Underworld separation

Chapter 72 Refining the Fire Spirit

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The fire spirit was captured, and the eagle demon was completely enraged and attacked brazenly. In the case of injury, it burst into strength and speed beyond the peak state.

The old crow screamed and tried his best to avoid the deadly attack, but several feathers on his body were still pecked off.

Without one blow, the eagle demon's claws immediately attacked, wrapping a gust of wind, covering the old crow before and after.

"Bad! After this eagle demon was injured, he could still burst out such a terrible strength!"

The old crow had an unavoidable illusion, and Wang Hao immediately knew that he could only resist.

However, feeling the power contained in the eagle demon's claws, Wang Hao's heart was full of despair.

Don't say that the crow is still flesh and blood, even if it is a rock, it will be caught out of a big hole.

You can't avoid it. If you resist hard, you are not an opponent at all. If you hit the other party's move, you will be seriously injured if you don't die.

Do you really want to give up the precious fire spirit and escape?

In an instant, Wang Hao thought a lot, but still didn't come up with a two-size-one solution.

The claws of the eagle demon have touched the feathers of the old crow, and the next moment, it will be directly pierced, forming a fatal wound on the old crow.

At this moment, the movement of the eagle demon suddenly stagnated, as if it was pinched by the invisible big hand and fixed in mid-air.


The eagle demon hissed loudly and madly urged his skills to kill opponents who dared to fight for the fire spirit.

However, a strange and cold force broke out from its body and moved quickly in its flesh and blood and meridians. Wherever it passed, the flesh and blood were frozen and the essence was destroyed, making the power of the eagle demon gradually pass away. How could there be no strength to attack the crow.

Wang Hao immediately knew that this was the curse technique that the old crow had just performed, and it finally broke out.

This curse is really magical, which can make the terrible monster of the eagle demon lose its combat effectiveness in an instant.

Wang Hao suddenly came to his mind, controlling the old crow, and facing the body of the eagle demon who kept flapping his wings to maintain balance.

The old crow grabbed the wound on the other party's wing and suddenly tore it, making the wound expand a little. The wing of the eagle demon was almost directly torn off from the body.

It rolled in the air in pain and fell to the ground.

"His grandma is a bear! Dare to fight with me, go to hell!"

Wang Hao was so happy that he controlled the old crow to dive down and pecked on the other party's head.

The eagle demon suddenly burst into blood, almost fainted, and screamed and fell quickly.

Under Wang Hao's control, the old crow chased and frantically ** the other party. Wang Hao obviously intended to kill this powerful monster.

The old crow also has such a plan.

It is an air bully and encounters another more powerful air creature. The first reaction of the old crow is to kill and remove this competitor.

And Wang Hao just strengthened the old crow's instinct.

For a few breaths, the eagle demon was still falling quickly, but this was bullied, and most of the feathers of the whole body fell off, especially the wing, which was almost completely abolished.

Just as Wang Hao was about to kill the monster, the old crow had the idea of leaving, which was very urgent.

Without thinking about it, Wang Hao immediately rushed into the sky with the old crow and flew fast.

At this time, the falling eagle demon seemed to regain its strength, madly urged himself with one wing, and stopped the trend of falling.

It turned out that the effect of the curse had passed. Regardless of the injury, the eagle demon rose up and vowed to kill the crow.

Unfortunately, one of its wings was abandoned. Even if it tried its best, it would not speed up, and it could not catch up with the crow at all.

Wang Hao hesitated whether to take advantage of the injury of the eagle demon and kill it in one fell swoop.

However, I remember that the purpose of my coming here is to compete for the fire spirit. Now that I get things, everything else is secondary.

Moreover, although the speed of the eagle demon has been greatly reduced, its strength has not weakened much, which can still threaten the safety of the old crow. Wang Hao gave up this idea.

For sure, he immediately controlled the crow's lightning to leave, quickly shook off the eagle demon, and went straight back.

Not long after flying, Wang Hao saw that the snake was still wandering wildly near the edge of the mountain, and it had actually caught up here.

"Hey, go, go, the fire spirit has been obtained by me. You fight to kill me, that's the best!"

Wang Hao was a little proud. Who would have thought that this hard-to-seeking fire spirit would unconsciously fall into his hands.

Just as Wang Hao was secretly proud, he didn't want the snake on the ground to stop and look up at the sky.

When he saw the snake, Wang Hao had already controlled the old crow to fly extremely high and deliberately avoided being found by the snake on the ground. Unexpectedly, he seemed to have shocked the snake.

What the hell!

Wang Hao was shocked and gave an order to the old crow.

The crow climbed up again.

It is said that no matter how magical the snake's perception ability is, it is absolutely impossible to sense the crow.

However, it is still coiled on the ground, stretching out a long letter to the sky, as if searching for something.

"No way? In this way, you can sense the old crow. Isn't the snake too ridiculous?" Wang Hao faintly had a feeling of being locked, and the snake obviously focused on the old crow.

"It won't track the eagle demon, but stopped to measure my split. This is wrong!"

After thinking about it, Wang Hao was shocked and suddenly realized that the reason why the snake stopped might be because of the fire spirit.

Maybe the snake sensed the trace of fire, but it is not sure, that's why.

In a hurry, Wang Hao ordered the old crow to speed up to get rid of the hot snake on the ground.

However, at this moment, the snake roared at the sky.

It suddenly moved, turned around, and chased in the direction of the old crow.

"Daw! Sure enough, it's the reason for the fire! The fire snake's breath of the fire spirit is extremely **. So far away, the fire spirit's breath still can't escape the feeling of the fire snake. What can we do?

If he returns directly like this, he will definitely lead this horrible snake to his body. At that time, Wang Hao will not be able to deal with it.

What's more terrible is that Long Fei, who follows him closely, is even more dangerous to Wang Hao.

Once Long Fei knew that the fire spirit fell into his hands, Wang Hao believed that Long Fei would never let him go.

In this world, no practitioner can resist the fire**.

If you want to enjoy the fire spirit at ease, you must now try to block the fire snake's sense of the fire spirit.

The eyes of the old crow burned and turned into two flames. The flame became more and more prosperous. Finally, it rushed out of its eyes and wrapped around the fire spirit, gradually covering the breath of the half-fire spirit.

Suddenly, the snake could not feel the breath of fire and lost its direction.


The snake suddenly roared, and its long body stood upright, as if it wanted to run into the air and chase the breath of the fire spirit.

However, as a snake, even a monster can never really fly. It hit the ground and madly destroyed the nearby mountains and trees to vent its anger.

"Bad! The snake has lost its direction. It can't find any trace of the fire spirit. What should I do? Long Fei immediately reacted and was shocked.

Who is it! How dare you compete with my dragonfly for the fire spirit? I'm going to kill him!"

Long Fei was so angry that he was about to explode, his eyes were congested, and his body exuded a breath of extreme danger.

At this time, the snake suddenly turned his head, looked over, and looked at Long Fei, the crazy snake, trying to kill Long Fei to vent his hatred.

Long Fei was shocked and shot backwards and withdrew far away.

Among monsters, fire snakes are extremely rare and powerful.

If the monster is a nobleman among beasts, then the fire snake is the king of beasts, which is extremely noble and powerful.

Yanshe has a strong fighting talent and tenacious vitality. Although Long Fei can use the advantages of foreign objects or skills to compete with or even hurt Yanshe for a while, he is definitely not the opponent of Yanshe if he really wants to fight life and death.

Therefore, as soon as he saw the snake murderous, Long Fei had to retreat quickly. How could he control the fire spirit?

In fact, this snake is not only a fire spirit, but also a strange treasure for practitioners, which is extremely nourishing for the human body and is of great benefit to practice.

If Longfei can kill, he can not only nourish his body with the corpse of the snake, but also gain greater voice and more cultivation resources in the dragon's teeth.

Therefore, once it was determined that the fire spirit could not be reached, Long Fei immediately had the idea of the snake and decided to retreat first, and then led the brigade to besiege and kill the snake.

At this time, the old crow has flown away and finally returned to where the body is located.

Taking his consciousness back to his body, Wang Hao suddenly opened his eyes and looked at the old crow standing in front of him grasping a purple flame, with strong excitement in his eyes.

With Qigong, Wang Hao reached out and pinched the purple flame.

The flame is like a living thing, constantly twisting its body and suddenly pulling into a thin strip.

Wang Hao felt that his hands were empty and he took off when he was full of fire, so he quickly danced his hands, wrapped a strong wind, and imprisoned the fire spirit.

"If you want to escape, there is no way!"

Wang Hao's hands were full of essence, and a trace of special vitality was mixed in the essence, and he once again pinched the fire spirit that kept hitting in the strong wind.

The fire spirit changed his body again and continued to struggle, but this time, the faint vitality in Wang Hao's hand was like a magnet, which firmly sucked the fire spirit. No matter how it changed, it could not break free from Wang Hao's hand.

"Sure enough! The fire spirit is actually the purest and condensed solid fire vitality, so as long as you use the vitality in your hand, you can restrain its changes and make him unable to escape!"

Wang Hao suddenly felt lucky: he suddenly thought that with the characteristics of the fire spirit, practitioners such as Long Fei could not be refined into himself even if they got it.

The practitioner who refines essence relies on essence, but essence is fundamentally ineffective for the fire spirit. There is no way to use essence to refine the body formed by the infinite condensation of vitality.

In fact, this is the case. Ordinary practitioners, even if they get the fire spirit, cannot directly refine into the body. They can only absorb the vitality emitted by the fire spirit little by special means, and finally absorb the power of the fire spirit with the time of terrazzo.

However, this method can only get 1% of the energy of the fire spirit, and some magical characteristics of the fire spirit have completely disappeared and cannot be absorbed at all.

Therefore, ordinary practitioners get the fire spirit, which is simply a violent thing. Only practitioners in the realm of qi refining can bring out the magic of the fire spirit.

Although Wang Hao is not in the realm of refining gas, he has some vitality in his body and has the ability to directly refine fire spirits.

He urged Qigong crazily, and all his essence mixed with vitality, spewed out from the sea of gas, roared and circulated in the meridians, and finally all flowed into his hands.

His hands suddenly closed, and the fire spirit was strongly squeezed and could not escape. Unexpectedly, he drilled into Wang Hao's palm, but Wang Hao's skin was unharmed.

Although this fire spirit is an entity, it still preserves the characteristics of the vitality penetrating material.