God of Mercenaries

Chapter 5 Generosity

Wang Fei woke up. After a few days of mental practice, his heart has become like water, and there is no longer the rush of a few days ago.

The first discovery that woke up was the change of star power on Ghost Island. At this time, it is still daytime, but the star power in the sky is stronger than at night.

What's going on?

After seeing the beard and Wang Li and both looking at the concentrated position of Xingli, he guessed that someone should have broken through. And a large amount of star power made him guess that this breakthrough is likely to be a breakthrough at the constellation level.

With doubts in his heart, Wang Fei slowly walked to Wang Li and the beard and asked, "Father, master, who broke through on the island?"

"Snake! This boy has been stuck in the Nine-Striped Star Master for three or four years, and this time he has found a breakthrough opportunity. But..." In the bearded's eyes, there was obviously some worry. It seems that this breakthrough will not go smoothly.

Wang Fei immediately thought of the reason. If he breaks through in the night, the possibility will be greatly improved. After all, the star power of the night is several times thicker than that of the day. If you break through during the day, you will definitely face the lack of star power.

"Hey! The snake has a good talent, but the timing of the breakthrough is not right. Otherwise, with his qualifications, there is a 70% or 80% chance of success in breaking through. At this time, I'm afraid the probability of a successful breakthrough is less than two!" Wang Li also sighed back, with a little pity in his eyes.

Obviously, after the snake's successful breakthrough, the beard can put down the courage on his shoulders and devote himself to his own cultivation.

During his time on the ghost island, Wang Fei had little contact with the serpse. From mutual exclusion at the beginning to mutual understanding and mutual help later.

The snake, like a big brother, has always been concerned about the life and cultivation of everyone in the mercenary regiment. Several companions who fell because they didn't survive the star disaster also made him sad for a long time.

Wang Fei didn't want to look at the snake because he didn't choose the right time to break through, so there was a possibility of falling. The two powerful constellation masters around him let him find a glimmer of possibility of salvation. Even if he asked, "What can we do to make Brother Youshe break through this crisis or delay the opportunity to break through?"

The beard first shook his head and said, "It is absolutely impossible to suppress it. After all, the breakthrough at the constellation level requires a long period of accumulation. Suppression will only make his body unable to withstand the powerful star power and face the crisis of explosion.

"What should I do? You can't watch Brother Youshe fall like this because of the breakthrough, right?

"Hey! Now I have to rely on himself. I hope I can get through this disaster! Everything depends on personal life. What we can help is really limited!"

"Aren't you two powerful constellation masters? It can release its own star power, thus increasing the number of star power in the air and making the breakthrough of Brother Snake easier!"

Wang Li stared at his son, dissatisfied with the idea of rushing to seek medical treatment, and scolded: "The star power in our body is cultivated by ourselves. Everyone's star power has its own characteristics. Entering other people's bodies rashly will only cause chaos. What you said doesn't work at all!"

"There is always a way to get it back! Think about it, you must not let something happen to Brother Youshe!" Wang Fei roared anxiously, showing his true feelings, and there was still no other sight of mercenaries and pirates.

Wang Li shook his head regrettly and said, "If you don't refine the star elixir, you can use the star power in the pearl to increase the strength of the star power. But now the number of pearls is not enough, and there is nothing I can do!"

"Pearl? Do you think there are enough pearls to help Brother Youshe break through? Wang Fei quickly asked, took off the storage bag and threw it to his father. He said, "Here are all the pearls on my body. I don't know if it's enough?"

Wang Fei left the pearls brought back from the Magic Shark Bay on his body. As for the other belongings, they were taken away by Gu Li and others. And the thousand-year-old black pearl was also brought back to Zhengqi College.

But a large number of pearls remained on Wang Fei's body. After all, the development of the mercenary regiment does not need so many pearls at all. In addition, the wealth obtained in Pearl Island is enough to fund the development of the mercenary regiment.

"How did you come from with so many pearls?"

Although Wang Li got some high-quality pearls from Wang Fei last time. But he didn't expect that there would be so many pearls on his son's body. Together, these pearls are enough to artificially create a large amount of star power, which can only be used as a snake breakthrough.

"Great! With these pearls, the breakthrough of the snake is promising!"

The beard didn't say anything. After seeing the pearl, he didn't wait for Wang Fei to have a chance to explain. He immediately ran to the island with a storage bag and left Wang Li and his son behind.

"Hehe! The beard took your apprentice, but made a lot of money. He not only recaptured the pirate ship Ghost, but also avenged them. If the snake succeeds in breaking through this time, you are also a great hero for helping them!"

Wang Fei shook his head and replied, "He is my master, and he should help him. Besides, Brother Youshe is also my eldest brother, and he is also the eldest brother of our whole mercenary regiment. I can't watch our eldest brother fall because of the lack of stars.

"Wang Fei, I'm glad you can think so. When I first arrived at Ghost Island, I thought you were a mercenary, so you were prejudiced against our identity as pirates. Now it seems that everything is too much to think about!"

"Father, Brother Youshe will be fine, right?"

Wang Fei doesn't care about his father's praise. As long as he does what he thinks he should do, he can have a clear conscience. At this time, the heart that has just calmed down has some waves. However, on the whole, it is still within the normal range.

Wang Li also saw this from his son. He took out two egg-sized elixir from his body and said, "These two are nine-pin Xingli pills. With them, you can successfully break through to the peak of Jiuwen Xingshi in the shortest time. Then I will tell you how to find a way to break through the 'potential'.

"Ye! However, I want to wait for Brother Youshe to break through and practice in isolation. After all, the star power on the island is very chaotic at this time, and it is not suitable for cultivation at all!"

"You are very thoughtful and comprehensive. With such a mentality, I can rest assured! Now, let's go and have a look. With a beard, I'm afraid it's difficult to control a lot of star power!"

Wang Fei and his son soon came to the place where the snake broke through. By this time, the outside was full of people on Ghost Island. It can be seen that the Ghost Pirates is a united team, and everyone cares about the safety of the people around them.

Of course, this also has something to do with the special status of serppent. Otherwise, like the two elders of Hailong and Giant Whale, they must still be in retreat and will not go out at will at will.

After seeing the beard coming, he immediately let the irrelevant person leave. After all, if there are too many people, it will also affect the breakthrough of the snake and what he will do next.

Hundreds of pearls of more than 100 years of quality are a huge asset. If you use this wealth, it is enough to cultivate two or three strong people at the level of constellation masters. However, Wang Fei still took it out without hesitation. This richness makes the beard look up.

"Beard, what do you think we should do now?" The commander of the giant whale first asked anxiously that the snake was also half of his apprentice and had been highly expected by him.

"Don't worry, I'm here, everything will be fine!" After the beard comforted him, he didn't say anything more. He immediately took out pearls and arranged them calmly on the periphery of the pylorus. After about a quarter of an hour, all the arrangements were completed.

A simple formation also made the leader of the giant whale and others feel relieved.

But at the next most important time, it is necessary to stimulate the array to increase the surrounding star power, so as to make the breakthrough of the snake faster and easier.