God of Mercenaries

Chapter 12 Target Shark Bay

More than half an hour has passed since Wang Fei dived to the bottom of the sea. Lao Jiu, who stayed on the boat and waited for Hou, began to feel anxious. After all, even powerful star warriors need to breathe.

However, there is still no movement in the surrounding sea. Except for the slight waves brought by the breeze, there is only the scene of the bottom of the sea.

At the beginning, Lao Jiu could still see Wang Fei's figure. The deeper he dived, the more blurred his vision became, until he completely lost the trace of Wang Fei.

Although you can see the scenery of the bottom of the sea standing on the boat, most of them are reflected scenes, not directly seen. Wang Fei has been at the bottom of the sea more than 100 meters, and it is impossible to judge the angle of reflection at all.

At this time, Wang Fei, who dived to the bottom of the sea, did not gain much after more than half an hour of searching.

He found three or four clams, but they were only the size of palms. Even if he has no experience in collecting pearls, he knows that this size of pearls can't breed precious pearls at all.

At this time, even with the support of strong star power, he felt that the oxygen in his body was consumed a lot. Although it can last for about two hours, in order to avoid all kinds of emergencies and make Lao Jiu not to worry, Wang Fei chose to emerge.

After his feet pedaled heavily on the bottom of the sea, the power generated immediately made his body rise rapidly. Moreover, his hands and feet moved at the same time, swimming towards the sea like a fish. After a while, his body jumped up, splashed a huge splash, and fell into the sea again.


Wang Fei took a few deep breaths, although he turned his head to look for the trace of Lao Jiu.

Fortunately, I searched for half an hour at the bottom of the sea and didn't go too far. After all, the surface of the seabed is not as good as land. And the strong water pressure and bad sight have greatly slowed down the scope of Wang Fei's search.

Seeing Lao Jiu looking into the distance, Wang Fei immediately shouted, "Lao Jiu, here, here!"

turned his head and found the first black spot a kilometer away. Although he could not see his appearance clearly, Lao Jiu judged that the other party was looking for Wang Fei. He immediately sliding the boat happily and soon appeared in front of Wang Fei.

"Wang Shao, why did you appear!"

In Ghost Island, most people are willing to call Wang Fei and Gu Li Wang Shao and Gu Shao. Both of them are bearded apprentices, and it is not too much to call a young regimental commander.

"Ha ha, it worries you! But don't worry, I only hold on for at least an hour or two under one or two meters of water. For the next action, Wang Fei said confidently.

Lao Jiu nodded heavily and asked, "Wang Shao, are you coming up now, or are you going to go to sea again?"

"I'll go down and look for it again, and you don't have to worry!" After saying that, Wang Fei disappeared on the sea level again. After his body sneaked into the sea, he immediately rowed to the bottom of the sea.

In this way, Wang Fei spent half a day diving six or seven times in the nearby sea. Each time is between half an hour and an hour. However, I still didn't even see a shadow of the Millennium Black Pearl.

Not to mention the thousand-year-old black pearl, he didn't see a single ordinary black pearl. After collecting a large sea area, there was no harvest, which couldn't help but make him a little relaxed.

Lao Jiu saw Wang Fei's disappointed expression and began to comfort him: "Wang Shao, I'm just starting to look for it. Don't give up easily! Moreover, you haven't learned how to find black pearls, and how can you get thousands of black pearls at once!"

Yes! I don't know where pearls are abundant. I can't just choose a sea to find pearls. The sea is boundless. If so, wouldn't the pearl have overflowed long ago?

Wang Fei looked at Lao Jiu gratefully and said, "Let's go to Pearl Island first, and then hire an old pearl picker. Anyway, I will try my best."

He set a deadline for himself for one month. If there is still no Millennium Black Pearl after a month, he will return to Ghost Island. For Bai Fang's black hair, there is no other way to find another way.

After more than three hours under Lao Jiu's row, he finally arrived at Pearl Island.

The area of Pearl Island is not large, almost a circle with a radius of about ten kilometers. Tens of thousands of people live on such a small island.

Normally, the daily necessities on the island are shipped from merchant ships outside. After exchanging pearls from here, it is enough to benefit both sides of the caravan.

As soon as Wang Fei set foot on Pearl Island, he felt that the star power on the island seemed to be thinner than the surrounding sea. Normally, this situation is abnormal. However, he didn't ask much, but went straight to the market on the island.

The market on Pearl Island is naturally prepared for the sale of pearls. And the pearls here are not only prepared to refine the star elixir that increases star power, but also more pearls are a luxury decoration.

The market is not lively, only a dozen people are selling pearls of various qualities. Obviously, this is not the season for pearl harvest.

Generally speaking, June of each year is the best time to collect pearls after the period when the hurricane is rampant. Some high-quality pearls in the deep sea will flow to shallow seas with hurricanes. Almost all kinds of high-quality pearls that can increase star power were collected in July and August.

Wang Fei walked to the stall of a middle-aged man and asked the stall owner, "Boss, how much are these pearls?"

The pearls on the booth are almost the size of broad beans. The quality is not high, and almost all freshwater pearls can achieve such quality.

"One silver coin!" The stall owner doesn't care about this little money, and obviously doesn't care too much about the business.

"I don't think these qualities are good. Do you have any better quality pearls?" Wang Fei continued to ask.

The middle-aged man gave Wang Fei a white look. From the other party's question, it can be seen that he is an outsider who has just come to Pearl Island. He replied angrily, "There are no good pearls to sell in these seasons. If you want to sell high-quality pearls, then wait three months before you come back!"

The indifferent attitude of the other party did not make Wang Fei angry. The latter smiled and continued to ask, "So if I want to go to sea to collect pearls now, where do you think it's better?"

seems to be used to boredom, and the middle-aged man also responded, "If you are bored, then go and collect pearls!" Ha ha, as for the collection site, it's the same everywhere!"

"You mean that pearls cannot be collected in the sea near Pearl Island during this period?" Wang Fei asked disappointedly. If so, he had no choice but to go home.

"Young man, it's not that there is no good place to collect, but it depends on whether you dare to collect it?" An old man next to him said in a flirting tone.

"Old man, don't make trouble. Can people go to that place?" The loud reprimand of the middle-aged man, obviously, the area mentioned by the other party must contain great danger.

This made Wang Fei curious and immediately let go of his loss and hurriedly asked, "Where is it?"

"Young man, don't listen to the old man. The name of the place he mentioned is Magic Shark Bay, which is a special place to make an appointment in the sea of Pearl Island. It is said that there are countless sharks living in the Magic Shark Bay. Even powerful star warriors may not be able to find pearls anywhere. I have been on Pearl Island for more than 20 years, and no one has ever been able to pick pearls in the Magic Shark Bay and come back alive!"

The middle-aged man was afraid that Wang Fei couldn't help **, even if he explained it. The danger level of the Magic Shark Bay field has obviously become hellish in his eyes. It's just a story, but the fear and panic shown on the face are all from the bottom of my heart.

But Wang Fei doesn't care about this. It's just a shark, and it's not that he hasn't met it.

When I was trained by a bearded devil on Sanshan Island, I was chased by sharks in the sea all day long. A magic shark bay did not bring him back.

After a little consideration, Wang Fei said to the middle-aged man, "I'm going to the magic shark sea and want to hire a guide. Who do you think is more suitable here?"