yuan kill

Chapter 10 Skip Level Challenge

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Ten of the first group of disciples at the age of 40 have stood straight in the middle of the square. Everyone's physique is extremely strong and refreshed, and the momentum of the peak of the martial artist naturally appeared.

After 20 years of exercise, the physical quality has improved again, and the eyes of each other's divine light reveal that the cultivation of internal strength has reached a peak!

Dan Yangzi nodded with satisfaction, and these ten people are absolutely qualified!

There are ten groups of 40-old disciples, ten in each group. The quality of the disciples is also weakened here according to the order of appearances. Basically, the disciples of the first five groups have basically been internally finalized, while the disciples of the last five groups need to carry out a cruel challenge to each other. At most two people in each group can be shortlisted, and this The shortlisting of the two can only be regarded as a kind of comfort, giving some comfort to those disciples.

This test became a little complicated. Dan Yangzi waved his hand, and immediately several disciples moved a stone slab weighing thousands of pounds. The surface of the slab was as smooth as a mirror, knocking on the sound of gold and jade, which was an extremely rare basal stone!

Shen Ribai stood up and said, "Friends, in order to avoid physical injury in the battle, we have changed the rules this time, but we pay more attention to the cultivation of internal strength. This time, you only need to leave a fingerprint on this slate to pass!"

The viewer was first puzzled, but then the applause was thunderous, which did not hurt the harmony and could check each other's strength. Why not?

The basalite keeps making a pleasant sound of gold and jade, and the disciples of the first group can leave a clear fingerprint on the bastion. The next four groups also passed the test without danger, but the fingerprints have faded a lot!

A well-eyed person has already seen the mystery. This is a very euphemistic and unharming practice. If you don't have enough strength, you can continue to practice. If you don't want to practice again, you can get an elixir to restore ten years of youth down the mountain.

Everyone held their breath and stared at the other disciples who were about to appear. When the sixth group of disciples appeared, only two people passed the test, and the other eight stood behind dejectedly, but had no intention of leaving the mountain.

Group 7, Group 8, Group 9, the situation was even more tragic. Except for one person in Group 7 barely passed, all the others were beaten back, and ten of them took the elixir down the mountain.

The tenth group was supposed to be the most useless group, but the appearance of the disciples of the tenth group suddenly made the originally dull scene nervous again.

This group of human body is much taller than the previous nine groups, and there are also two seemingly extrateran people, with bare beaked, obviously prominent muscles and blood vessels all over their bodies, and their every move is full of wild power!

Seeing these people, Dan Yangzi stood up as an exception and motioned to these disciples with a smile.

Then, Danyangzi asked gently, "Tuobaye, you could have entered the realm of practitioners 20 years ago, but why did you stay for 20 years? Can you tell me the mystery of this?"

"Disciple Tuoba Ye has met the uncle of the head teacher!" The most tough-gone man took a step forward and solemnly practiced the etiquette of Yuxumen.

Then Tuobaye said in a low voice, "Uncle doesn't know that ten of us are from ten northern countries. Thanks to the care of our uncle, we have taken in as an exception, but we know that on the basis of etiquette and introductory martial arts, we have a big gap compared with other disciples. Although you can rely on your natural strong physique and shake it with other disciples, this is not the right way for practitioners after all. Even if you forcibly enter the threshold of practitioners, you may not make any progress for decades, which is a disgrace to the teacher. So I have been resting for another 20 years and concentrate on the classics and etiquette of the teachers. Now ten of us finally feel that we have made a small success and come to participate in this upgrade conference.

Dan Yangzi nodded with satisfaction, knowing that the Yi people in the north are barbaric and uninitiated. If there can be such a realm today, the achievements of practitioners in the future should not be underestimated, and may make greater contributions to the future development and growth of Yuxumen!

"It's so good, so let's print a palm on this bastion stone!" After Danyangzi sat down, he picked up the warm teacup and took a gentle sip.

Murong Xiaoxian still stood there dullly, and his eyes were still so empty.

Dan Yangzi sighed in his heart: There are also times when the fairy is blind...

"But the disciples don't want to advance in this way. Ten of us are brothers, and we won't compare with each other. Therefore, I have a merciless request, looking forward to your permission!" Tuobaye landed on one knee and said to Danyangzi with his fist.

Dan Yangzi was slightly stunned, but then said, "So, what good strategy do you have? Can it prove your strength and make it clear to everyone?

Tuobaye got up and pointed diagonally to Shen Ribai, who was tasting tea, and said, "When we first arrived at the infinite peak, we were instructed and taken care of by Brother Shen. Now, it is said that Brother Shen has reached the realm of level 5 practitioners. I take the liberty to challenge Brother Shen!"

The whole audience is in an uproar! Next is a burst of whispers...

Tuobaye is already tall, and his voice can be heard far away. This time, all the disciples in the field heard it clearly!

Shen Ribai was slightly stunned, but his pink face then turned red and said slightly awkwardly, "Brother Tuoba, is this not good?"

Seeing Shen Ribai's embarrassed appearance, Murong Xiaoxian suddenly felt that there must be a story in it.

A few quiet dialogues between two 40-year-old disciples behind him made Murong Xiaoxian roughly understand the beginning and end of the matter...

Twenty years ago, the selection competition for the promoted practitioners was to draw lots in the same group, and then compete for elimination one by one. In the end, the winners of each group automatically obtained the qualification of promotion practitioners.

At that time, the strength of each group was very balanced, unlike today, which could be solved by the eyesight of the disciples or a stone slab. Of course, with the cultivation of the disciples, ten * will not be mistaken.

At that time, Shen Ribai and Tuoba Ye happened to be in a group. After eliminating each other's opponents, Shen Ribai was already out of breath and sweating profusely, while Tuobaye hardly sweated. His way of fighting was simple and simple, with heavy fists and palms, coupled with his natural physique comparable to monsters, he easily reached the end.

And Shen Ribai relies more on physical skills and skills to win, naturally wasting too much physical strength.

There was no suspense about the battle between the two, but at this time, Shen Ribai suddenly said a few words to Tuobaye, which were what Tuobano said to Danyangzi!

At that time, the eager Tuobaye had no doubt about him. He really thought that Shen Ribai was considering his future path of cultivating immortals, so he promised to lose to Shen Ribai, so that Shen Ribai could get the qualification for promotion!

But after returning, Tuobaye suddenly realized that he had been deceived. It's not too late to study those classics and so on after you get the practice method by yourself!

So the reason why Shen Ribai looked embarrassed after hearing Tuobaye's words just now. It is also because of this that Shen Ribai's reputation in Yuxumen is not very good. Although the new disciples did not know the interior, the disciples at that time were extremely clear!

Some people admire Shen Ribai's flexibility and wit, while others disdain Shen Ribai's tricks, but more people feel uneven about the expansion! After all, he deliberately lost to Shen Ribai. Although he pretended to be very realistic, in the eyes of some masters, everything was like acting, and there were flaws everywhere.

"Ha ha, is it possible that Brother Shen is afraid of me? Our realm is very different!" Tuoba's rough smile made Murong Xiaoxian have a good impression on this big man.

"This is not that I'm afraid of Brother Tuoba, but this fairy sword magic weapon..." Shen Ribai was a little embarrassed. If this flying sword magic weapon is sacrificed, Tuoba Ye will surely splash blood on the spot in one combination! If he tolerated it, he would greatly break his reputation. Although he also knew that his original tricks were wrong, he could do everything under the ** of the qualification of a repairer.

"I don't think it's as good as this. How about not using the strength of the practitioner in Japanese white? How about just compete with Tuoba Ye with both hands and feet?" Qingyangzi, who had been closing his eyes and nourishing his mind, suddenly opened his mouth, which made Shen Ribai have to agree.

After entering the practitioner, Shen Ribai learned from Qingyangzi. Qingyangzi has a strange temper. Even after following Qingyangzi over the years, Shen Ribai is still like walking on thin ice every time he sees Qingyangzi!

"Good! Then I'll have a rut! I don't use any practice, but only rely on martial arts to compare with you!" Shen Ribai came out of the table, took out his bag and put it down, drew a long sword from the disciple behind him, and gently jumped into the entrance.

"Wait!" Danyangzi suddenly took action, and Shen Ribai, who was caught off guard, was sealed by Danyangzi in several acupuncture points, sealing most of Shen Ribai's advantages in the realm of Zhenyuan and practitioners.

"Your cultivation realm has made you invincible, which is very unfair to Tuoba Ye!"

Qing Yangzi frowned, but said nothing.

Shen Ribai has no problem. In terms of understanding of heaven and martial arts, that realm can't be sealed at all!

The test begins!

Tuobaye took a thick iron bar and started after making a gesture of invitation to each other!

Tuoba's long stick swept away, with a harsh roar, and swept away.

Shen Ribai sneered slightly at the corners of his mouth, and the long sword was gently put on the long stick, and then turned over. He was united with the sword in mid-air, and the long sword turned into a beam of silver sword light and shot towards Tuoba Ye!

Tuobaye did not dodge. He quickly closed the stick, his wrist shook, and the roar reappeared. The iron bar stirred up the shadow of the stick in the sky, and his head did not look back and hit Shen Ribai who shot in the air!

This is a completely unreasonable play. Although Shen Ribai's body is light, the long sword is also a light weapon and much shorter than a long stick, so this clever counterattack was easily resolved by Tuobaye.

After several tentative fights, Shen Ribai no longer gave in. He stepped on the direction of the nine palaces, and the sword came out like a silver dragon in the sky, and his body was getting faster and faster. In a blink of an eye, he only saw a white shadow spinning rapidly around the extension field, and from time to time, more than a foot-long white sword spirit was shot out from the white shadow! The sword goes straight to the place that must be saved!

This is the limit that a top warrior can reach!

Tuobaye's face was calm, and he was not moved by Shen Ribai's fancy attack at all. The dancing long stick was fast and slow, and he waved a stick from time to time, which could bear the disadvantage of the party.

Shen Ribai is show off. He believes that he can completely fight to Tuoba Ye without relying on any practitioners' method. After all, there is an insurmountable distance between Zhenqi and Zhenyuan!

True Qi is like a grain of rice, but Zhenyuan is like a bowl of rice. In this case, consumption can also consume Tuoba Ye to death! Shen Ribai promised to use any practice method, but it has long been transformed into Zhenyuan Zhenqi, but it can't be used!

The war was stalemate, and Qingyangzi and others couldn't help but lift their spirits! If this Tuobaye is placed in the world, he will definitely be a fierce general! Although bravery and lack of strategy, if you do it well, maybe you can really achieve great things!

However, soon Qingyangzi and others felt ashamed of their inference!

With the people who came with Tuobano continue to cheer for Tuobaye, while the onlookers were dumbfounded. This level of competition has far exceeded the confrontation between the warriors!

With a sudden click, Tuobaye suddenly poked the long stick into the boulder on the ground in the field, and then picked it hard. A boulder of more than a thousand catties answered the sound, turned into a cloud covering the sky, and hit Shen Ribai fiercely, naturally cutting off Shen Ribai's attack route!

Tuobaye flew close to the boulder, and early judged the route of Shen Ribai's escape, and raised his fist to bombard it with all his strength!

Although you can't use the practitioner's mana, at least it still retains the realm of the practitioner, a five-level practitioner! Shen Ribai did not panic when he was in trouble. He simply covered Zhenyuan and hit the boulder hard. In an instant, Shen Ribai's body became harder than the golden stone and smashed the boulder!

Just when Shen Ribai took a long breath, the heavy fist shadow over there came again. Shen Ribai frowned, raised the long sword in his hand uninjectedly, and injected a trace of Zhenyuan into it...

After the sword light and the golden iron roared, half of the iron rod flew into the air!

The iron bar was actually cut into two halves!


Shen Ribai's negligence suddenly received a heavy punch in the back and immediately floated to one side like a broken kite. When he was about to land, he turned over lightly and landed steadily.

Tuobaye has always been a big opening and closing, a powerful attack, and in the end it turned into a silent back raid! Moreover, Tuobano actually used his voice three times in a flash, which made the cunning people like Shen Ribai also be fooled.

The ending of this battle was unexpected by everyone. Shen Ribai's face was even more embarrassed, and he lowered his head and walked back to the table without saying a word.

A cultivated man who was sealed was defeated by a peak warrior!

If Shen Ribai's realm is not sealed, is it possible to defeat Shen Ribai? Murong Xiaoxian is thinking secretly.

"Concession, concession!" Tuobaye hugged his fist and said with a heroic smile, and 20 years of evil spirits were finally swept away. And those people with him are even more excited and shouting, speaking a language that no one can understand...

"I now announce that Tuobano and others have officially obtained the qualification of practitioners!" Dan Yangzi smiled and was not unhappy at all because of Shen Ribai's defeat.

Unexpectedly, Tuobaye's words shocked the people in the field again.

"Tuobaye thanked the masters of Yuxumen for their careful cultivation. For more than 30 years here, our brothers have also learned a lot of humanity and heavenly principles. Especially in the relationship with Brother Shen, we suddenly understood that some things can't be solved entirely by force! We came out just to escape the war, but now we understand that escape is not the solution to the problem! Our brothers decided to return to the north from today to be loyal to our country! Because our country needs us and our relatives need us! Gentlemen, don't worry, we will not lose face!"

Tuobaye's words made everyone present fall into deep thinking.

Murong Xiaoxian was also stunned for a long time, but the most impressive thing was humanity, heavenly principles, and the example of the weak...

Dan Yangzi just nodded and then said, "So good, I wish you become the pillars of the country and the hope of your family! I, Yuxumen, not only need to cultivate the wizards of the immortal world, but also cultivate immortal heroes for the world. Although you will leave from now on and don't know when we will meet again, I hope to have a day to renew the fairy relationship with you and leave a good story for my Yuxumen!"

"This is ten recovery pills, which can restore your ten years of youth, which is enough for you to fight!"

Tuobaye and others were deeply moved. After kowtowing heavily on the spot, they carefully took over the Fuyuan Dan, and then said goodbye to the masters and went back to pack up and prepare to go down the mountain.

Subsequently, the people dispersed, and Murong Xiaoxian and some affairs disciples cleaned up the venue to prepare for the finale of the next day and the qualification test of the last batch of elite disciples.