God of Mercenaries

Chapter 22 Internal

Zhen and Gong Yu each took two masters to chase Wang Fei in a small boat. However, how difficult it is to find the trace of a small boat in the vast sea.

And with the arrival of a storm, they completely lost the hope of catching up. However, for their own safety, the six people on the ship still worked together to protect the boat with star power to avoid being destroyed in the storm.

But after that, more than half of the star power of the six was consumed. Even after a day of recovery, his star power is less than 70% of his heyday. And tired energy needs to recover in a place to settle down.

"Master, look, there seems to be an island over there!" An eight-pattern star master of the Gong family pointed to the black spots in the distance and said.

Suddenly, everyone's eyes looked at the black spot. After staring for a long time, after some discussion, they decided to go and have a look. After all, there are countless crises in the vast sea. If you don't restore your cultivation and energy to your peak, you can't ensure that you can deal with the crisis in full prosperity.

The boat sails slowly, and the speed is not satisfactory. But after all, it's just a boat. What can I do?

After more than an hour of sailing, the whole picture of the so-called island appeared in their eyes. This is not a small island. It is obviously a bare Jiao Island. No plants grow and are dead.

"After everyone has finished the boat, go up and have a rest. It only takes one day to return to our heyday. Then go straight back to Pearl Island!"

This is the conclusion discussed by Zhu Shen and Gong Yu. With a storm, all the illusions that had been held before have been shattered. Returning to Pearl Island has become their only choice.

At this moment, they don't know that the person they are looking for has quietly drilled to the bottom of the sea. After holding your breath, move in the direction where the boat docks.

Zhen and others did not consider that there were still people on this island with nothing. Therefore, after the boat was fixed in a corner, all six people were tiredly meditating in the center of Jiao Island to recover the consumed star power and energy.

Wang Fei took Lao Jiu to the bottom of the boat, slowly floated up, and finally touched the bottom of the boat with both hands. Then the boat moved slowly and drifted towards the sea.

All the movements seem natural and hardly make any sound. Even the six star masters who meditated did not find that their boats were slowly heading towards the distance.

However, Zhu Shen happened to open his eyes and saw that the direction he was facing was the direction where the boat was located.

During his consteration, he found that the boat was gradually drifting into the distance. At this time, he had left Jiaodao for three or 400 meters, and immediately scolded loudly: "Gong Yu, why can't you Gong's family even do a little thing well? Don't let people go in and chase the boat back, or none of us will want to leave the island!"

Gong Yu and others immediately woke up from practice. No one looked at it with doubt. After seeing the position of the boat, Gong Yu's face suddenly changed and scolded, "Gong Jian, how did you do it? Didn't you fix the boat? Why is it in the sea now? Do you want to kill us?

"Master, I..." Gong Jian immediately wanted to explain that he had fixed the boat.

However, at this time, Gong Yu did not allow the other party to interrupt at all and immediately said, "No matter what the reason is, go and get the boat back to me now."

At this time, the distance from the boat is only three or four hundred meters. This journey is nothing for Gong Jian, who has reached the level of seven stripes.

With all kinds of doubts in his heart, Gong Jian jumped into the sea and swam quickly towards the boat.

At this time, Wang Fei had already given orders to Lao Jiu underwater. Gesshou shi, roughly means to leave a block and let Lao Jiu drive the boat to a safe place quickly.

Lao Jiu has no room for resistance to Wang Fei's arrangement. After nodding, he took over the control of the boat and then slowly wandered towards the distance! Wang Fei quietly lurked underwater and waited for the arrival of Gong Jian.

Gong Jian is indeed a master of the seven-pattern star master, swimming fast in the sea. In an instant, he swam more than 100 meters. The distance between the boats is constantly getting closer. However, his mind all stayed on the boat, obviously relaxing his vigilance against the underwater crisis.

Even Gong Yu and Zhu Shen, the two nine-stripe star masters, did not expect danger to happen. After Gong Jian went into the water, the two thought that the matter had come to an end and seemed to recover their state with their eyes closed.

Wang Fei patiently lurked underwater, hiding his breath with the help of the shadow cloak, and also calculating the position of Gong Key. When he was about ten meters away from his position, he moved.

Wang Fei is like a hunting shark. After seeing the prey appear, his body suddenly burst into a fierceness. It scooped up directly from the sea and reached the sea in an instant.

It happened that Gong Key swam one meter behind Wang Fei's appearance. Because of the sudden crisis, the expression is still stunned. However, before he made the sound of lifting, under a huge pulling force, his body immediately disappeared into the sea, leaving only waves and slowly disappearing into the sea.

After dragging Gong Key, Wang Fei wrapped his limbs around the other party's body, making it impossible for the other party to float. Moreover, in the process of sinking, it bursts its own star power to give the other party a light injury.

In a short time, the two came to the bottom of the sea about 100 meters. Gong Jian's struggle has also become much smaller. Under the double blow of the pressure in the water and the attack launched by Wang Fei, even the highest star warrior could not escape this disaster.

"Master, it's not right! Look, where did Gong Jian go? Gong Yan, another eight-pattern star master of the Gong family, suddenly said in surprise.

Gong Yu and Zhu Shen forcibly woke up from practice impatiently. It's just taking care of a small boat. Why are there so many twists and turns? At this time, both of them were very dissatisfied with Gong Jian.

However, when they saw that the sea was as calm as water and the boat was still slowly drifting towards the distance, they frowned and showed deep doubts.

"What's going on? Why did Gong Jian disappear in the blink of an eye!" Gong Yu asked, and his tone was full of dissatisfaction.

"I don't know! I just blinked my eyes and saw a few splashes floating on the sea, and I couldn't see Gong Jian's shadow. Lord, do you think there will be a sea monster in the sea? It dragged Gong Jian down the sea!"

"How do I know!" Gong Yu said angrily, thinking about what to do next.

However, the matter fell into the eyes of Zhu Shen, which raised another thought in his mind: Could it be the Gong family's secret tampers! Everything was normal when I came. If there were sea monsters, they would have appeared long ago. This ship is our hope of life. If the Gong family drove the boat away directly, wouldn't I be trapped here?

The more I think about it, the more I feel that my guess is correct. After all, after the Fan family's three major forces on Pearl Island, without Fan Yang, can only be regarded as a second-rate force on Pearl Island at most. If you can't go back by yourself, then Pearl Island will be the dominant family.

Zhu Shen looked at Gong Yu strangely, and a few senses of fear rose in his heart. The confusion and doubt on the other party's face filled his heart with deep uneasiness.

At this time, Gong Yu's two immediately showed some firmness, and then said, "Gong Yan, go and see what's going on!" Remember to get the boat back, it's our only hope to get out of here!"


Gong Yan took the order and jumped into the sea quickly. At the same time, the limbs slid rapidly and gradually approached the boat.

Zhen looked at Gong Yu. No matter how you look at it, the other party is all playing. The two men have left Jiao Island on the pretext of getting the boat back. Then, it must be the person who will find an excuse to leave.

In this regard, Zhu Shen immediately formulated a plan in his heart and said secretly, "Okay, since your Gong family is unjust first, don't blame me for being ruthless!"

After Zhu Shen winked at the two men, he secretly gathered the star power. At the same time, he observed Gong Yu's every move and was ready to attack at any time.