Underworld separation

Chapter 95 Invisibility

About 20 people, including Wang Hao and Beard, heard the call and rushed to the side of the mountain. They were scared by the cruel and horrible scene in front of them.

These people and animals obviously died in the mouth of the blood-sucking bat demon and were killed by the blood-sucking bat demon.

In an instant, everyone was angered by the ferocity of the blood-sucking bat demon. Even Long Wu, a gloomy and narrow-minded person, shot anger in his eyes.

"Evil............" Long Wu gritted his teeth and trembled with anger.

"Look, everyone separate and turn over this mountain. Even if you flatten this mountain, you have to find the blood-sucking bat demon. I must kill it myself!" Long Wu shouted loudly.

More than a dozen masters in the late refining period suddenly dispersed and searched in all directions of the peak.

Wang Hao and Beard can't care about their resentment with Long Wu. All Wang Hao has left in his heart is his anger against the blood-sucking bat demon.

And Longwu, a breath of vitality gushed out from his feet, and his body shot directly into the air, stepping on the rocks and trees, like a puff of smoke, swimming quickly on the peak.

At this time, the sky was already very dark, especially in this mountain forest, which was almost completely dark, but everyone present was not ordinary people. Although their sight was somewhat affected, they could still see the things around them clearly.

This peak is very large, with more than a dozen or twenty scattered among them, like stones sinking into the sea, and suddenly submerged.

But after a while, Wang Hao found that there was no one around him, only he wandered alone in this deep mountain forest.

"Someone is wrong!" Wang Hao suddenly stopped.

At this time, Wang Hao's anger finally calmed down a little and became rational. He immediately found that he could not hear any insect calls, bird calls or beast roars.

You know, the mountains seem to be quiet, but in fact they are very noisy. As long as you listen carefully, you will find that there will be a lot of noise in the mountains and forests.

But Wang Hao couldn't hear any movement, and even the mountain wind disappeared, which made people feel very depressed.

"It's not good! It must be the blood-sucking bat demon lurking in the dark, and the birds and insects here feel the breath of the bat demon and dare not make a sound!"

Wang Hao faintly smelled the faint smell of blood behind him. His eyelids jumped and his hands and feet suddenly stiffened. He knew that he must have collided with the blood-sucking bat demon.

However, Wang Hao did not dare to look back, turn around, and did not even dare to move his hands and feet. He suddenly concentrated all his mind and suddenly felt clearly that there was a faint fluctuation of vitality a few meters above his head.

Wang Hao knew that it must be the place where the blood-sucking bat demon hid.

"Why am I so unlucky to break into such a close place as the vampire bat demon alone!" Wang Hao doesn't know whether to feel lucky or unlucky. He wants to die.

Wang Hao does want to destroy the blood-sucking bat demon, but it doesn't mean that he is willing to meet this horrible monster alone to die.

He was extremely nervous and alert for a moment, but there was no movement. Wang Hao turned his head little by little and saw a huge shadow hanging under the crown of a big tree. It was the horrible blood-absorbing bat demon.

I only saw the blood-absorbing bat demon hanging upside down under the canopy, as if it were sleeping and running mana to restore its body. It did not notice the arrival of Wang Hao.

Wang Hao suddenly reached out to cover his mouth and nose and held his breath.

You should know that even the heat exhaled from the nose is enough to alarm the horrible monster above his head. If the monster wakes up, Wang Hao will be in danger.

Step by step, Wang Hao did not dare to make any sound and slowly withdrew hundreds of meters. At this time, he was already sweating, not tired, but nervous.

When facing Long Wu, Wang Hao just felt pressure, but he didn't feel overwhelmed at all.

And when he met this blood-sucking bat demon again, Wang Hao felt the pressure heavier than the mountains and more vast than the sea, which made him unable to resist at all.

Wang Hao suddenly knew that everyone miscalculated the strength of the blood-sucking bat demon.

This monster can't be a monster that has just entered the realm of gas refining. It is definitely an old demon with extremely profound cultivation and mana.

The blood-sucking bat demon must not have completely recovered, but Wang Hao feels that the mana in its body has exceeded the Dragon Five and is still increasing rapidly.

At this time, Wang Hao only had only one idea: leave here, find the beard, and then escape from the demon. This monster is definitely not something that Long Wu can deal with. Even if it is added to these people, it is still not enough to look at.

withdrew dozens of meters away from the blood-absorbing bat demon. Wang Hao finally breathed a sigh of relief. He had no idea, and a drop of sweat fell from his forehead to the ground and made a slight sound.

At this moment, more than 100 meters away, the blood-absorbing bat demon suddenly opened its scarlet eyes, and the vitality swimming on the surface of its body fluctuated more violently.

Wang Hao immediately found it. Looking back, he almost scared his soul. The blood-sucking bat demon's eyes were more than 100 meters apart and had been locked on him.

"Ah..." Wang Hao screamed, and a burst of vitality rushed into the soles of his feet. He jumped up, grabbed the branch of a big tree, turned over, climbed onto the crown, and then shot out.


The blood-sucking bat demon completely woke up, suddenly loosened its claws on the trunk, flapped its wings a little, and flew up. It rushed into the crown of the tree and chased Wang Hao like a black phantom.

The distance of more than 100 meters is nothing for the blood-absorbing bat demon. Even if Wang Hao's speed has reached the limit, it only shakes its wings two or three times and still catches up.

In less than two seconds, the blood-sucking bat demon had caught up within ten meters behind Wang Hao. It opened its mouth and hit Wang Hao's back.

With a strange cry, Wang Hao shot down and drilled into the canopy.

The crown he had originally stood suddenly exploded, and countless leaves and branches turned into powder in an instant.

The sound wave of the blood-sucking bat demon was even more horrible, more than twice as powerful, which made the avoidable Wang Hao in a cold sweat.

Wang Hao did not dare to stop and wanted to get rid of the horrible monster under the cover of the dense forest.

But unexpectedly, unlike ordinary bats, this vampire bat demon's eyesight is extremely sharp, and even can directly see changes in heat and temperature. What's more, it can sense changes in the outside world with the help of vitality. Therefore, no matter how dense the trees are, it only has a slight impact, but it can't completely block its sense. Know the ability.

Therefore, the blood-absorbing bat also drilled through the canopy and flew into the dense forest.

"Good! It is so big that it dares to get into the dense forest. Aren't you afraid of being knocked to death? Wang Hao was overjoyed and suddenly accelerated his speed.

However, at the next moment, Wang Hao almost fell to the ground: in this dense forest, even people want to walk through a little narrowly, but the extremely huge blood-sucking bat demon is incredibly flexible, and there is no difficulty in passing through the countless trees and dead vines.

Ren Wang Hao used his strength to breastfeed, but he still couldn't escape the pursuit of the blood-sucking bat demon.

However, in the dense forest, the speed of the blood-sucking bat demon was still greatly reduced. For a moment, it failed to catch up with Wang Hao, and it made another sound wave and hit Wang Hao.

With a scream, Wang Hao tried his best to avoid it. The big tree he had just fallen on broke up to his waist.

After such a delay, the blood-sucking bat demon suddenly rushed to less than three meters beside Wang Hao, stretched out his head and bit Wang Hao's neck with its big mouth with fangs.

"Demented!" Out of instinct, Wang Hao launched the dementor.


The teeth of the blood-sucking bat demon have touched Wang Hao's skin. When it was about to be pierced, it was hit by invisible lightning, uncontrollably afraid, and its action immediately stopped.

A roll, Wang Hao popped out a few meters, and his neck finally pulled out of the horrible mouth of the blood-sucking bat demon and fled desperately into the distance.

The blood-sucking bat demon seemed to have been hit by the fixed method and watched Wang Hao escape in a daze. Its eyes were ferocious and panicked. It seemed very hesitant and didn't know whether it should be pursued.

The blood-sucking bat demon is not a beast without intelligence. Its intelligence is equivalent to that of a human child, and its experience and instinct are extremely powerful.

It knows that if Wang Hao cannot be eliminated, Wang Hao will become a weakness, and a seemingly small weakness may even bring fatal danger at some point.

After a moment of hesitation, the fierce light in the eyes of the blood-sucking bat demon finally overwhelmed the panic. It had decided to kill the human who made itself feel scared.

The speed of the vampire bat demon suddenly increased to the extreme, turning into a black lightning, shuttling through the cracks in the jungle. After more than ten seconds, it gradually approached Wang Hao's 100 meters.

This is over............

Wang Hao wailed in his heart that he was too late to send a signal for help, and even if he sent a signal, when the beard and others arrived, he might have been sucked into a mummified corpse.

Besides, even if someone comes, it can't be the opponent of this blood-sucking bat demon. You can only give some delicious blood to the bat demon for nothing to make it more powerful.

After another one or two, the vampire bat demon has forced Wang Hao within 50 meters, opening his mouth and sending two sound waves in a row, one left and one right, and one in front and behind, completely blocking Wang Hao's way.

In terrment, Wang Hao bent down and picked up a huge stone from the ground to stand behind him.

The next moment, Wang Hao's arms suddenly shook violently and almost lost consciousness. The boulder in his hand directly turned into a ball of powder and scattered.

Being stopped by such a little, the blood-sucking bat demon was less than ten meters away from Wang Hao. It rushed to Wang Hao in an instant, and its huge fangs bit Wang Hao's body.

"Dementor..." Wang Hao roared and released an invisible lightning, hitting the bat demon in an instant, but the bat demon was very little affected, and his fangs still bit.

The body of the bat demon has a terrible demon poison, which will be fatal if it is stained at all. What's more, the bat demon's fangs are like a dagger. If you bite it down, you can easily bite off the human body.

He wanted to avoid it, but the speed of the bat demon was too fast. Wang Hao didn't have time to dodge. He could only watch the huge fangs of the bat demon pierce his body.

At this moment, Wang Hao's mind was infinitely concentrated, and the galaxy in his sea of air contracted violently and collapsed into a black hole.

In an instant, Wang Hao's air contracted into an infinitely tiny point and disappeared out of thin air.

At the same time, the fluctuations and information emitted by Wang Hao disappeared, and it seemed that they were also included in the sea of gas and nothingness.

Wang Hao was still there, but the bat demon suddenly lost his senses. In the eyes of the bat demon, Wang Hao disappeared out of thin air in an instant.

Therefore, the attack of the bat demon stopped, and its blood-red eyes swept in all directions, but Wang Hao could not be seen in front of him.

"It can't see me... What's going on? Am I invisible?" This change suddenly appeared on his body, and Wang Hao himself was puzzled and very curious.

Gently turning his eyes, Wang Hao can see his body.

So, he knew that he was not really invisible, but all the information emitted from his body was blocked, causing others to turn a blind eye to him, thus forming a stealth effect.