God of Mercenaries

Chapter 16 Escape

Fan Yang is the contemporary head of the Fan family, and his cultivation has reached the level of a nine-pattern star master. A day ago, after hearing the news of the great change and the death of countless sharks in the Magic Shark Bay, he immediately organized all the backbone of the Fan family and decided to go to the Magic Shark Bay to find out.

Watching Wang Fei's boat leave, although Fan Yang had some doubts in his heart, he had no intention of asking. After a rapid advance, the big ship finally reached the periphery of Magic Shark Bay.

Fan Yang stood and watched for a while, as if he was smelled by the fishy smell. After thinking for a moment, he said to the people behind him, "Fan Cheng, you immediately lead two people to the sea to have a look. If you are in danger, after pulling the rope, I will pull you up!"

In Tiandao Fan's family, Fan Yang's words are the imperial edict. Everyone's heart trembles when they receive orders. Magic Shark Bay is definitely a demonic place for people on Pearl Island. They are all hesitating whether to dive into the sea?

"What? Don't you even listen to me?" After Fan Yang saw that there was no response, his face immediately became gloomy.

Under his pressure, Fan Cheng has no room for resistance. He grabbed the end of the rope and slowly tied it behind his waist. Under the sympathetic eyes of the people on the side, he jumped into the sea.

After waiting for about four or five minutes, Fan Cheng pulled the rope strongly, and under Fan Yang's force, he jumped out of the sea directly and fell on the deck.

"How's it going? What's unusual in the sea?"

Fan Yang didn't care about Fan Cheng's life or death at all. After seeing that the latter was fine, he directly asked about the situation in the sea.

"Master, there is no shark in the sea now. And the rope is not long enough, so I can only explore the surrounding areas. However, there are many pearls growing on the bottom of the sea, and I believe there will definitely be high-quality pearls in it!"

"Good! OK! OK! Order it to go down immediately, and all the pearl pickers will go out! The pearls of Magic Shark Bay are several times more than our Fan family. Fan Yang said excitedly.

"Master, is this not good?" Fan Cheng said weakly.

"What's wrong? Didn't you say that there is no threat of sharks here, and you can't collect pearls? Fan Yang saw that the authority of the record was despised, and his excited expression immediately became condensed. Turning over is faster than turning over a book.

"That's not what I mean!" Fan Cheng quickly explained, "Master, our Fan family got the news today, and people who believe that other forces will soon dare to come to Magic Shark Bay. At this time, we should first collect the best quality pearls. This is just the periphery, and the mule has not grown for several years!"

"Haha! Fan Cheng, you are too thoughtful this time! After the action, you will be promoted to a deacon of the Fan family immediately. As long as your strength improves, you will be the elder of the Fan family!"

After Fan Yang laughed, he also knew that time was running out. Immediately gave the order to move forward. After the ship expelled the floating body of the shark on the sea, it came to the core of the Magic Shark Bay a moment later.

But the next situation is played by all the masters of the Fan family. In a large circle around the core, there is no pearl clam at all. The experienced pearl pickers reported information that shocked Fan Yang.

"Master, there are signs that the pearl clams here have been collected. I think we are a step late!"

Hearing the fact that he was unwilling to accept, Fan Yang's face became extremely gloomy. He thought that in addition to the Fan family, there was any other force in Pearl Island that had the strength to accomplish this feat.

The body of the shark on the sea is enough to show that the pearls were collected and left after being killed directly.

At this time, he suddenly thought that the boat that had just left couldn't help but raise an idea. Could it be the person who just left and collected all the pearls to leave?

"Master, master, I found it here!"

After Fan Cheng came to Jiaoyu, he saw the remains of a large number of pearl clams and immediately reported to Fan Yang, the head of the house. After that, a group of people came to a unanimous conclusion that the people who collected pearls must have left not long ago.

And Fan Yang immediately pointed to the direction Wang Fei and the others left and shouted, "Go in that direction at full speed, and be sure to catch up with the boat that left before!"

While Fanyang's big ship left, the other two big ships also arrived in the Sea of Magic Shark Bay almost at the same time. They are the other two giants on Pearl Island, the Zhuhai Thieves and the ruthless Gong family.

Both sides watched the Fan family's boat leave, and their hearts were full of doubts. Does the Fan family not care about the pearls here at all?

However, they later concluded that after the slightly better-quality pearls of Magic Shark Bay were collected, they determined that the Fan family did it at this time. For this reason, after some discussion, the two sides decided to work together to deal with the Fan family. Two big ships immediately chased after the Fan family.

On the other side, Lao Jiu drives the boat and moves forward at full speed. A small boat less than ten meters can't be compared with a large boat in terms of power. However, Lao Jiu, as a six-patterned star master, under the sign of Wang Fei, unreservedly used all his star power to increase the speed of navigation.

A series of stars are added to the sail, increasing the speed of the ship by more than three or four times. At this time, compared with the big ship of the Fan family, it was no less than that.

The Zhuhai Thieves and Gong Jia, who chased, both knew that the speed of their own ship was almost at the same level as the performance of the Fan family's ship. If you catch up, it will be half an hour away. As long as the other party doesn't stop, I don't know how long it will take to catch up.

Zhu Shen, the head of the Zhuhai Thieves Group, immediately proposed a joint way forward. One ship advanced at full speed, and the other ship followed closely behind. You don't need to pay all the speed to achieve the effect of full speed.

Once the ship in front is weak, the two ships immediately change their positions and then start moving forward.

In this way, although the speed has not been improved, it has improved the time of sailing at full speed. Unconsciously, the distance with the Fan family is constantly getting closer.

For almost a day, the three sides ran after me and traveled a long front, especially Wang Fei's boat running in the front, and the distance between them and the Fan family were also constantly being narrowed.

After all, Lao Jiu's star power is limited. After a day of consumption, under the pale face, the star power in the body is less than two times.

Of course, Wang Fei can also rely on his own star power to increase the speed of the ship's navigation and be temporarily out of danger. However, this is not a long-term solution after all. He was not sure and returned to the ghost island before the rear caught up.

And the Fan family is also uncomfortable, and the distance between the boat and the boat is constantly getting closer, but in the sight of the rear, there has been a two-handed ship of the Shenzhu Mercenary Regiment and the Gong family. The distance between them is less than ten minutes away.

"Wang Shao, I can only support it for another hour." Lao Jiu said with difficulty, and his eyes were full of eyes for help.

"I know!" Wang Fei answered lightly, but did not mean to take over. He is thinking about how to deal with the current situation. It is no longer possible to escape, so there is only battle left.

After a long time, Wang Fei said, "Lao Jiu, stop the boat!" We can't get rid of the chase behind us. You don't have to say anything or do anything later. It's up to me to make everything, and we can definitely avoid this crisis!"

To be honest, if it weren't for greed, they would have been on the ghost island by now. Even if you walk an hour or two early during the collection process, you will not be easily found by the other party.

However, these were left behind by him after a little thought. At the same time, he noticed the two big ships following the Fan family. As I have learned about the power of Pearl Island before, it is not difficult to infer that the two ships are two foreign forces from Pearl Island, the Shenzhu Mercenary Regiment and the Gong family.

In this regard, Wang Fei slowly formed a strategy in his heart. After throwing the storage bag for pearls to Lao Jiu, he took his storage bag from Lao Jiu's body.

Since you can't fight against the three forces with the power of one person, why not let the three forces conflict by themselves?