Underworld separation

Chapter 175 Framed

It is said that Wang Hao came to the Yinshan School. Shi Yu encouraged flattery and praised Wang Hao higher than the sky.

vaguely felt that something was wrong. Wang Hao was secretly alert, but pretended to be nothing. That night, a group of masters of the Yinshan faction accompanied each other and held a banquet in the listening pavilion where the Yinshan faction entertained distinguished guests. A series of exotic fruits, mountain and sea flavors were served one by one. Until late at night, the banquet ended.

For such two days, Wang Hao wanted to find someone to inquire about the seal, but there was no progress. He had no chance at all.

The masters of the Yinshan School have something to do with him, but Qiu Ye and Shi Yu. But Wang Hao always felt that something was wrong with him, so he didn't dare to ask each other.

As for Qiu Ye, he had no chance to see him again in these two days, let alone ask about the sealed land.

On this day, Shi Yu appeared in the Tingfeng Pavilion again. As soon as we met, he immediately said enthusiastically, "Brother Wang, I just got a kind of spiritual tea. This tea was born on a snowy mountain, and a new leaf can be born in a hundred years. It's just a few taels after picking it. I just got one or two. I want to invite Brother Wang to taste it!"

Wang Hao was also curious by the other party. What is the difference between the spiritual tea that can grow in a hundred years, but he still politely refused. He must not be very familiar with this stone language. The other party is so polite and absolutely strange.

After a refusal, Shi Yu was still invited, and finally Wang Hao had no choice but to go.

Shi Yu lives on a separate mountain. On the peak, there is a separate courtyard called Songtao Courtyard. The scenery here is pleasant. Although it is the cold winter, the flowers are in full bloom, and there are gentle wind and drizzle, clouds and fog. It is a good place for practice.

As soon as he arrived here, Wang Hao suddenly felt that the soft atmosphere of heaven and earth permeated the air. The spirit of heaven and earth is also known as the aura. The aura of this place is permeated, and there is a faint aura in the flowers and trees. For thousands of years, all the grass here can turn into elixir.

Wang Hao was a little envious and said secretly, "This Shi is a guy who can enjoy it. It's so wonderful to practice here, but it's still can't be compared with my Shenxiao Mansion!"

Although it looks very good and is simply a holy place for immortals, Wang Hao can make a judgment as soon as he feels it. Although his divine mansion looks ordinary, in fact, it secretly contains the mystery of heaven and earth. In it, with the mystery of the nine heavenly thunder arrays, it can calm the distracting thoughts in the soul, and even help people feel the changes between heaven and earth, which is much better than this mysterious beauty.

Shenxiao Mansion is the real hidden, and there is no magic at all, but the elixirs are everywhere, and even the pool in the valley is a spiritual spring, which is extremely precious.

Entering Songtaoyuan, an old man dressed as a slave silently brought two cups of tea. Shi Yu bowed slightly and said, "Brother Wang, this is the snow tea I got. Please taste it!" After saying that, he stared at Wang Hao.

"Is this tea strange?" Wang Hao felt cold in his heart, but he didn't show it. He picked up the tea, took a slight sip, and closed his eyes to taste. After a while, he opened his eyes and shook his head: "Good tea, there is aura in the mouth of the tea, and I feel that there is aura of dark to cold into the body, but it does not hurt people at all. On the contrary, it can wash people. The soul is really a good thing!"

"Wonderful! Brother Wang is really a person who knows tea!" Shi Yu pretended to be surprised, and his face was extremely happy. He also picked up a cup of tea and took a sip gently.

In fact, when drinking this tea, Wang Hao had already secretly used a thunderous qi to refine the tea directly. How could he know what the tea taste was? He just opened his mouth to see how Shi Yu would react. At the sight of Shi Yu's appearance, Wang Hao suddenly became more suspicious.

He was secretly alert and didn't want to go until the end of tea tasting, and there was no change. It was not until late at night that Wang Hao was able to get out and return to the Listening Pavilion.

"What does it taste like?" As soon as he returned to the room where he lived, Wang Hao frowned and smelled a strange smell.

Although the Wind Pavilion is a pavilion, it is actually a huge palace group built on the mountain peaks, with at least hundreds of houses stacked. Of course, Wang Hao lives in the best of them. Even the Yinshan faction cannot enter without Wang Hao's permission.

But now, he feels a trace of the smell of strangers in the room, which is a faint smell from the human body. Perhaps this is not a real 'taste', but a breath. Wang Hao could not feel the existence of this breath, but since he became the second layer of the Thunder Secret, his spiritual consciousness has improved again, and he can feel some extremely subtle and almost imperceptible information.

He sniffed. Wang Hao sniffed hard and found that he seemed to have smelled it. His mind flashed and said secretly, "It's him... the old servant he met at Shi Yu. Why did he come to my room!"

A servant dared to break into the pavilion and hear it. Wang Hao smelled the conspiracy from it, so his spiritual power swept out and scanned the whole room in an instant.

He waved to a hidden corner, and a book flew up and fell into his hand. Wang Hao took a look and found that it was an old book: "The Queen's earth secret? Isn't this the famous skill of a great saint in ancient times? By the way, the great saint's name is Shi Huang, and Shi Yu's surname is also Shi. Doesn't it matter?

Suddenly, he shouted in his heart, and Wang Hao was furious: "Wow, Shi Yu, you are trying to frame me!" It turned out that Wang Hao had figured out the key point and immediately knew that he had been tricked by others.

It's just that Wang Hao still has some uncan't figure out that this imperial secret is an extremely powerful and precious cultivation skill. Shi Yu actually used this skill to frame himself. Isn't it a meat bun beating dogs?

"Bah, I'm not a dog!" Wang Hao gently slapped himself and then quickly thought about it. He didn't know why Shi Yu framed himself at any cost. There was no grudge among them. On the contrary, he had a life-saving kindness to Shi Yu.

Fee that there was a faint fluctuation attached to this imperial secret, and Wang Hao's spiritual power found that it was actually a brand. This book turned out to be a magic weapon, and it was an extremely powerful magic weapon. He couldn't open it with a little force, and even went all out without any effect.

"No wonder I can't open this book, so I can safely and boldly hide it in my room to frame me. Hey, Shi, you are so calculating, but it's a pity that if you meet me, you will suffer a big loss!" Wang Hao smiled strangely.

Infinite purple electricity gushed out between his hands, layer by layer attached to the old book, and finally dyed the copy book purple. Wang Hao spent a lot of effort to finally temporarily seal this magical Taoist book, and then rudely held it in his arms.

As soon as I finished this, there was a roaring sound outside the Feng Pavilion. I saw a group of people breaking into the door directly. The first person was Shi Yu. As soon as he saw Wang Hao's face, he immediately shouted sharply: "Well, your surname is Wang. I think you are a lifesaver and extremely friendly to you. But I don't expect that you are actually have feelings. It's not good. When you saved me that day, you must have no intention! No, you must have lured me and Qiu Ye to go deep into danger that day, and then pretend to save people. In fact, the real purpose was to steal my Taoist book!"

After saying that, he turned around to an old man beside him and said angrily, "Big elder, you have to make the decision for me. This Wang is actually a spy. He stole my emperor's secret!"

"What? The secret of the emperor's earth? Shi Yu, is this a little false?" The elder of the Yinshan School suddenly changed his face and his voice changed.

"How can there be a fake! The earth formula that my grandfather gave me with his own hands was stolen by this thief! Tonight, I invited him to my Songtao courtyard to taste tea. When he left, I found that my imperial queen had lost its secret. If it was not this thief who stole it, who else could there be!" Shi Yu answered eagerly.

Wang Hao looked at Shi Yu pretending, sneered and said secretly, "Shi, you want to frame me, but you must not have thought that I have seen through your tricks. I see how you end it. If you want to deal with me, Wang Hao is the enemy. Since he is the enemy, how can I easily forgive him!"