Underworld separation

Chapter 77 Unlimited Potential

(It's almost 300,000 words, and it's almost fat. Let's collect it quickly!)

Knowing that the water snake's blood may contain deadly poison, Long Fei did not rashly. He pushed his hands and brought a gust of wind to sweep all the blood drops that shot at him.


But not far away, there were countless howls.

Only the few soldiers left suffered, and suddenly dozens or hundreds of people were stained with snake blood.

But in a blink of an eye, these soldiers were poisoned by fire and fell to the ground and could not get up.

They had big blisters all over their bodies, as if they had fallen into boiling water and boiled for a long time, and their skin was ulcerated.

It was painful and itchy. These soldiers couldn't help scratching a few handfuls. The skin and muscles fell off one by one, and the white bones were directly visible.

After howling for a moment, they died in anger.

At this time, all the soldiers really have no courage. The rest of the people, as long as they can still climb, will have no life to escape to the distance.

Long Fei can no longer take care of these ordinary soldiers.

As soon as he saw the snake exerting this method, Long Fei immediately knew the terrible monster and began to work hard.

Therefore, he was afraid that the snake would escape immediately and make all his efforts come to nothing, so he flashed and rushed to Wang Hao regardless of his safety.

However, he did not expect that the snake did not intend to escape, but roared angrily and launched a deadly attack on Wang Hao.

"What's going on? Yanshe is completely crazy!"

Doubt flashed in his mind. He didn't have much time to think about it. Long Fei had already used the most fierce means and began to fight.


A series of loud noises, the strange gun of Long Fei's hands fired crazily and shot a special bullet like a cannonball on the snake.

Each bullet shattered a scale of the snake.

However, the snake did not realize it. It neither returned to bite nor sprinkled snake blood again, but blindly launched a fatal attack on Wang Hao.

"Fuck! Yanshe, is this a psychopath?"

Wang Hao's situation is extremely dangerous. Almost every second, he will be forced into the moment of life and death by the snake. Every moment, he will be in terrible danger.

Wang Hao has never been so nervous, let alone felt that death was so close to him. Now he is completely wandering in front of the gate of hell.

With a little sloppyness, Wang Hao will die tragically on the spot under the attack of the snake.

The spirit and will can't help but be concentrated. Wang Hao's thinking is infinitely improved, forcibly controlling his body and avoiding dangerously. Every second, he will avoid the deadly attack of the snake several times.

"The snake, regardless of the damage caused by Longfei's attack, blindly attacked me. ............"

As soon as the idea moved, Wang Hao suddenly realized that the snake must have sensed the breath of fire in his body.

Only in this way can we explain the madness of the snake.

In this world, only the fire spirit can make the best among the snake-headed monsters completely ignore their own safety and the madness of sacrificing their lives.

How can Wang Hao think of it? The fire snake is so sensitive that even if it suppresses the fire spirit into the sea of air, it is impossible for outsiders to detect it. It can still know the existence of the fire spirit at the first time.

This is terrible!

Wang Hao's heart beat violently, knowing that he had completely angered the snake, and both sides were endless.

No longer reported any fluke. Wang Hao knew that although there were many people here, he was the only target of Yanshe. If he wanted to know, he could only rely on his own strength, and no one could help it escape from the mouth of the crazy Yanshe.

"Let's fight! I will use this danger to sharpen my fighting consciousness, and finally step on the body of the snake and enter the real temple of practice!"

With a roar, Wang Hao's sea of air vibrated and spewed out his essence and vitality.

Strong essence, fiery vitality and mysterious vitality combine to transform into great power in the meridians.

300 meridians in Wang Hao's body have been completely opened, and they are extremely wide and flexible, and can withstand the rapid flow of essence and vitality.

"Tiger's Secret!"

"The tiger roars in the sky"

"Evil tigers eat"

"Black Tiger Stealing Heart"

"Tiger down the mountain"

In an instant, the divine tiger formula inherited from the bloodline in Brother Hu's body was stimulated to the extreme by Wang Hao. The essence and vitality in his body continued to circulate along some meridians, so that the power could be increased accordingly, and with different characteristics, which finally made each move have a different effect.

One move after another, Wang Hao and Yan Snake hit each other crazily.

With each blow, Wang Hao will be shaken back by the power of the snake, but then attack in an instant.

He entered a state of selfless combat and did not feel anything outside his body. His whole body was like a fighting machine, never tireless and retreating.

Every time he collides with the snake, the seal and the fire spirit in Wang Hao's sea of gas will overflow with some fiery vitality and constantly replenish Wang Hao's body, so that his power is not exhausted, but his power is getting deeper and deeper.

Therefore, gradually, Wang Hao, who had been shaken back with each attack, was completely adapted and finally began to fight back sporadicly.

That is to say, the comprehensive suppression of Yanshe has failed, but in a short period of time, it has greatly improved Wang Hao's combat consciousness and martial arts realm.

Wang Hao is like a big lake and an ocean, absorbing endless combat experience and growing at an unimaginable speed.

"This...how can this be!"

Long Fei almost hit all the bullets and gave huge damage to the snake, then he gave up.

He stared at Wang Hao's fight with the snake.

The terrible combat effectiveness of the fire snake did not surprise Long Fei. He even saw that the power of the fire snake was actually less than seven or eight points in full bloom.

However, due to madness, the snake is much more dangerous than normal.

Longfei has no confidence to resist the snake in this state.

However, he actually saw that in his eyes, Wang Hao, who had not really touched the door of practice, resisted the attack of the snake.

Of course, Wang Hao seems to be able to die at any time, but whenever he is in danger, he can always magically resolve it.

What shocked Long Fei more was that he saw that Wang Hao had grown a lot in a moment.

Wang Hao grew from the original vulnerable to being able to withstand the attack of the snake in a short period of time, and began to fight back from time to time.

This speed of growth is simply appalling!

According to common sense, anyone, even a genius with extremely strong talent, needs time to grow, and it is impossible to grow qualitatively in a certain battle.

Even if there is, it is just because of the effect of slowly accumulating and bursting at one time in countless times in the early stage.

And Wang Hao is not at all. Long Fei can't see any accumulation in Wang Hao, so he can't talk about a sudden epiphany.

It seems that for Wang Hao, all this is instinctive. He naturally draws experience and insights in the battle, and it is unlimited and endless.


How can there be such a person in the world!

What kind of state will such a person eventually reach if he fights and grows all the way?

Don't say you've seen or even heard of such a person!

Long Fei's mind was extremely complicated. Jealousy, envy, hatred, appreciation, and other thoughts flashed quickly in his mind and mixed together, making Long Fei's thoughts confused.

Can he really suppress such a person as his subordinates?


In an instant, Long Fei had a result in his heart and knew that he could never suppress such a person for a long time.

He saw that even if Wang Hao's combat ability was not comparable to him, the gap was narrowing at a high speed, which completely destroyed Long Fei's confidence.

Should we take the opportunity to kill this person immediately?

A strong murder flashed in Long Fei's eyes!

It won't take long for such a nearly evil character to completely surpass everyone and climb to the top of his dragon flying head.

For the sake of your own status and power, you must get rid of it!

At this time, the battle between Wang Hao and Yanshe became even more crazy.

Without the interruption of outsiders, the snake attacks with all its strength, and every part of the body, the fangs, the long body, and the bone spurs at the tip of the tail have become deadly weapons.

At the end of the battle, some scales on the snake actually stood up, each of which was extremely sharp, like installing countless swords of knives on it, cutting everything crazily and hanging Wang Hao.

The snake's body was entangled, but it was dodged by Wang Hao. It was wrapped in a big tree and suddenly twisted. The big tree was suddenly twisted into countless neat pieces of wood, just like small processing with a cutting machine.

The fire spirit continues to release vitality, and Wang Hao's sea of gas spewed out one after another of fire vitality, which was slightly stirred in his meridians and turned into a terrible force.

When these forces run to the whole body, physical energy will appear in Wang Hao's own body, and these fireful vitality seem to be transformed into flames.

Of course, this is just an illusion.

However, gradually, every time Wang Hao's hands attack, he set off a heat wave, and his hands were red and extremely hot.

The essence, fire vitality and mysterious vitality are in the meridians, running to the extreme according to the divine tiger formula, and gradually changed. The deeper mystery of the divine tiger formula gradually emerged in Wang Hao's heart.

It turned out that there was more than one level of the divine tiger formula. In this moment of skill, Wang Hao frantically urged this skill and abruptly practiced the divine tiger formula to the second level.

This is something that can take years to complete. With the help of the great pressure brought by the snake and the continuous vitality released by the fire spirit, Wang Hao achieved it in a short time.

When the divine tiger secret practiced to the second level, there was a new change. The power fluctuated along the new trajectory in the meridians, and Wang Hao suddenly made a few moves.

"Cloud Dragon Wind Tiger"

"Return the tiger to the mountain"

"Tiger inserts its wings"

"Tiger into the flock

When practicing the skills to the second level, the power was almost doubled out of thin air. Four moves were played in a row. Wang Hao's whole body rushed into the sheep like a divine tiger, which was incredibly powerful and suddenly shocked the snake back.


The snake was furious, roared, and rushed over again. It made a series of killing moves and vowed to kill the opponent.

"Good luck!"

The incisive battle made Wang Hao physically and mentally united and extremely refreshing. Seeing the fire snake coming, he was not surprised but happy, and suddenly greeted him.

In an instant, Wang Hao played all the moves that had been understood in the divine tiger formula.

At this moment, the power in his body was all concentrated in his hands, superimposed layer by layer, and the terrible power was heavy again and again, like a huge wave, attacking the snake.


The loud noise suddenly burst out.

Wang Hao flew dozens of meters upside down and hit a big tree as thick as an adult's waist.

With a few clicks, the tree was directly broken and slowly fell to the ground. Wang Hao's blood surged down, overflowed from his throat, and was forcibly swallowed by him.

And the snake is also difficult. It was also hit more than ten meters by the huge anti-shock force, and its body hit a boulder, breaking the boulder into countless pieces.

I saw that its whole body was ragged and fell to the ground, and it could not move for a moment.