Underworld separation

Chapter 162 Refining God

Time flies, and half a year passes in a blink of an eye.

Wang Hao has spent half a year alone in the Shenxiao Mansion. In half a year, he has never taken a step out of the cave. In addition to collecting medicine in the valley every day, he practices in the cave in the stone wall.

Picking medicine, taking medicine, observing the secrets of thunder, and practicing are all that Wang Hao has done. I don't know how many times he has cycled, and his mana is almost unlimited.

For ordinary practitioners in the realm of gas refining, the mana that can be stored in the body is only about one armor. Beyond this limit, the Qihai will be damaged because it can't withstand too much mana.

Of course, this Jiazi is just an ordinary person, some geniuses with great potential, vast and strong sea of air, which can store hundreds of years of mana or more.

This is also related to the practice of skills. The more advanced the skills are, the more mana can be stored in the body.

Wang Hao has both: his sea of air is like the starry universe, and because of the existence of the mysterious vitality, it is so strong that ordinary people can't imagine it, and he has practiced the suspected heavenly skill of thunder, which has greater potential and has reached an infinite level.

Because he did not know how to refine the elixir, Wang Hao had to swallow the elixir directly. Although the effect could not be fully exerted, there were so many elixirs everywhere in Shenxiao's mansion. He swallowed it crazily for half a year and did not even consume even one of them, and these are the worst, such as thousands of elixirs and the king of thousands of years. He can't bear to waste so well.

Despite this, with such infinite elixir as the foundation, Wang Hao has abruptly pushed his magic power to more than 400 years in half a year, almost reaching 500 years of mana.

Such a strong mana is comparable to ordinary people at the level of refining gods, and Wang Hao has not awakened his soul. He is just the realm of refining gas!

With the thunder formula in his hands, Wang Hao sat on the stone couch. There was a thunder-like snake-like light in his eyes, and the extremely powerful breath came out of his body, which was extremely fing.

"Nearly 500 years of mana, hey... You must be able to scare a large group of people to death! In the past six months, if my body hadn't exceeded ordinary people, I'm afraid I would have died many times!" The corners of his mouth raised slightly, as if he thought of something interesting.

It turned out that in this half a year, he kept swallowing and refining the elixir crazily, which actually made him suffer many times: as it is said that the medicine is poisoned, and the elixir does have a magical effect, but because its medicinal properties are too strong, if it is swallowed indiscriminately, it will make people not know how to die.

That's all right. More importantly, the real use of the elixir is to refine the elixir. The reason why the elixir should be refined into elixir is, on the one hand, in order to improve the medicinal properties, and more importantly, it can be matched with different elixirs to eliminate the harmful drugs to the human body.

For example, the positive elixir contains fire poison. If you want to take it, you must use a negative elixir to mix yin and yang and remove harmful substances, which can be swallowed.

But alchemy is a very difficult thing. Even some masters with great cultivation may not be able to alchemy, because if you want to refine elixirs, you must be familiar with the properties of thousands of elixirs, as well as the physical properties of various substances in the world, and most importantly, you need to know how to match them.

This is like chemical technology in the secular world. The two have great similarities. Even if the two are the same elements, but the proportions are different or the proportions are different, and the resulting substances are likely to be very different.

In the practice world, there are also some good alchemy masters. They are just refining fixed elixirs according to the written unilateral method. Only after tens of millions of continuous experiments can they refine a brand-new elixir, which is already alchemy masters or even masters.

Of course, Wang Hao is not an alchemist. He knows nothing about it and takes elixirs randomly. The end can be imagined that some elixirs are mixed together to produce unparalleled poison, which is enough to kill any living thing.

Wang Hao's almost immortal body was almost poisoned more than ten times in half a year. Every time he closed the ghost door, and finally solved the poison with the mysterious vitality in his body, which could save the danger every time.

It was precisely because he knew that the mysterious vitality in his body was very magical that Wang Hao dared to be so unscrupulous. In the past six months, he actually remembered the spirituality of thousands of elixirs through his own experience, and because he tried it himself, his ability to understand these drugs was even beyond the alchemy master, and the world could exceed His, estimated to be few.

Keep trying. In addition to getting nearly 500 years of mana, Wang Hao has another gain: he has produced extremely powerful antibodies in his body, which can be said to be invulnerable. Of course, the bad effect is that ordinary elixir has completely lost its effect on him.

The idea was just an instant. Half a year's experience flashed in his mind, and Wang Hao immediately calmed down his thoughts. He stared at the thunder formula in his hand.

The text in this Taoist book is not modern text, nor is it written in pen and ink. This book is a special magic weapon, in which the text is directly engraved on this unknown skin through magical power and spells.

Every word, every stroke contains a faint idea, each of which is a mysterious artistic conception. When tens of millions of words are grouped together, it turns into a realm, an artistic conception that cannot be described in words and can only be felt with the heart.

Therefore, this is an irreproducible Taoist book. The font on it may be copied, but words alone have no intention, just like a cake painted on paper, which is completely useless. Only by getting the real volume and feeling it with your heart and God can you really understand the mystery of this Taoist book and learn the practice method in it.

This is the conclusion that Wang Hao has been thinking about for half a long time. The secret of Tianlei God is too profound and vast. If you completely describe the information in it, even if you write tens of thousands of books, it will be difficult to say 1% of the information.

Even if you get a Taoist book and want to understand the truth, I'm afraid it will take a hundred years to understand it. That is to say, it will take a hundred years for a talented practitioner to get the real volume of the Heavenly Thunder God Tips before it is possible to get started.

Fortunately, Wang Hao doesn't need to wait so long. There are some ideas left in the human figure on the stone couch, which is about the magic of the practice of the God. This is the breath that was inadvertently left by the predecessors's practice. Being absorbed by Wang Hao is equivalent to getting a supreme master day and night. Understanding is simply a thousand miles in a day.

In half a year, he actually engraved the whole Taoist book, every word and every artistic conception in his mind, and he can no longer forget it.

It takes a hundred years for others. He has only used half a year, which is almost incredible, but Wang Hao is either sitting or a month. A retreat is an antique for several years or even decades. Sitting for half a year has made him a little impatient. Now that he finally understands this Taoist book, he can really start practicing. .

I know that this skill is not small. Once you start practicing, it is really earth-shaking. Even the first step: building a foundation is extremely difficult, and the mana consumed will be extremely huge. If you are not careful, your soul will be scattered. Wang Hao dares not be careless. He has been ready for a long time and has nearly ten plants beside him. A thousand-year-old elixir, and even a ten-thousand-year-old medicine king.

The king of medicine can not only supplement mana, but also improve physique and increase people's potential. More importantly, this thing can save lives and almost die. With these preparations, Wang Hao dares to really start practicing this skill.

Once again, he watched the thunder secret from beginning to end, convinced that he had nothing missing, and silently felt the foundation method in his heart several times. He rolled up the Taoist book, put it aside, then pinched the secret by hand, silently operated the mental method in his heart, and began to urge the magic power.

His mana is operated with a mysterious trajectory, and even his meridians have begun to be changed, and his flesh has been transformed into another form. After practicing the secret of thunder, the characteristics of life will change and directly begin to evolve.

I don't know how long it took, Wang Hao's whole body was shocked, his ears were thundering, his head trembled, and 365 meridians in his body were finally completely opened.

"Open up the sea of knowledge, and awaken the soul!"