star Master suddenly appeared and blocked his retreat. And he launched the same attack, making it impossible for him to retreat.

In the face of front and rear attacks, the thief immediately took out all means to protect himself. All the star power in the body broke out, and I immediately used a unique trick, hoping to avoid this disaster.

However, the killers carefully arranged by Wang Fei and the Wind Mercenary Regiment are not so easy to crack. The victory of the two eight-patterned star masters against the one-patterned eight-patterned star seems to be only a matter of time.

It turned out that long after the thief appeared, Wang Fei let Crace hide in a hut, waiting for the opportunity to kill the enemy. After seeing the strength of the thief's side clearly, he ordered Tian Tian to work with Kres to solve an eight-pattern star master of the other party first.

In this battle, the final battle still depends on the battle between several high-level stars. It is not easy to destroy a nine-striped star master. After all, the top star master who is about to step into the door of the constellation master with one foot is definitely the most terrible.

For this reason, after some consideration, Wang Fei and others fixed their eyes on the other party's eight-pattern star master. As long as the two eight star masters are destroyed, the strong man on his side will be enough to slaughter the pirates.

On the other hand, the giant axe pirate regiment and Feng Kai's coalition mobilized five five-pattern star divisions to launch an impact on the rear of Wang Fei's triangle formation.

However, in the first time of the attack, it received a counterattack from Li Si and others. The result of the seven-patterned star master against the five-patterned star master is obvious. Not long after the fighting, five five star masters were killed by Li Si. After losing the advantage of the number of people, the next battle is not difficult to solve.

The form is more and more unfavorable to the Giant Axe Pirates and Feng Kai's allied forces, so that after half an hour of fighting, there are not many pirates who are still resisting.

With the appearance of Tian Tian and Cress, it shows that the eight-pattern star thief transferred to their trap has lost his life. However, both of them obviously consume a lot, but at this time, there is no need to consume huge star power for ordinary thieves.

At this time, Wang Fei saw that the thieves had almost been eliminated, and the remaining 50 thieves were usually above the Erwen Star Division. The battle may continue for a while, but he is worried about the battle between Guli and the snake.

For this reason, before Kreis Tiantian took action, he said, "Kress, you and Tian Tiantian can only come together to be brothers. I'll go and see how the battle between the two is?"

Although Wang Fei has been fighting until now, the number of pirates who died at his hands has reached at least 30 or 40. However, his star power has been consumed by less than 20%, and he still maintains his combat effectiveness in his heyday.

After putting down his companions, Wang Fei's body immediately disappeared in place.

The battle between the four nine-patterned stars has been far away from the core of the melee. The farther you play, the better it is.

Gu Li has an absolute advantage, and he almost attacks his opponent. A fierce move, accompanied by strong star power. Eighteen swords of the mad devil. At this time, he has mastered at least fifteen swords. And it will not be long before he is proficient in using his own 'potential' to win the battle.

However, Wang Fei was worried that his opponent's counterattack before his death might make Gu Li suffer serious injuries. He quietly hid his breath and was ready to use a sneak attack to solve Feng Meng before finding a blood maniac.

Suddenly, Gu Li gave up continuing to pursue, but stepped back a few steps and raised the giant scorpion epee high. The serious look is obviously to prepare for the big move.

After a while, a strong momentum immediately burst out from his body and shouted, "Crazy Fifteen Swords!"

After fighting for so long, Gu Li has deeply understood the strength of his opponent. At this time, he made a unique move and definitely wanted to end the battle as soon as possible.

Wang Fei, who was watching behind, shook his head and said to himself, "The second brother is still too urgent! It has gained a full advantage, as long as it continues to maintain it. Since the other party can cultivate to the realm of Jiuwen Star Master, how can there be no life-saving move?

Feng Meng's face immediately became serious, and at the same time, he injected all the star power into the double-edged axe in his hand in an instant. In the face of powerful moves, only the same moves can be used to fight against them.

"Open the world!"

From the huge axe in Feng Meng's hand, a power to destroy space burst out. Directly against Gu Li's attack, the two collided violently.


The collision of the two nine-strike stars with one blow produced a star fluctuation, almost reaching the constellation level. The surrounding star power immediately became chaotic, and a large amount of flying sand also hindered the view.

Good opportunity!

Wang Fei secretly spoke out in his heart. At this moment, he knew that it was time for him to take action. Confusion of sight and chaotic star fluctuations can cover up his sneak attack.

A ghost-like body, try not to emit a trace of fluctuation. And he didn't move forward on the ground, but walked in the air. At the beginning, the reward given by Zhengqi College, the flying eagle of the second-grade star skill, can already be skillfully used by him.

And Feng Meng, who had just resisted a deadly attack, gasped violently. He looked at Gu Li in front of him with vigilance, but he was not interested at all. Another crisis was approaching.