God of Mercenaries

Chapter 8 Cultivation of Star Skills

Low magma is generally flowing. Only in this way can it bring a lot of heat.

Wang Fei didn't know how many meters deep the matter had penetrated into the ground, and half an hour of walking had reached at least hundreds of meters. Looking at the flowing magma, it is like a fire dragon playing in the water.

The surrounding heat has reached a suffocating level. If it hadn't been for the strong star support, it is estimated that they would have died of hypoxia at this time.

"The power here is enough to make you have a kind of fireworks as soon as possible. From now on, you all have to spend time here before the star technology enters the realm of perfection. Of course, if you want to raise the fireworks to a perfect level, the heat here is not enough!"

The dean told him how to practice Xingji, put down a book, then left a sentence, and left directly.

Even so, Wang Fei was very grateful to the dean. If it hadn't been for the other party's offer, they wouldn't have had such an opportunity. What a proud thing to practice a star skill.

After a short period of excitement, Wang Fei and Gu Li immediately calmed down in their understanding of star technology. Until they are familiar with the practice method, they will not be reckless enough to practice directly. If there is a mistake in the middle, the consequences will not be what they can afford.

About a few days later, the two were also familiar with the flaming star Mars technology before making the last discussion before practice.

"Second, we have some understanding of star technology now, but when practicing, don't be strong. Unlike previous star skills, when practicing, if the practitioners are too anxious, there may be a burning fire. At that time, no one can help us!" Wang Fei said seriously that he was worried about Gu Li's hot personality and would forcibly practice regardless of danger.

"Big boss, don't always treat me like a child. I'm already a constellation master now, and naturally I understand the priorities. In terms of star technology cultivation, it is absolutely impossible to rush. Besides, we have plenty of time now!" Gu Li answered confidently, and then looked for an unknown place. After sitting cross-legged, he began to practice star skills.

Wang Fei couldn't help shaking his head. He had no choice but to stop Gu Li's cultivation. In front of the powerful star skills, I temporarily put down my yearning for Tian Tian.

Although Tian Tian has not returned to Zhengqi College, Wang Fei will not think that the other party will have an easy accident. After all, after several years of mercenary career, I have accumulated rich experience. And the peak strength of the nine-striped star master, as long as you don't meet the constellation master, you can definitely return to Zhengqi College safely.

After putting down the distracting thoughts in his heart, Wang Fei did not continue to waste time. I carefully recalled the cultivation method of flames in my mind, and then began to practice.

According to the records in the book and the legend of the dean, flames are an extremely powerful star skill. In the process of cultivation, you need to absorb a lot of heat and then integrate into your own star power.

After completing this process, I just stepped into the threshold of cultivation. But the first step is often the most difficult to take. At least 20% of the practitioners of all generations are in the first step.

Some practitioners even work in a hurry and forcibly integrate the surrounding heat into the star power, which eventually leads to the chaos of the star power, thus abolishing their lifelong cultivation. After the practitioners lost the support of star power, there was only one way to die tragically in such a harsh environment.

As soon as he entered the practice, Wang Fei began to absorb the heat in the air. With the strength of his constellation master, he absorbed a lot of heat in one breath. And slowly inject the heat into your own star hole.

Everything went smoothly at the beginning, and even made Wang Fei think that the cultivation of Yixing skills was so simple. However, the difficulty gradually exposed gave him a headache.

The heat is absorbed, but it cannot merge with the star force. No matter how much thought is wasted, the process of integration cannot be completed. In this way, the cultivation of star technology has encountered a bottleneck that is difficult to break through.

However, Wang Fei has enough patience and a temporary bottleneck does not mean that he will not be able to practice. Since the dean did not talk about how to integrate heat and star power before he left, it shows that there must be more than one way during this period. However, the right way has not been found yet, and I believe that this difficulty can be broken soon.

In the next period of time, Wang Fei tried the method of integration many times, but there was no progress. The mutual rejection of star power and heat made him helpless.

But if you think about it carefully, heat represents pure yang energy, while star power is mainly negative energy. Therefore, fusion is almost necessary to achieve a balance between the two energies.

Thinking of this, Wang Fei suddenly absolutely, should he let the star power in his body get along with outside the body for a period of time? After adapting to the hot environment around you, it is possible to complete the purpose.

When he thought of doing it, he immediately commanded a star power, and then slowly moved it out of his body. And under the command of the follow-up star force, adapt to the surrounding space.

The hot temperature makes the emerging star power a little manic and uneasy. But under Wang Fei's control, there can't be any superfluous actions.

In this way, after adopting this method, it took about a day to bring all the extracorpostellar power into the body, and it was found that there was already hot air in the star power.

After finding a way, an excited smile immediately appeared on Wang Fei's face. In the next period of time, through this method, all the star forces in the body are finally carried with a lot of heat.

But this is just the beginning. If you want to practice fireworks, you can only be regarded as the beginning. The next action is very critical. You need to use your own hot star power to constantly temper according to the cultivation method until you finally complete your purpose.

While Wang Fei was practicing, Gu Li also completed the first step of cultivation. After turning his head and looking at the dedicated Wang Fei, he calmed down and continued to practice.

Time passed slowly, and I don't know how long it has passed. The temperature around me has decreased little by little in the continuous cultivation of the two. This also shows that most of the heat in the magma has been absorbed by the two people.

And the originally rolling magma has even become a little dim at this time. Although it is still moving slowly, the speed is much slower. In addition, the magma on the surface has almost begun to solidify, which is enough to indicate the temperature change around it.

Suddenly, a large amount of fiery red stars emerged from Wang Fei's body. As soon as these star forces appeared, they immediately condensed into a dragon-shaped shape, and then turned into the magma on the side.

With the entry of the fire dragon, the surrounding magma that had begun to become rigid immediately turned into rolling lava, and then the whole piece began to boil.

And the Guli on Wang Fei's side came out of the fiery red star power from his body almost at the same time. However, his star power is not in the shape of a dragon, but in the shape of a tiger.

The red tiger is galloping on the rolling magma. With a strong momentum, it seems to melt the surroundings.

Wang Fei and Gu Li woke up from practice at the same time. Subsequently, the excited expression on their faces and the vision that had just appeared obviously completed the cultivation of flames.

The original Flame Star Mars skill can only be regarded as a special cultivation method. After the practitioners practice, according to each person's own characteristics, the final attack form is not very similar.

Wang Fei's Tenglong and Guli tiger are just one of the tens of millions of forms.

" boss, we succeeded!" Gu Li shouted excitedly.

Wang Fei looked equally excited. After nodding repeatedly, he replied, "Yes, we succeeded!"

In a short time, the two withdrew their star power almost at the same time. One dragon and one tiger, as their thoughts happened, were all taken back into their bodies. At this time, more than half a year has passed since their practice.