Underworld separation

Chapter 126 Sweeping the Demons

Wang Hao did not know that there were groups of monsters coming from all directions, and he still sat in the purple fire and ran Zhou Tian.

The strong mana fluctuation came out far away, and it didn't take long for Wang Hao's power to exceed 30 years. If ordinary people devour purple fire so crazily, I'm afraid they have already been blown up by the increased mana.

But Wang Hao is different because of the existence of mysterious vitality. His sea of energy, whether it is the sea of essence or the sea of vitality, is as vast as the starry sky of the universe. Thirty years of mana is just a drop in the sea. He still absorbed the purple fire to increase his mana.

And the Pluto has put the purple gold gourd away and still stays motionless beside Wang Hao.

Under the water, the huge snake's body began to wither, and its flesh and blood shrank in a moment and became skin and bones.

Suddenly, the snake's body moved, and the dry flesh and blood mass broke down and fell off, turning into a white-boned giant snake, 50 meters long, ferocious and horrible.

The white-bone giant snake was covered with flames, and the gray flame kept burning, just as its bones all over its body clicked, and then gradually contracted.

Finally, the white-bone snake shrank by half, only more than 20 meters, but each bone was harder than King Kong.

Gradually, the gray flames all shrank back to its head and closed them in the two eye sockets, turning into two demon flames that kept flashing. This suddenly moved, floated to the surface of the water, and kept swimming, like a living giant snake, which was extremely flexible between actions.

If someone sees this scene, they will be scared to death. The Pluto actually created a monster similar to it, a monster that uses the flame of death as energy and white bones as its body.

This is like a monster from the world of death. The giant snake moves its body and swims near the ravens, hanging a huge head, obviously expressing its submission to the ravens.

It is a monster created by the Pluto, which is completely driven by the Pluto.

This monster created with the snake's soul as the core and the snake's body as the material still retains some of the nature and power of the snake. Although it has degenerated a lot compared with when it was alive, the strength of this thing is even more horrible than the ghost crow, and it must have left some of the power of monsters in the refining realm.

Wang Hao did not know about these. He was trying his best to absorb the purple fire. As the mana became stronger and stronger, the absorption speed became faster and faster, and gradually became unstoppable, and suddenly swept the purple fire all over the sky.

30 years............

Forty years............

Fifty years............

After absorbing all the purple fire, Wang Hao actually had more than 50 years of mana close to a Jiazi, which was enough to scare people to death.

But if it is known that he exchanged fire spirits for these 50 mana, he is afraid that he will be scolded to death. Fifty years of mana is good, but it is too slight compared with the real value of the fire spirit!

"At the cost of the fire spirit, I have an extremely strong mana. I don't know whether it's right or wrong, but at this point, it's useless to regret!" Wang Hao stood up slowly, opened his eyes, and was immediately shocked.

As soon as I opened my eyes, I saw a huge white-boned giant snake coiled around me, and everyone would be scared to death. Wang Hao stretched out his hand and took a photo of the falling star sword around him. He shook out a little cold star and was about to stab it out.

Ga............ The raven chirped and dodged in front of it. Wang Hao actually understood what it meant and couldn't believe it: "Do you think this is your soldier?"

"Gaga............" The raven nodded and chirped several times.

Wang Hao no longer doubted, slowly closed his sword, stared at the death snake curiously, and his face became a little more solemn: "Good boy, this thing is surrounded by mana, extremely powerful, and it is not as horrible as me at all! Pluto, there is such an anti-sky method!" He was indeed a little surprised, but faintly worried.

Suddenly, Wang Hao thought of the mysterious mark he had and couldn't help but settle down in his heart: "No matter how powerful it is, it's just my split. Can you betray me?"

Staring at the long sword in his hand, Wang Hao grinned and couldn't help laughing: "This is really a good thing. As long as you sacrifice well, there will always be a day of refining. At that time, I will have a powerful sword!"

I saw him urge the mana into the sword, and the tip of the sword shot out a meter-long sword spirit, which was actually purple, giving people a sense of nobility and dignity. With a gentle wave, the sword gas flew until 100 meters away, breaking the flood. OK............!" Wang Hao couldn't help drinking it.

At this moment, Wang Hao felt something in the distance. He stared over and saw the waves in the distance, forming a frenzy towards this direction. He turned his head and looked around, which was the same on all sides. Four frenzys came together to form a water wall and trapped him in it.

"Monsters... They are also monsters. These monsters really don't know whether they are alive or dead. I have been promoted to the realm of gas refining, and I have more than 50 years of magic power in one fell swoop, which is comparable to the master of perfect gas refining. They can kill all the monsters in a flick of a finger. Even if there are a lot of people now, the worst thing is to fight hard and sacrifice the sword with demon blood!" Wang Hao was not afraid, but a little excited.

He really has no reason to be afraid. He has an extremely strong mana. Perhaps because of his lack of experience and realm, he can't really compare with the master of refining qi, but with the crow and the death snake, he will never be afraid of any monster below the realm of refining gods.

Wang Hao stuffed the purple gold gourd into his arms and held the sword in his right hand, waiting for the arrival of the monster.

After a while, the frenzy finally surged dozens of meters away and suddenly calmed down, and huge things appeared one after another: snakes, rats, fish, shrimps, crabs, and even some monsters that had long been extinct appeared, such as a giant turtle that went straight to about a foot, but it was a different species that had not appeared in the world for a long time: spinning turtle, with a head like a bird and a tail It is like a snake.

This spinning turtle actually has the perfect cultivation of refining gas, and because of its strong bloodline, its strength cannot be underestimated. In particular, its defense is extremely strong, and ordinary means are difficult to hurt it at all.

"What a strange breath, what a strange creature, what a strange person!" The house-sized turtle actually spit out words and made a meditative expression on his face. Wang Hao even mistakenly thought that he was an old human.

Surprised, Wang Hao lost his voice and shouted, "Well, this old turtle can speak human words!"

"Bah! Human, how dare you disrespect my ancestors!" The turtle stared at Wang Hao in an extremely humane way and expressed his dissatisfaction.

Because the fire spirit has just been refined, Wang Hao's breath has not been restrained, and the breath of the fire spirit continues to come out of his body, which is fatally attractive to practitioners and will instinctively be attracted.

Without waiting for Wang Hao to speak again, the monsters surrounding him felt the continuous breath from Wang Hao and immediately rushed up.

"Looking for death............!" Seeing that the monsters were coming to attack him, Wang Hao had no time to speak and immediately rushed to kill him.

Seeing the purple sword spirit burst out, Wang Hao waved his hand and shot out a long sword spirit, killing a mouse demon more than one meter long, stabbing out a sword with his backhand, and piercing a giant crab.

The spinning turtle was extraordinary. Seeing that Wang Hao was powerful, he immediately stopped. Instead of rushing out with the other monsters, he stared at Wang Hao with bright eyes and thoughtfully: "This human boy actually has the breath of fire spirit. He seems to have refined a fire spirit. So although these guys are many people, they have cultivation. The highest is only in the middle of the refining period. It's not his opponent at all. I still wait so as not to offend him. At that time, if there is a little damage, isn't it very bad!"

The spinning turtle saw that the falling sword in Wang Hao's hand was very extraordinary, and felt the breath of fire on his body. It did not dare to be reckless. After a little pause, it immediately secretly congratulated. Because it saw Wang Hao rushing into the group of monsters, almost deadly, and every time he waved his hand, he would easily take away a fresh life.

But for a moment, Wang Hao had killed nearly ten monsters, and the flood was dyed red. A huge body floated on the water, making the spinning turtle squeak: "The sword in his hand is so powerful. I'm afraid that my turtle shell is very difficult to resist. I'd better go quickly, otherwise I will be blocked and become the dead soul under his sword! "

As soon as the idea moved, the turtle quickly turned around and was about to escape, but it was too late. Seeing that the death snake and the ghost crow had suppressed the rest of the monsters, Wang Hao suddenly took his sword and stepped out. He had stopped in front of it. The tip of the sword pointed to its body and sneered: "Old turtle, do you still want to leave? Leave your life!"