Underworld separation

Chapter 160 Kill one after another

The Tianlei array is an ancient killing array. Even if it can't destroy the immortal butcher god, it can easily kill the supreme master of the yuan god realm. If the physical master falls into it, he will definitely die.

Wang Hao actually refined the stone tablet of the town in one fell swoop when everyone did not react. Once the stone tablet was refined, Wang Hao became the owner of the cave and had absolute control over all the arrays here.

Messages naturally appeared in his consciousness. He understood how to manipulate the thunderstorm and immediately launched one of the most powerful changes in the killing array.

Legend has it that after the creatures are powerful to a certain extent, heaven and earth will bring down disasters by themselves to destroy these creatures that are too powerful and have the power to destroy the heavens and the earth. The most powerful of these disasters is thunder disasters.

Thunder is the most terrible power in nature and can kill everything, and the 'thunder' in the thunderstorm does not refer to ordinary thunder, which is thousands of times more powerful than the naturally formed thunder.

This thunderstorm can artificially bring down thunderstorms, which is really unprecedented horror.

The air in the whole array was completely solidified, and everyone seemed to have become an ant in amber. It was extremely difficult to move a finger. A breath of disaster and destruction was transmitted out. Even if He Guanzhu condensed the master of three flowers like this, his soul trembled.

Thunder is the power of heaven and earth. How can people compete with heaven and earth!

Even Wang Hao himself was shaken by the Tianwei transmitted from the void. He involuntarily bent down, and even his knees were weak, and he couldn't move on the ground.

However, he must be the owner of the cave. Just as he was about to be unable to bear it, the town token in his hand transmitted a trace of gentle and long power, which immediately relieved his physical and mental discomfort.

"What a powerful formation! Is this the real power of the thunder array? Wang Hao's face was shocked and happy, and at the same time, he was extremely shocked, "How powerful were the predecessors who built this cave?" The magic array that has been arranged for many years actually has such a powerful thing. This... It has gone beyond the scope of mortals. It must be the rumored immortals, and the worst is also an extremely powerful earth fairy!"

Wang Hao was surprised, but the rest were frightened. Feeling the heavenly power transmitted from the void, they could not care about each other's enmity and immediately began to join hands. The four elders of the Hengshan School, Puhua, and He Guanzhu, try their best to stay together.

Puhua saw that although He Guanzhu leaned over, he did not take action with all his strength, so he said loudly, "Life and death are at stake. Lord He, we will work together to destroy this bastard!"

"It's okay to destroy this bastard, but it must be clear who owns this cave after destroying him!" He Guan sacrificed the blue clouds, protected his whole body, and looked at Puhua and others coldly.

Although Puhua was anxious, he did not want to let go and said toughly, "Lord He Guan, who owns this cave depends on how good he is! After destroying this bastard, whoever can seize the town will naturally have the whole cave!"

"What a good ability!" Lord He snorted coldly, knowing that this was indeed the only way, and the thunderstorm in the thunderstorm was getting stronger and stronger. Before long, he would really be powerful and had no time to continue to consume.

At this moment, he opened his mind: "Master... He Guanzhu..." It turned out that he hated He Guanzhu for deceiving him, so he did not want to act as a disciple again.

"............ Master of Puhua, I have a word, I don't know if I should say it!" At the beginning, his heart seemed to be unbearable, but until the thunderstorm was completely powerful, he was still in a hurry and injured and did not die. Obviously, it could be seen that he was hiding his clumsiness.

These people all look at the token in Yixin's hand at the same time and know that it is this token that plays a role. Otherwise, with the cultivation of one heart, they will have died many times.

"Strange, how does this anti-bone token seem to be part of the town's order?" Puhua glanced at the town government order in Wang Hao's hand and saw a small defect in the town government order, which turned out to be the appearance of a token in his hand.

He Guanzhu also found this detail and secretly said, "Yes! It turned out that the token in the hands of this anti-bone boy was actually part of the town's order! Damn dog, it makes me suffer so much. If I had already got the fragments of the town's order, with my cultivation, I would have broken in abrupt long ago. How could there be so many more things and a waste of energy!"

Angry, He Guanzhu burst into evil spirits all over his body, especially the dark and chaotic thing in the depths of his eyes was even stronger.

Puhua happened to see it inadvertently, and his heart jumped and exclaimed in his heart: "No! He Guanzhu fell into the devil's way! He is no longer the original He Guanzhu. He must have been confused by the hatred of extermination, and there is only the idea of revenge and revenge!"

Just when Puhua was afraid that He Guanzhu would suddenly get out of control, he found that He Guanzhu did not really do the rest of the things, but calmly signaled to speak wholeheartedly.

nodded and said, "Actually, we don't have to compete with each other at all! For us, the most important thing here is not the cave, but the Taoist book. There is only one cave, which is not easy to share, but this book can be viewed by everyone. When we kill this king together, everyone observes the Taoist book together, and everyone remembers it. In this way, isn't it a good thing for everyone to share together? There is no dispute!"

After a moment of silence, Puhua and He Guanzhu nodded slightly, obviously agreeing with this method. In fact, they have thought of it for a long time, but they originally wanted to swallow it alone. When they saw that the situation was wrong, it was difficult for either side to really swallow it alone, so they had to do it.

This is actually just a few breaths. Wang Hao keeps pouring mana into the town's order, which will naturally stimulate changes with his mind. He keenly found that the town government order seemed to be a little inflexible when urging the array, and there were always some shortcomings.

"This town order can stimulate the array as I want, it must be a spiritual magic weapon, but it seems to be a little incomplete! Well, how can the breath of the token in the guy's hand be extremely similar to that of the town's order, even regardless of each other? Is it possible that the lost part of the town's order in his hand? I must take it back!"

The breath of thunderstorm in the void finally reached its extreme. With a click of thunderbolt, it fell directly into the array and gently twisted around the array. The blue clouds that He Guanzhu used to protect his body suddenly broke, and this spiritual weapon was abolished. Finally, he couldn't suppress the panic in his heart and took advantage of the moment before the thunderbolt touched him, Dodge into the safe area opened up by the Five-e elements flag.

Without waiting for him to feel safe, after the thunderbolt, the thunder rolled in the void, and the roadway or blue or purple or blue sky thunder gushed out at the same time and suddenly fell on the flag of the five elements.

Everyone under the Five elements sprayed blood at the same time and was seriously injured. With just one blow, the thunder array broke through the flag of the five elements flag, making the damaged flag even more broken and became a piece of cloth.

Although he was next to others, he did not hide in the five-e elements flag. He thought to himself, "It's not good... Originally, I thought that with the help of He Lao Thief, Puhua and others, I could break through the array and get the Taoist book in one fell swoop and get the Taoist book in one fell swoop. Unexpectedly, and the power of this big array after being stimulated But it's so horrible! Mr. He and the others can't resist. I'd better escape, or I'll suffer!"

He suddenly sprayed mana and sacrificed the token in his hand to the top of his head. Under the brilliance, he unexpectedly opened a channel in the thunder array. He ran straight to the jade platform, but he was unwilling to leave and wanted to fight for the end.

Unexpectedly, Wang Hao had already noticed that the town's order pointed, and several thunders fell at the same time, which made him turn over several times. Although he did not lose his life because of the protection of the token above his head, he knew that he could not do anything. He immediately let go of his greed and fled to the outside desperately.

Wang Hao wanted to intercept, but Puhua, He Guanzhu and others are not easy to deal with. His mana is too reluctant to drive this array and impossible to last, so he dares not be distracted, so he has to say hatefully in his heart, "You are lucky to wait until I destroy these people and find your trouble!"

After saying that, he manipulated the town government order wholeheartedly. The thunder was connected continuously, and finally fell like a thunderstorm, drowning everything. But for a moment, the five-emerged flag finally fell, and the four elders of the Hengshan faction died tragically on the spot. Although Puhua and He Guanzhu are forced to survive, they are obviously completely controlled and their lives will not be long.