Underworld separation

Chapter 47 Encounters in the Closed Room

Prison Yang, this ruthless, cold-blooded but powerful man, unexpectedly began to run away because of the words of the young prison guard.

Obviously, the words of the young prison guard deeply hurt Director Yang's soul, making him unable to control his emotions and heart.

The prisoners in the compound couldn't wait to get into the ground. Prisoner Yang went crazy, causing great fear to all of them. No one knew whether Director Yang would break their necks at the next moment.

Perhaps under the power of Prisoner Yang's ** power for a long time, hundreds of prisoners dared to resist a little, and even dared not expose a bad idea for fear of extinction.

gasped. After a long time, Prisoner Yang finally calmed down, ignored the prisoners here, and left with a gloomy face.

Until this time, all the prisoners finally breathed a sigh of relief, as if they had left the ghost door, and everyone sweated coldly.

How dare they stay in the courtyard and escape back to their cells without their lives.

As early as when Warden Yang appeared in the compound, the old crow hovering over the compound silently dodged and fell into a dark corner, staring with vigilant eyes.

Because when he appeared, the old crow was aware of the extreme danger and forced it to hide.

When everyone left, the old crow shouted softly, stretched its wings and flew out, circled a few circles in the air, and finally fell to the ground and walked towards the bodies on the ground.

The old crow looks very excited.

There is a good corpse lying on the ground.

The four younger brothers of Brother Hui and Brother Hu have been angry for a long time, and the boss who was kicked away by Director Yang is constantly twitching and gradually can't do it.

Maybe it's too scared that both prison guards and prisoners have forgotten these bodies.

In the eyes of the crow, these corpses are gradually emitting, and a kind of thing that makes it excited and thirsty is the energy of death.

Six groups of death energy hovered on several bodies, the old crow was getting closer and closer, and its pace was getting faster and faster.

I saw a faint light flashing deep in the eyes of the old crow.

Suddenly, it jumped on a corpse and screamed for a long time. Its voice was harsh and high, piercing the void, as if something in the nothingness gradually filled out.

In broad daylight, there is still strong sunshine in the sky, but in this courtyard, a trace of strange coldness gushed out of thin air, which became gloomy out of thin air and made people feel dead.

Several whirlwinds gradually appeared in the courtyard, rotating around several bodies.

Sud of a sudden, the crow's cry stopped and its wings rose high.

In an instant, the faint light in its eyes was many times stronger, and the faint light condensed and did not disperse, and finally turned into two beating flames.

The eyes of the old crow became two strange and inexplicable flames, like ghost fire flashing.

The ghost fire flashed a few times and began to rotate into a whirlpool. The center was dark. From this darkness, there was a trace of extremely thin, but it made people's souls tremble, as if there was a terrible thing living in it.

The gloom and coldness oozing from nothingness are stronger. The whirlwind in the courtyard brings up the dust on the ground and spreads aimlessly, like several invisible ghosts wandering here.

The feeling given by the old crow has changed greatly, and an unspeakable atmosphere begins to appear on its body, which is illusory, indifferent, high above and overlooking everything.

It was calm, turning its head slowly and staring at the body under it.

The flame whirlpool in the position of its eyes suddenly swirled, and the death energy emitted from the body was immediately pulled in by an invisible suction.

The death energy was ignited by the flame, instantly burning away the mottled fluctuations and breath, turning into a thin gray energy and drilling into the darkness in the center of the whirlpool.

And those negative fluctuations and evil breaths are all integrated into the eyes of the old crow and become part of the flame.


It makes a cry of satisfaction.

He suddenly turned his head and glanced at the remaining five corpses. In a few breaths, he absorbed and devoured the death energy generated by these corpses. The old crow put down his raised wings.

The flame in its eyes gradually extinguished and reappeared. The strange and terrible breath of the old crow finally faded away, and everything fell silent into the looming darkness deep in its eyes.

The gloomy and strange atmosphere in the courtyard finally dissipated, but a faint chill in the air proved everything just now.

At this time, if you look carefully, you can find that the crow's body has grown up in this moment, and its size obviously exceeds the limit of a normal crow.

However, strangely, it does not look majestic, but looks like long-term malnutrition. Although it is large, it is very thin.

Its feathers were originally very shiny, but now they have become dark, like a layer of dust of years, some vicissitudes, and some of which seem to fall off from it.

Therefore, the whole look of this old crow gives people a feeling of twilight, life is not much, and the body is about to die and decay.

It is skinny, faintly exuding a ghostly, cold and horrible atmosphere.

Only its eyes are brighter, bright enough to be a little too bright, very evil and weird.

The wings vibrating gently, and the old crow rushed into the sky silently, like a dark ghost, flashing away.

In a dark, completely closed confinement room without even a trace of air, Hu Ge, Huang Mao and Wang Hao lay unconsciously on the cold ground.

Suddenly, Wang Hao, who had no idea, trembled by himself. A pure and mysterious light appeared on his forehead, outlined into a lightning-shaped mark.

A mysterious energy appeared in his body out of thin air, turning into a powerful heat flow, rolling in his body and flowing along his meridians.

"Ah............" Wang Hao, who was in a coma, suddenly let out a scream.

It turns out that when this thick heat flow flows through the broken and broken meridians in his body, every part of the body and every cell instinctively feels indescribable pain.

Even if he lost consciousness, Wang Hao was still tortured by this terrible pain and screamed and rolled on the ground.

The heat flow did not stop, but still flowed in his meridians. Some of the meridians that had not been completely broken were torn by abruptly after the heat flow.

Wang Hao's body's instinctive struggle became stronger and stronger. In the end, he took his head directly and hit the ground crazily, and couldn't wait to kill him.

After a few breaths, this kind of pain that can directly kill people finally accumulated to the extreme. Because of too much mental consumption, Wang Hao's consciousness, which fell into endless silence and almost disappeared, was unexpectedly pulled back by this boundless pain.

Wang Hao regained consciousness in an instant, but without waiting for him to be happy, his heart was instantly overwhelmed by endless pain.

"Ah..." Wang Hao shouted crazily. He tried his best to tear his hair, pinch his neck and beat his chest.

But all this can't resolve the fatal pain at all.

"Daw! Why don't you let me die directly..." In just a few seconds, Wang Hao felt that it had been so long that he didn't even have the strength to struggle and wail.

He crawled on the ground like a ball of mud. The roots of blood vessels all over his body burst out, and his eyes began to turn white, but occasionally trembled slightly twice.

When ordinary people encounter this kind of pain, it is estimated that the tortured soul has long been scattered, but the presence of lightning marks on his forehead makes Wang Hao stay awake in boundless pain and endures inhuman torture.

"Damn mark, let me die! I don't want to live!" Wang Hao's soul was shouting, and he clearly felt that the meridians of his whole body were broken by inch under the destruction of this powerful heat current.

This airflow finally ran in Wang Hao's body for a week and gradually fell silent.

But Wang Hao can no longer find any intact meridians in his body.

It's like there are only a few bone fractures, and there is still the possibility of recovery, but the bones of the whole body have become powder. How can people live?

Wang Hao is now much better than the tragic condition of being crushed. Although his physical pain is gradually weakening, he is completely desperate, and his eyes are distracted and numb.

Gradually, only Wang Hao's breathing was left in the dark confinement room.

For some reason, Wang Hao suddenly felt a strong fear in his heart.

He opened his eyes wide and searched for something in the darkness. He felt that there was an invisible thing hidden in the darkness, peeping at himself.

Instinctively holding his breath, Wang Hao listened, only to not far away from him, and there were two chaotic and heavy breathing sounds.

"No..." Instantly judging the fear in my heart did not come from these two breathing sounds.

At this time, a gloomy breath suddenly touched his skin, and it seemed that an invisible ghost slowly stretched out his hand to Wang Hao.

In an instant, Wang Hao's scalp was straight and his hair was upside down.

"What the hell... Get out of here!" Wang Hao wanted to drink loudly, but his voice had already lost its voice because of the painful torture just now, and only hissed.

Wang Hao did not know that the lightning mark on his forehead had quietly disappeared.

When the last glense of light in the confinement room also disappeared, the gloomy breath in the darkness was thousands of times stronger in an instant.

The confinement room suddenly became very cold, and a trace of wind came from nowhere.

This sound of wind kept stirring in the dark. When it came into Wang Hao's ears, it seemed that someone was crying in a low voice against his slap.

"Ah..." Two screams suddenly sounded.

Wang Hao's heart suddenly shrank and almost jumped out of his mouth, but the next moment, he heard that it was the voice of Brother Hu and Huang Mao. He couldn't help but be surprised, and the fear in his heart subsided a little in an instant.

At this moment, the cold breath in the dark suddenly withdrew a little and circled in the distance.

Indidenly, Wang Hao felt that in the darkness in the distance, there were many cold eyes staring at them, like a group of evil spirits from hell standing there, hiding in the darkness, waiting for the opportunity to devour his soul.

There was a shudder in my heart.

Is there really such a thing as ghosts in this world?

Wang Hao was originally a staunistic materialist, but since he had an adventure, his mind slowly changed.

Although he still doesn't want to believe it in the bottom of his heart, Wang Hao learned from his changes that there are indeed some things beyond his understanding in this world.

This is an unquestionable fact, just like the feeling given to him by the darkness, there are also something beyond ordinary people's understanding.

These things were obviously unfavorable to him, and Wang Hao instinctively felt a strong sense of crisis, because his soul began to tremble and feel restless.

In this cold and darkness, those hidden things seem to be afraid of living people.

Brother Hu was obviously seriously injured and unconscious, but he still exuded a strong masculine atmosphere.

Through the air, Wang Hao can faintly feel the heat on Brother Hu's body, which forces the hidden things in the air to be too close.

Instinctively, Wang Hao wanted to climb to Brother Hu.