God of Mercenaries

Chapter 23 Cunning

The battle between Fei Zhu and Snake and Scorpion has escalated into an invisible chase. He kept moving around, but never chased him out of the sight of the viewer.

However, the initiative occupied by the snake and scorpion at the beginning has turned passive. After losing his first hand, he could only be chased and beaten. If you want to move back to your disadvantage, you first need to find opportunities. Only after getting rid of Fei Zhu, who was chasing behind him, will he have a chance to change his situation.

However, Fei Zhu can cultivate to the level of a senior constellation master. Obviously, his combat experience is not weaker than his opponent at all. Even from the beginning, he has been calculating his opponent. At this time, how can the other party easily find a chance to fight back?

Generally speaking, everything is expected by Fei Zhu.

With the passage of time, the situation is greatly detrimental to snakes and scorpions. In the process of throwing away the other party's escape, he gradually understood Fei Zhu's countermeasures.

Originally, the star power cultivation of the two senior constellation masters was about between them. Even if Fei Zhuxing is more powerful, it is difficult to win the battle with this advantage.

However, when they first competed, the snake and scorpion wasted nearly half of their star power in vain. Although it can't affect his strength, once he is deadlocked for a long time, his disadvantage will become more and more obvious.

"What a vicious heart! From the beginning, we fell into his trap. Now, he has already planned everything. The situation of snakes and scorpions is already very dangerous!" After watching for more than an hour, the leader of the magic tiger couldn't help sighing.

Because of the problems of their own cultivation, the thieves around them are not as thorough as the tigers. But after the latter's reminder, he gradually understood the disadvantages of the snake and scorpion leader.

All the thieves are full of worries. If this fight is facing failure, where will their faces go?

Unlike thieves, the atmosphere of Zhengqi College is particularly exciting. Dean Fei Zhu had an advantage. After Xiao Lin's explanation, he let everyone around him understand the story of the battle.

Time passed rapidly, and two hours flashed by again.

During the period, the battle between Fei Zhu and the snake and scorpion still did not change at all. One escape and one chase become particularly boring.

It's Wang Fei. After this period of recovery, the star power has reached about half of its heyday. Although it can't exert the best combat effectiveness, it already has the capital to fight with the junior constellation division.

And the Hongmo, who also consumes almost all the star power, is much more tragic. He does not have the ability to resist the sky, so his recovery speed is far from comparable to Wang Fei.

Although nearly three hours have passed since the end of the battle. However, Hong Mo's cultivation of power to the full power of stars has only recovered less than one part. Compared with Wang Fei, the efficiency is obviously four or five times slower.

However, although Wang Fei's star power has recovered a lot, a lot of physical consumption has not recovered with the recovery of star power. His strength at this time remained only about half of his heyday.

Looking at the two sides of the battle that have not changed, they still maintain their original dynamics. One escape and one chase, it is difficult to win or lose in a short time.

"Cunning Fei Zhu, can't go on like this!"

The snake scorpion has consumed more than 50% of its star power, and it feels that if it continues, defeat will become an inevitable end. In the process of getting rid of it quickly, I finally decided to gamble.

The leader of the snake and scorpion, who was advancing rapidly, suddenly stopped. Although he turned around in an instant and condensed the remaining star power on his body, he suddenly rushed to Fei Zhu.

For the change of the leader of the snake and scorpion, even the cunning vice president Fei Zhu did not expect that the other party would suddenly attack him. If you don't want to be unprevented, it won't make him confused. After quickly adjusting the speed, he did not choose to retreat, but directly confronted head-on.

Fei Zhu himself has an absolute advantage, and it is not helpless to fight against the leader of snakes and scorpions at this time. He knew that the other party was forced to take the risk of attack. Obviously, he doesn't need to be afraid of each other in frontal combat.

The two strong men with the cultivation of senior constellation masters collided fiercely. A large fluctuation of star power made the surrounding spectators involutarily step back a few steps.


A thunderous explosion also woke up in an instant. However, the fluctuation of the surrounding stars did not have much impact on him. After all, the companions around him tried their best to protect him and firmly blocked the fluctuations from approaching him.

Countless stars dispersed, and it didn't take long for both sides to fight. At this moment, neither of the two senior constellation masters has focused on speed. After all, the three-hour competition has taught them that it is difficult to distinguish the winner by speed.

Especially the snake and scorpion leader. If you want to win, you can only gain an advantage in attack and defeat your opponent head-on. However, this possibility is not great.

So far, the theoretical draw has almost no longer exist. The half-star power that began to consume also planted a main seed for the defeat of snakes and scorpions.

"Fai Zhu, I didn't expect that your vice president of Zhengqi College would act so cunningly!" The snake and scorpion shouted unwillingly, as if they wanted to hit Fei Zhu's reputation.

However, Fei Zhu didn't care about it at all. After a faint smile, his face immediately became serious and replied, "No matter what method is used, as long as you can win!"

After a simple reply, Fei Zhu immediately encouraged the star power in his body. Although he consumes a lot, he still maintains more than 60% of the star reserve at this time, which is enough to launch a numerical attack.

"Breaking the empty fist of the three-star skills!"

Without hesitation, he used a three-grade star skill that made the thieves jealous, and his fat body, accompanied by an unprecedented momentum, quickly approached his opponent.

The leader of the snake and scorpion's face changed greatly in an instant. After feeling the power contained in the attack, he did not dare to say anything. Instead, after settled down, he began to arrange the defense around him.

A pure star force swarmed out of the body of the snake and scorpion leader. Under his arrangement, there were ripples in front of him.


Fei Zhu's fist hit heavily on the first layer of defense arranged by the leader of the snake and scorpion. Then, it was clearly seen that the defense became fragile under the offensive and was broken in an instant.

Of course, if there is only one layer of defense, the heavy punch will definitely fall on the leader of the snake and scorpion. However, after being broken through a layer of defense, there are many layers of defense behind it.

And Fei Zhu's attack is far from ending so easily. It contains the brave momentum and continuously breaks through the follow-up defense of snakes and scorpions. There is also chaos in the surrounding star power.

Wang Fei, who was observing, deeply experienced the actions of the two senior constellation masters, hoping that he could think of some ways to break through the senior constellation masters from the two. And he also understands that the defensive layer of snakes and scorpions seems to be vulnerable, but in fact it is not. If he launches his own attack, he must show at least 80% of his strength to break through a layer of defense.

It can be seen that Vice President Fei Zhu's attack is powerful. Perhaps, if the body with the three-grade defensive star skill withstands a blow of the same strength, the body will suffer a heavy blow.

At this moment, the battle is still continuing. After breaking through about 30 or 40 layers of defense, Fei Zhu's attack gradually became weak. After all, only the strength of the three star skills cannot last forever.

Fei Zhu took a deep breath. The attack just now can only be regarded as a tentative attack. The real killing move is to wait until the other party consumes more star power before trying. That's enough to play a role in setting the universe.

For this reason, for a period of time, Fei Zhu continuously tried three or four three-pin star skills, attacked and blew up the leader of the snake and scorpion, tearing off the opponent's defense again and again, and the attack was also blocked again and again.

In a blink of an eye, another half an hour passed.

As the attack strength increases, both sides of the battle consume a lot of star power. Even for Fei Zhu, there is only about 30% of the star power left now. It can be seen that the state of the snake and scorpion must be even worse.

"The time is almost time!" Fei Zhu said to himself secretly and immediately decided to launch the last round of attacks to end the fierce battle.