God of Mercenaries

Chapter 20 Interception

Faced with her father's pressure, Tian Tian smiled miserably. It seemed that he realized that his father would do such a thing, but his face became calmer and calmer.

"Daughter, you want it! My father spent his time thinking about choosing the husband-to-be for you, but they are all young talents of the Tenglong Empire. If other women want to find it, they can't find it in their lifetime. But you can choose at will. Do you still want to fail your father's good intentions? Tian Youbin persuaded again, but there was no kindness in his tone.

"Father, don't forget that you are not the head of the Tian family. At this moment, grandpa is still alive, and it is not your turn to decide in the Tian family. Now showing your breath casually, are you so eager to prove something to everyone? Answering with a little ridicule, Tian Tian's character is realistic, and it is obvious that she is not tough.


After being hit by a weak tongue, Tian Youbin's shoulders trembling with anger. The anger emitted after the eyes can definitely ignite dry firewood.

"Hehe! If there is nothing else, then I will go!" Tian Tian smiled faintly and walked out calmly step by step.

At this moment, Tian Youbin has 10,000 reasons not to let his daughter leave, and he has enough strength to prevent the latter from leaving. However, Tian Tian's last words also reminded him.

Seeing the last breath in the owner's mouth, it is also the final critical period of competing for a new owner. If something goes wrong, it will definitely be more eye-to-eye than not being able to win the marriage.

Tian Youbin knows very well that he has no advantage in competing for the position of the head of the family. Compared with talent, the other candidate is also his second brother Tian Zebin, who is not weaker than him at all. In terms of popularity, he can't be compared with the other party. Perhaps the only advantage is on the daughter.

How good it would be if my daughter could be with herself!

But there is no regret medicine in the world. Tian Tian has already denounced her father's behavior, and how can she consider it for him? In her eyes, she felt that the second uncle Tian Zebin was more suitable for the position of the head of the family.

When Tian Tian came outside the door, she saw the anxious Wang Fei wandering at the gate. If you want to enter the Tian family, you dare not enter at will because of the previous agreement.

"Fly, I'm coming!" Tian Tian said softly, sweeping away the toughness when she faced her father before. Perhaps, only in front of Wang Fei can she show the weakness that women should have.

"As long as you come! How about it? Has the matter in Tian's house been settled? After a sigh of relief, Wang Fei asked. The frown also relaxed.

"Don't worry, it's all right now. After going to worship my mother with me, I can leave Huaxi City to find Guli and the others!"

In the previous agreement, Gu Li and others left the Tenglong Empire and then went to the Zhengqi College. A battle in the West City brought several of them to the verge of breaking through the constellation. At this time, it is necessary to contact a suitable place to break through, so that we can face greater difficulties in the future.

Wang Fei settled down a little and thought of his mother in an instant. Why hasn't my father said anything about his mother?

However, in front of Tian Tian, he quickly controlled his emotions and said, "Okay, I'll listen to your arrangement!"

A little satisfaction immediately rose in Tian Tian's heart. This kind of life is what she wants.

However, in Tian Tian's heart, she also knows that her future husband still has a lot to do. Therefore, she didn't want to restrain the other party by herself. Instead, I want to increase my strength as soon as possible and break through the realm of the constellation master before I can face various difficulties with Wang Fei.

It took Tian Tian and Wang Fei to worship their mother together. After that, the two left hand in hand. There is no nostalgia for West China City.

"Tian Tian, your current cultivation is already at the peak of the nine-pattern star master, but in the face of the biggest threshold on the way to the cultivation of the constellation master, I don't know how sure there is a breakthrough!" Along the way, Wang Fei found a topic about cultivation and asked.

"In my situation, it should not be difficult to break through. If you can't do it twice, and if you can't do it twice, you can do it three times. Anyway, I'm still young, and I have a lot of time to break through. However, if it hits the bottleneck of the constellation master in its current state, it is only about 50%!" Although Tian Tian's tone was relaxed, she was very nervous.

"Breakthroughs at the constellation level are generally full of vigor. And if there is no breakthrough, the probability of a breakthrough in the future will be greatly reduced. After all, once you don't succeed, it means failure. Failure is equivalent to retreating. The next time you face the opportunity of breakthrough, it is likely to cause psychological factors, so that you can't break through the bottleneck in the end!"

Wang Fei's remarks were learned from his father and master's beard. Before he stepped into the Arctic country alone, the two constellation masters repeatedly stressed that when breaking through the constellation masters, they must pay attention to their methods and momentum.

For good, Wang Fei's breakthrough was also a pinch, and he ascended to the position of constellation master in one breath.

"Do you still have these particulars? Why haven't I seen it in Zhengqi College? Tian Tian looked puzzled. It was not that she didn't believe Wang Fei's words, but that what she saw and heard did not have relevant information about the breakthrough constellation master.

"When we left Zhengqi College, we were only at the middle and low star level. There are still 108,000 miles away from the realm of the constellation master. How can we find relevant information?"

In fact, when it comes to origin, Tian Tian is only stronger than Wang Fei. But the former left the Tian family at a young age, and how can he systematically learn a set of relevant information about cultivation?

Wang Fei saw a little worry on Tian Tian's face. After smiling, he took out a small wooden box from the storage bag for a while and finally took out a small wooden box.

At the moment when the wooden box appeared, the surrounding air seemed to be reduced by several degrees. Then a layer of white frost appeared on the wooden box.

"What is this?" Tian Tian asked curiously and realized that there would be no simple item.

"Millennium Ice!"

"Millennium ice? That's not a strange thing that can help break through the constellation master. How can you have it? Tian Tian asked in surprise, and there was more excitement in her eyes.

If it was an ordinary time, she would not have such an expression when she saw the millennium ice. However, it is different at this time. Since it is said to break through the constellation master, it must be for her breakthrough.

Although the millennium cold light can only increase the chance of breakthrough by 101%. However, it can definitely play an unexpected role when it is used at a critical moment on the way to breakthrough.

"When I was in the Arctic, I helped the goddess warriors a big favor, so they gave me a thousand years of cold light as a thank you!"

When Wang Fei said all his actions in the North Korean country, especially when it came to debunking the conspiracy of the Ice and Snow Academy, he heard Tian Tian** release.

"Fly, are you doing this for Mr. Xiao Lin's revenge? The Ice and Snow Academy is really abominable. It knows that it is plotting behind its back. Unfortunately, we have not been active in the north for the past two years, so we haven't heard from them. However, the stars who offended the goddess of ice and snow, it is absolutely difficult for them to survive in the north!"

Tian Tian's excitement is not without reason. The style of the Ice and Snow College has damaged the pride in the hearts of all the righteous College. Behind the scenes is not the quality that mercenaries should have.

"Hehe! You can hold this thousand-year-old cold light in your hand! When it comes to the breakthrough of the constellation master, in case of a critical moment, taking it out may play a key role. Even after a successful breakthrough, you can give it to other people in need!"

After remembering the thousand years of ice, Tian Tian nodded heavily and then replied excitedly, "En! I know! With a thousand years of ice, you can definitely break through the constellation master!"

Not long after Wang Fei and Tian Tian left West China, in order not to waste his resources, Tian Youbin let his daughter leave the Tenglong Empire so easily, specially sent countless family members, and then gathered people who came to participate in the recruitment this time.

He said regretically to the more than a dozen young talents sitting at the head, "Guys, I'm very sorry! Tian Tian, a little girl, just returned to West China today and was cheated away by a little boy! Therefore, this recruitment is over! I can only express my deep apologies for this!"