God of Mercenaries

Chapter 14 Upper Wind

Wang Fei's attack speed is unparalleled. Even a senior constellation master can't play the same attack frequency as him. However, fighting with senior constellation masters, even if not in terms of star power, will mostly leave only failures.

Attack and defense are sometimes not taken by speed. A dangerous attack can even withstand ten attacks. The key lies in the angle and strength of the attack, which can not be learned casually.

Wang Fei's talent is nothing to say, and his combat experience is also rich. However, after all, the time of cultivation is still short, and it is completely defeated by speed attack. Such a battle is too tiring and not conducive to a long battle.

After lacking enough experience, Wang Fei felt his shortcomings from this battle. This is no longer a message transmission station, a revenge battle against the Murong family, but a battle to defeat the test of strength and increase.

At this time, he has no way to solve his opponent as soon as possible. Instead, use the current attack frequency and then observe how the other party blocks it. And in the process of attack, constantly change your attack angle and strength, so as to improve your attack mode to a certain extent.

With Xiao Lin's sharp eyes, he suddenly saw the transformation of Wang Fei's battle. After watching for a long time, he immediately nodded admiringly and explained and praised to his companions around him: "Wang Fei has realized his shortcomings and wants to make some changes in his style with this battle. If this change is completed, his strength will increase by at least 30% or 40%!"

"How can it be possible to improve so much at once?" Gu Li asked unnoticed.

Xiao Lin smiled mysteriously and only replied gently, "Don't worry, just look carefully!"

After about half an hour of fighting, the three elders couldn't help sweating on their foreheads. The advantage of experience made him resist Wang Fei's rounds of attacks. But the word old and weak is the most suitable for him.

The three elders who are close to 100 years old, although they have star power, their functions in all aspects of the body have greatly declined. The long battle cost him a lot of physical strength.

And now he finds that his opponent's attack is becoming more and more fierce. In the previous four or five attacks, the only thing that could pose a threat to him was only one. Now the threat of the same trick has at least doubled. If it hadn't been for the decline in the opponent's attack frequency, it would have been defeated.

Star power can no longer determine the outcome of the battle between constellations. In the end, it also needs to be seen by personal means to suppress opponents.

Wang Fei's feeling in his heart is getting deeper and deeper. From the defensive action of the three elders, he vaguely captured the key. The speed and strength of your own action cannot be carried out in the way you like. But according to the opponent's situation, the more unaccustomed the opponent is to defense, the more he will attack this side.

Of course, in addition to these accidents, the search for attacks should also have a purpose. If you attack the key point, then the other party can't stop it.

If it is a random attack, no matter how fast the speed is, the opponent only needs to defend the deadly attack. Use the least force to exert the maximum attack effect. This is where Wang Fei needs to work hard in the future.

With the passage of time, Wang Fei's new tactics have become more and more proficient. At this time, he can play the most effective attack according to his own ideas. Although it is impossible to achieve perfection in each attack, one of the two or three attacks must play an ideal role.

In terms of the frequency of attacks, it is much lower than at the beginning. However, the threat to the three elders is getting deeper and deeper. Every block now makes him feel very difficult.

"Lightning combo, lightning combo..."

Wang Fei constantly uses lightning combos, and each round of attack requires a lot of physical strength and star power of the three elders. Even a few times, there have been many scars on the latter's body.

From the number of the three elders who only had to use their own bodies to block Wang Fei's attack, it can be seen that it is difficult for him to resist. It won't be long, at least it will be hit hard.

Murong Yue couldn't stand it. Even if she faced the failure this time, she didn't want the three elders to fall into the ring. She stared at her brother fiercely. If it hadn't been for him, the situation would have been so bad.

In Murong's family, Murong Yue's status is relatively special. As a rare female constellation teacher, she is trained almost like a patriarchal candidate.

According to the general situation, the existence of Murong Yue will definitely attract the major families of the Tenglong Empire to compete to marry home. However, the Murong family did not intend to marry Murong Yue, but wanted to recruit a son-in-law. After all, among the offspring, there will be offspring with excellent talent.

For the Murong family, although finding a son-in-law will make people laugh and find a solid ally for them, it has become their helpless move.

Over the years, in Murong Yue's generation, the Murong family has only produced Murong Yue, a genius. Other people, even if they enjoy a lot of resources, their own nature affects their achievements. Like Murong Zhuo, he looks like a master, but he lacks firmness in his heart, so that he has only reached the level of Jiuwen Star Master so far.

If calculated according to the whole star continent, it is rare to have the cultivation at Murong Zhuo's age. But for the direct children of the Tenglong Empire, this is definitely not an ideal achievement.

Therefore, Murong Yue, who had high expectations, was hostile to almost all his peers. And this time, if the three elders fall on the ring because of her, it will definitely offend many people.

After a struggle, Murong Yue still couldn't bear the consequences of the death of the three elders and shouted, "Three elders, let's admit defeat!"

In the past, it is not embarrassing to admit defeat. The three elders really can't fight any more, not to mention that he has just broken through the realm of the constellation master, so that he doesn't want to die easily.

However, after Wang Fei heard Murong Yue's call, he immediately decided to solve his opponent as soon as possible. He doesn't want to easily let go of the weakness of the other party's strength.

After all, an intermediate constellation master is definitely a middle presence for one force.

The attack speed that had been lowered in his hand suddenly more than doubled, even faster than the fastest speed in the battle.

The whistling sound clearly reached the viewer's ears in the ring. Let them marvel at what kind of speed can make such a sound.

While Wang Fei improved his attack speed, he also applied the previous attack method to this round of attacks. Since we can't continue the experiment, we must solve the opponent as soon as possible.

Every time I put out my sword, I try to attack around the key parts of the three elders, such as the brain and the position in my heart. Of course, in addition to the key parts, he will also attack the joints, the position of the opponent's backhand, etc.

In a word, what kind of attack can make the opponent headache and fear, what kind of attack will he choose?

In an instant, the three elders didn't even have the energy to admit defeat. Wang Fei's continuous attacks made him tired of defense. As the attack became more and more violent, there were more and more injuries on the body.

Murong Yue was anxious and said angrily: Wang Fei must have heard his own voice to launch a fierce attack. He wants the life of the three elders, but it's not that easy!

Murong Yue immediately made a decision to surpass everyone, and her body immediately took off quickly and flew directly to the ring.

No matter what others think, the three elders are their own people. On the premise that they have admitted defeat, they must save the lives of the three elders.

However, Murong Yue's plan was not implemented smoothly. Just as she was about to reach the ring, a fierce fluctuation on the side directly hit her.

"If you want to bully the less, you have to pass my test first!" Guli Gundam's figure immediately appeared in front of Murong Yue. From his angry eyes, it can naturally be seen that he recognized Murong Yue's appearance, who was the snake and scorpion beauty on Sanshan Island at the beginning!