Underworld separation

Chapter 81 Flaw

(Today, I will continue to update 10,000 words. Guys, if you don't collect it, you will be embarrassed, so hurry up and click 'Collect Book'!!!)

The bearded dragon sky is really domineering!

Long Fei was so angry that he trembled all over.

"Good Longtian, since you are so unreasonable, let me know what means you have to humiliate me so much!"

Long Fei's eyes were cold and extremely sharp. The two guns in his hand shook to the point of the beard. His spirit and thoughts were infinitely concentrated and poured into the two guns.

At this moment, the two guns in his hand, as if they had their own lives, seemed to be breathing, jumping and cheering.

The bearded Long Tian only felt a burst of numbness in his skin and knew that the other party was locking his key points.

Although the beard is extremely domineering, he dares not really let Long Fei's two guns lock his key points.

Long Fei's shooting skills are not a joke. If he is really hit, even a refined and perfect figure will die.

The beard shook quickly back and forth in an extremely subtle range, making people unable to think about it.

Long Fei suddenly found that he could not lock the other party's body.

The chain can't be locked, and of course, Long Fei's two guns can't fire.

"Yanshe, if you don't want to be caught by him, join hands with me immediately. As long as you and I join hands to repel this person, I promise not to hit your mind again!"

Long Fei was anxious and shouted loudly.


The hot snake on the other side has a huge head and looks thoughtful, as if it really understands the meaning of Long Fei.

However, Yanshe obviously did not believe Long Fei's words, but its eyes fell on Wang Hao and seemed very hesitant.

From the moment it saw the dragon sky, the snake felt danger and pressure. Its instinct told it that it must retreat immediately, otherwise it would suffer a disaster.

You should know that the two powerful characters, Longtian and Long Fei, want to think about it. No matter how powerful the snake is, it will never benefit from it.

However, even so, the snake still does not want to escape.

The fire spirit is attractive to it, which is extremely deadly enough to make it lose its mind and ignore the danger.

"Hmm! Long Fei, you really want to join hands with monsters! Then don't blame me for being ruthless!"

The beard was really murderous. He walked at a heavy pace and flew towards the dragon.


The bearded's speed was obviously not fast, and Long Fei could not shoot, because he knew that even if he shot, he could not hit it, which made his momentum relaxed.

Maybe it was only for a moment. When fighting with ordinary masters, there was nothing to pause at this moment, but in the face of a figure like the bearded Longtian, even a momentary mistake is fatal.

Therefore, when there is no certainty of killing, Long Fei will never shoot, let alone shoot, otherwise the beard will fight the most fiercely in an instant. At that time, Longfei will completely lose the opportunity to resist.

The consequences of being bullied close to the body by a master of refinement and perfection are really horrible. Even if there is Tongtian shooting skills, it will be difficult to perform.

The beard also dares not be careless. Although he walks very slowly, in fact, every step contains countless changes that make people unable to lock, which consumes a lot of energy.

He is waiting for an opportunity. As long as Long Fei can't restrain and shoot, he is confident to rush over and kill his opponent in an instant.

What he wanted was just the moment.

Every time the beard takes a step, Long Fei will take a step back. The two are deadlocked, waiting for each other to make a mistake, and then burst into injury.

At this time, the snake moved.

It saw two people who could pose a threat to it and couldn't worry about anything else. It suddenly felt that this was a great opportunity.


The snake waved its tail and swam towards Wang Hao.

"Bad snake, I want to take the opportunity to hit my idea! Humph, the beard was entangled by Long Fei. Without his obstruction, I can run away!"

Just now, Wang Hao was able to escape under the chase of Yanshe and Longfei. At this time, he has recovered a little more strength and has a little more vitality in his body. If he urges the movement method, the speed will definitely be faster than just now.

Therefore, as long as he runs, Wang Hao believes that the snake can only follow his buttocks to eat ashes.

Wang Hao just raised his foot, but felt a heavy momentum pressing on him. He couldn't help but stagnate and his body stiff.

The same is true of the snake. It keeps crawling, but no longer moves.

It turned out that the bearded Longtian sensed the movement of Wang Hao and the snake, divided part of his energy, transmitted the breath, and pressed one person and one snake to stand still.

For a while, the bearded Long Tian actually suppressed Long Fei, Yanshe and Wang Hao with his own momentum.

Whether it is Longfei, Yanshe, or Wang Hao, they feel that in this world, only they are facing each other with Longtian.

It turns out that it is so terrible to fight against real martial arts masters!

Even if there are thousands of troops and horses, people are hostile to the country, which makes people extremely lonely and desperate.

This is the terrible thing about martial arts masters. As long as the air machine can lock the range, as long as the mind moves, the body can jump instantly. The speed is so fast that it can't be stopped at all.

Therefore, against a real martial arts master, even if there are a lot of helpers around you, as long as you make a little mistake, you will be killed immediately.

A drop of cold sweat kept falling from his forehead, and Long Fei's nerves were about to break.

"Long Tian, it's so terrible! In the past, I only knew that his reputation was not small, but I had never fought with him. If I had known that he was so terrible, why should I compete with him? Now I can't get rid of the tiger and I can't even stop!"

Long Fei began to regret, and he even felt the threat of death. There is no way to sincerely seek benefits.

He wanted to relieve the situation, but he was forced by the momentum of his beard and could not speak. Otherwise, as soon as his breath dissipated, he would immediately suffer the most terrible attack and kill. Long Fei cried bitterly.

And the snake was in a hurry, and its long body slowly coiled in a ball, forming a defensive posture, staring at the bearded dragon sky with great vigilance.

If anyone seems to be the easiest, it is Wang Hao.

First of all, the beard was not hostile to Wang Hao. He just wanted to stop Wang Hao from leaving, so he locked it with a gas machine.

Second, Wang Hao's spirit and will are not small, even compared with the bearded Long Tian, and even in some ways.

Locked by the air machine, an invisible electric light flashed in the depths of Wang Hao's eyes, cutting off the breath locked on his body.

"What?" Under the pull of the air machine, the beard was immediately shocked and instinctively turned his head.

At this moment, Long Fei finally seized the opportunity and burst into two flames with two guns.


Two special bullets shot out of the muzzle and penetrated the air faster than the sound. One ran to the bearded forehead, and one shot straight into his air.


The snake actually spewed out a red smoke and covered its beard.

"The fog of the snake!" The beard was shocked.

He didn't dare to touch the smoke and stepped forward to meet the bullet.

The beard would rather fight against bullets with his bare hands than touch the thing ejected by the snake, which shows that this thing is absolutely extremely terrible.

I don't know when a long knife appeared in the bearded's hand.

A cold light flashed, and the knife in his hand accurately cut off the bullet and cut off the two children.

But at this time, two more children appeared silently less than a foot in front of the beard.

It turned out that after two shots, Long Fei fired two shots in an instant, hiding in the impact fluctuations caused by the first two bullets, which made people unable to notice at all. He secretly attacked the heart of the bearded Longtian, which was the real killer.

Seeing that the bearded Long Tian did not notice his killer mace, Long Fei showed a successful smile on the corners of his mouth.

At this moment, the beard sneered, and the report was held upside down. The handle of the knife blocked the bullet that was about to shoot into his body.

"Hmm, just a path, Long Fei, take your life!"

The beard erupted with powerful power, stirring up the air and even distorting the light. His body became looming. With a flash, he appeared a few meters away from Long Fei and cut it with a knife.

This knife is like a thunder falling in the sky, and its speed is as fast as light as electricity.

Long Fei only felt that the world was spinning with this amazing knife light, and then everything disappeared, leaving only this terrible knife that fell on his head.


Long Fei felt that all his vitality would be completely destroyed by this knife light. He shouted sadly and wanted to fight back, but under the pressure of this knife, he could not even move a finger and could only watch himself die.

At this time, unexpectedly, the fire snake inhaled the red smoke into its mouth, and then lightning rushed out, and there was no trace in a blink of an eye.

"Want to escape? Where to go!" In fact, most of the beard's attention is still on the snake. As soon as he saw the snake escape, he instantly withdrew the knife light and turned around to chase it out.

The beard did not really kill recklessly. Long Fei's status in the Longya organization is equivalent to his. If the beard really wants to kill the other party, the consequences will be very serious.

His goal was Yanshe from the beginning, and naturally he would not be able to distinguish the primary and secondary. The reason why he made the gesture just now was to completely deter Long Fei and make Long Fei dare not hit Yanshe again.

The beard chased quickly, and Wang Hao's heart moved, got up to follow, roared away, and disappeared into the mountains and forests.

It was not until a long time before Long Fei exhaled a long breath of turbidity, collapsed on the ground, gasped, and instantly wet his clothes with cold sweat.

In one breath, he ran far away and chased for at least 20 miles. When Wang Hao didn't know where he had run, he finally caught up with the bearded Longtian.

Long Tian stopped on a rocky slope, and the sword in his hand hit the ground and cut a deep gully on the ground, in which a dark hole appeared.

I don't know how deep this hole is. It swirled deep in the ground. Long Fei came out a lot of knives, raised countless dust, and quickly dug the hole.

However, this hole seems to be endless.

After a while, the beard stopped and sighed for a long time.

"It's a pity that this snake ran away!"

This is obviously the old nest of the snake. The hole is extremely complicated. Let it get into it. If you have the ability, you can't catch it again.

"Now, the snake has already gone somewhere. Boy, you have caused me to lose this great benefit. How are you going to compensate me?"

"Ah... It's none of my business, beard, you're a man of people!" Wang Hao was stunned.

"Well, if you hadn't messed up my air, how could the snake have escaped from the palm of my hand! Now, if you don't accompany, who will accompany!"

"Beard, if you hadn't locked me and wouldn't let me go, how could you be affected?" Wang Hao retorted loudly.

Anyway, Wang Hao saw that the beard pretended to be fierce on the surface. In fact, he was not hostile, so he behaved very recklessly.

Moreover, Wang Hao vaguely guessed that the beard didn't really want him to pay for a snake, but something else: he is Wang Hao!