God of Mercenaries

Chapter 25 For Treasure

In a huge manor in Sunset City, dozens of people are divided into several formations and are arguing fiercely around a large round table.

If Wang Fei is here, he must be very surprised. Everyone here has reached the level of a senior constellation master. Among the dozens of people, the number of top strong people exceeds ten. This is almost half of all the top strong on the star continent.

So many strong people gathered together for one thing, which is the treasure of the king of mercenaries.

Among them, the royal family of the Totem Dragon Empire got two of the eight treasures, the Mercenary Alliance got one, the four families of the Tenglong Empire got one, the Thieves Alliance got one, the Prairie got one, Sunset City and its joint forces got one, and the last one fell into the hands of several large mercenary regiments. .

The strength of each of these forces after joining together is terrible. Now that we are gathered together, it is precisely to discuss finding treasures.

"Guys, now that the news has spread, it is obviously impossible for us to get rid of others to find the treasure. What should I do? I can't leave the treasure alone!"

"Do you want me to say that our strength here is enough to find the treasure. No matter how much it is, it's not good. After all, people are always greedy. At that time, we can't control other forces, and a melee will only cause us more losses!"

"But in this case, how about the sense of danger? After all, none of us can guarantee that the process of finding the treasure will be passed safely. It's not a bad thing to have more people exploring the way!"


There are only two conclusions in your words and me. You can either get rid of other forces and go to the people around you to look for the treasure; or you can unite all the forces and go to the hiding place of the treasure.

The debate was extremely fierce, and no one retreated easily, leaving the discussion fruitless and deadlocked.

At this time, the third prince Teng Longgong said impatiently, "Listen to me. I think it will be difficult for us to get rid of others. In this way, it's better to go to the place where the treasure is public, and then there are more people to explore the danger for us! After all, no matter how attractive the treasure is, you must have life to enjoy it!"

The last words of the third prince fell on everyone present. If you lose your life, how can you talk about treasure?

For this reason, after some discussion, there was finally a final result. Three days later, we went to sea to look for treasures together.

These people have discussed the final ownership of the treasure in advance. According to the treasure map, the unknown treasures are divided into eight parts. Each treasure map can get a treasure. Only in this way can they not kill each other for the sake of treasure.

However, after obtaining the treasure, it is uncertain whether it is really distributed in a negotiated way. Only then can we see the actual situation.

Three days filled Sunset City with a tense atmosphere. Everyone is preparing for the deadline and assigning manpower.

According to the reality of the treasure map, the treasure is located on a desert island overseas. At that time, you need to go to sea by boat for at least two months before you can reach the final destination.


It has been four days since Wang Fei came to Sunset City. During this period, in addition to staying in the inn, he searched for the whereabouts of Gu Li and others. However, strangely speaking, I have asked many people, and after mentioning the wind mercenary regiment, no one knows it.

According to his estimation, even if the Wind Mercenary Corps does not have him, the strength of Gu Li and others is not small. Ten years of development will definitely make a great reputation. Didn't they escape from the chaotic plain at the beginning?

This conjecture has been shrouded in Wang Fei's heart and has become a lingering shadow. How did he know that in order to increase their strength as soon as possible, Wang Fei and others disbanded the mercenary regiment for nearly ten years. It was not until two months ago that they gathered together again.

A shadow made his character gloomy. Now that there is no news from his companions, he focuses on the thieves in the chaotic plain. Only they will know the whereabouts of Gu Li and others.

But the current Sunset City is not something he can do at will. Fortunately, I heard that everyone was about to leave to find the treasure of the king of mercenaries, which made him wait patiently.

Although it is not clear why the search for treasure is well known. However, he understood the truth of fishing in troubled waters. As long as you take advantage of the chaos, it is enough to achieve your goal.

What's more, Wang Fei is best at hidden assassination. With the cultivation of today's senior constellation master and his hidden talent, I believe that even the top strongman can hardly find his existence.

For this reason, after careful consideration, Wang Fei dressed himself as an ordinary sailor and dived into a big ship that was about to depart.

Three days passed in a flash, and the day of the appointment had come. A powerful constellation master slowly boarded the ship with excited and greedy eyes.

A large ship, a total of tens of thousands of people participated in the search for the treasure. And there are more than 1,000 people who have reached the level of a constellation master.

Such a large-scale operation is rare on the star continent. It is estimated that for a long time, the total has not exceeded ten times.

A thousand constellation masters are enough to destroy the most powerful Tenglong Empire on the mainland!

Anchor! Yang Fan! Sailing!

Dozens of ships are slowly moving in the direction of sunset. As it went further and further, it gradually disappeared on the sea level.

Wang Fei became the most ordinary sailor. He did what ordinary sailors did and completely concealed his identity. No one would have thought that the majestic constellation master would do these lowly things.

But in this way, it also made him escape the search of the top strong. In secret, you can inquire about the whereabouts of the leader of the thieves in the chaotic plain, so as to get information from the latter's mouth and avenge their own experience.

Time passed quickly, the sun rose and the moon set, and after dozens of rounds, the fleet arrived at a huge desert island.

This desert island is called the Island of Death. The island is filled with countless miasma all year round, which makes creatures afraid to approach. Even a strong man at the level of constellation master can't survive in the miasma.

The island of death is oval, and even the smallest diameter is more than a thousand miles. And the largest diameter has reached 2,000 miles away. With a huge area, there is almost no life.

But no one has ever fully explored the whole island of death. People who enter the island are not only unable to fly, but also restricted by the miasma and environment. They are either lost or unable to detoxify the miasma.

Hundreds of strong people who have reached the level of senior constellations gathered on a ship. These people are the representatives of all. They are about to discuss how to enter the island of death and find the treasure of the king of mercenaries.

Everyone is strange and takes it for granted the hidden place of the treasure.

The strange thing is that the special environment of Death Island makes it difficult for even a senior constellation master to survive. How did the king of mercenaries hide the treasure here?

Of course, if it is not for the special environment and the obstruction of miasma, how can the treasure wait for them to come to explore? Maybe it has been discovered for a long time, so the treasure hunt has become empty.

"After gathering eight treasure maps, it directly shows that the treasure is hidden in the island of death. And the detailed content of the treasure map is to record how to safely lead to the place of treasure!"

"In that case, we will say more here. It's important to start directly and find the treasure!"

"But in this case, do we also need to let everyone act together? We don't know how big the last treasure is, and there is no explanation on the treasure map. At that time, too many people will cause the impact and consequences that we can't predict.


Different opinions one after another, but they don't get a unified answer. Arguing with each other has not calmed down for a long time.

At the same time, Wang Fei sneaked into a ship. After two months of exploration, he has learned that the leader of the thieves in the chaotic plains is on the ship in front of him. As long as you find someone, you can get the information you want.