God of Mercenaries

Chapter 19 Body Collision

Wang Fei was fully confident that he would not lose to his opponent before he stood up to fight.

From the beginning of the battle to the current performance, it is enough to give him an absolute advantage. The other party's daring to let go of the attack also gave him the opportunity to increase his attack power. At this time, his attack has gradually increased.

After a continuous attack for a period of time, the scene never got any good. Hong Mo's defense, just like his style of action, is watertight and does not give Wang a plane meeting at all.

"It seems that it is not suitable for powerful star skills, and it is impossible to defeat the other party. And the longer it takes, the more unfavorable the situation will be for us. After all, the patience of thieves is always limited. Fighting for too long may cause them to act irrationally!"

Wang Fei is thinking while fighting. He understood that although the Zhengqi Academy was not afraid to fight with thieves. However, a hard battle will also lead to a great decline in its own strength.

Today, Zhengqi College is in a period of rapid development. If it hurts your vitality, then you don't know how long it will take to have a chance to stabilize the top mercenary academy in the mainland again.

No matter what the situation will be in the future, Wang Fei will not allow the decline of Zhengqi College. For this reason, he has decided to defeat his opponent as soon as possible without revealing his strength.

The footsteps that were chasing closely suddenly stopped. Then, run the star power in the star cave rapidly to launch a more powerful attack.

Hong Mo is wondering why his opponent doesn't pursue him. After stopping, he smiled and said, "Wang Fei, you can't defeat me. So, how about a draw in this battle?

However, before he finished speaking, he felt a strong star fluctuation in the air. Immediately after jumping, I immediately understood that the opponent was not no longer attacking, but prepared by more powerful moves.

"Lightning combo!"

After accumulating enough star power, Wang Fei did not hesitate to use his specialty star skills. After countless battles and now with the support of the deep star power, the lightning strike is enough to give him the greatest power.

The sword in his hand burst into countless rays in an instant. Attacks containing powerful stars made Hongmo feel the approach of the crisis in an instant.

This is a powerful star skill!

Even in this state, Hongmo had to sigh. However, his action was not slow at all. After quickly analyzing how to avoid this round of attacks, he took action immediately.

is not a strong body, and immediately showed unprecedented speed. The whole person presented a bow shape, and his legs seemed to contain powerful power. Then he stepped heavily on the ground, like the popularity swept in the sky, and immediately retreated in the opposite direction of Wang Fei.

Among the viewers, many thieves immediately sighed.

"Hong Mo is worthy of being Hong Mo, and he has such a speed. No wonder he can escape even in the battle against the senior constellation master!"

"The speed is really unparalleled. This should be his most powerful star skill! With such a speed, I believe that this battle will definitely not face failure!"

And on the side of Zhengqi College, after watching the speed of Hong Mo, many people are a little worried about Wang Fei. With such a speed, can Wang Fei, who has only broken through the intermediate constellation master for a short time, have and fight?

However, it turns out that the strength shown by Wang Fei is far from as simple as the surface.

With the joint promotion of solid star rings and twenty star rings, Wang Feixing's power is no longer weaker than the strong man at the peak of the intermediate constellation. In terms of star technology, it is not comparable to Hong Mo as a thief.

Although he does not have a star skill in speed, under the support of strong star power, the attack speed of the lightning combo is even much faster than the retreat speed of Hongmo.

A meteor shower-like attack came straight towards the Hongmo.

In an instant, Hong Mo was shocked and said to himself in surprise, "How can there be such a fast attack? It is impossible to completely avoid it! It seems that if you don't take all the means, you are likely to lose this fight!"

In the face of Wang Fei's lightning attack, Hong Mo also had to raise his state to the peak. After stopping his body, the momentum on his body climbed violently. Soon, he reached the peak of the intermediate constellation.

"Hong Mo was forced out of all means. Wang Fei is really the son of the top strong man! Maybe soon, a top strong man will appear again on the Star Continent!" The leader of the magic tiger couldn't help sighing that he was obviously shocked by Wang Fei's strength.

hong hong——

At this moment, lightning strikes Hong Mo's body one after another. The fierce collisions obviously accurately hit Hong Mo's body.

All the people of Zhengqi College have excited smiles on their faces. Since the attack hits the target, it can at least cause some damage to the other party.

Due to strong fluctuations, a large amount of smoke and dust gradually dissipates in the air as the breeze blows. Then, Hong Mobian appeared in everyone's sight.

"How is that possible! He obviously suffered the attack from the boss. How come it seems that nothing happened!" Gu Li shouted in surprise first, and also expressed the voices of many people.

At this time, Hong Mo looked a little embarrassed. The clothes have become ragged in the fierce attack. However, the bronze body was presented, but there was no harm.

Even Wang Fei himself was greatly shocked. Has your attack become weaker?

No! Never!

As soon as a trace of doubt appeared, he immediately became extremely firm again. With the continuous improvement of star power, Wang Fei clearly knew that the attack power of lightning strikes had raised him to the peak. If you want to increase the power of the attack, there is only one way to increase the star power.

And even if it was a powerful attack, Hong Mo still easily fell down. It can be seen that there must be a profound defensive star skill on Hongmo's body.

Even if the lightning strike just now, the power has decreased due to the problem of attack distance. However, it is not an ordinary intermediate peak constellation master who can easily come down.

After getting the only explainable reason, Wang Fei's eyes did not mean to retreat, but became more excited.

It is difficult to find opponents. Only by constantly finding powerful opponents can you improve your strength in the shortest time.

"The King Kong Body of Three Star Skills!"

Since the other party has a strong defensive star skill, Wang Fei is not willing to show weakness and immediately runs the diamond body star skill to increase his defense power. Only in this way can we ensure our own safety.

Seeing Wang Fei change again, Hong Mo obviously had a rigorous look. This is the first time since he fought that he felt that behind Wang Fei stood not only a top strongman and a senior constellation master. His own talent and strength are enough to make him unmatched.

Don't look at the current battle, the two sides remain almost tied. However, if you compare the ages of both sides, you will find that Hong Mo has at least surpassed Wang Fei's decades of experience.

At this time, after Wang Fei excitedly raised his body's defense to the peak, and his whole body soared in vain. The majestic body approached quickly towards Hong Mo.

He intends to use a close battle to win the battle.

On the other hand, Hong Mo was also affected by Wang Fei's high fighting spirit. Originally, his speed and his own defense were enough to avoid Wang Fei's attack. Unless the latter directly uses a star skill, there will be no result in the battle.

But now, Hong Mo has obviously gradually forgotten, and a top strong man stands behind Wang Fei. While his fighting spirit has improved, it also prompted him to stop retreating from the war.

After the strength of the peak of the intermediate constellation master was completely stimulated, the state of Hong Mo was no less than the imposing Wang Fei.

The constellation masters watching are all sighing about the strength of the two fighters. However, they also know that now is the beginning of the bitter battle. The next battle will certainly be more intense.