yuan kill

Chapter 18 Thunder Nine Days

The decisive battle was chosen to be carried out in the early morning. This kind of battle between opponents with the peak strength of martial arts, especially the four-to-four, must involve changes in tactics, the use of strategies, etc., so the duration will not be too short. Even so, the stacked steps are full and early by disciples Grab it and empty.

Nine people, including Danyangzi, Qingyangzi, Moyangzi, Chiyangzi, Xuanyangzi, Zhuyangzi, Lieyangzi, Tianyangzi, Chunyangzi, etc., were lined up. Zen Disaster Temple also sent representatives to observe, and the envoys of the countries could only sit in the second row.

Shen Ribai seemed to stand obediently on the side of Qingyangzi, but turned his eyes aside from time to time, while Su Muqi stood sideways behind Danyangzi, with a pale face.

When Murong Xiaoxian came over, his clothes had already been dried by the fierce mountain wind, but slightly left traces of water stains. All the steps were full of people, but no one dared to stand in the four passages. Murong Xiaoxian came over with a teapot very smoothly. When the disciple who poured tea yesterday saw Murong Xiaoxian, he quickly flashed aside and happily returned the beauty to Murong Xiaoxian.

When Murong Xiaoxian stood still, he suddenly felt that two completely different eyes were locked on him. A pair of slightly sad eyes wandered in the water stains on the clothes. It was Su Muqi standing behind Dan Yangzi. The other pair of eyes seem to have endless penetration, as if they can see through the human soul, which is unfathomable. When pouring water, Murong Xiaoxian saw this man clearly, a thin but energetic old monk.

Soon, Murong Xiaoxian felt that the old monk's eyes were taken back, and even Murong Xiaoxian keenly felt a trace of disappointment of the old monk: there was a good skeleton, but the internal force was empty! The old monk's eyes are so poisonous!

However, when Dan Yangzi got up and announced the start of the final, everyone's eyes finally turned to the field!

After a few days of fierce competition, most of the slates on the ground are not complete, and the best is that there are several cracks, which shows the severity of the competition!

Although the square is large, this unique design structure avoids the interference of the wind to the greatest extent. The moves between masters, often an occasional gust of wind, or a falling leaf, can have a direct impact on the whole battle. However, this arena is designed by Tianyangzi. Every detail is reasonable, and even some formations have been added!

Exaggerately, even in rainy and snowy weather, this arena is not affected by the weather at all!

There was no wind in the field, but the eight people in the field were drawn!

The standard of the martial artist's peak is that the internal qi can be freely released, especially when the momentum is ready to go, the internal qi is unconsciously exuded out of the body, plus some of the martial artist's spiritual power, so as to form a unique aura, which is the so-called martial artist's momentum!

Naturally, the momentum of each realm is different, but it is only a difference in power. For example, once the momentum of the god is emitted, it can easily crush low-level opponents directly and subduing people's soldiers without fighting, but the formation is essentially consistent.

Just like human life, it is born equal, but it becomes unequal due to acquired reasons.

Facing the four opponents of the four princes of the Lei family, they looked as neat as the four princes, but everyone's restrained eyes revealed a sense of firmness, fortitude and self-confidence, and there was no fear because the opponent was the prince of the famous Thunder Empire.

The first person's face was as clear as a knife, and he held his fist slightly and said without saying, "I'm Lu Fei, please give me some advice!"

The second person was slightly fat, but he was also very tall. He also held his fist and smiled and said, "Qin Teng, please show mercy!"

The third person was thin, but he held a broad sword and bowed with one hand: "In Dongxinghua, I have heard the name of the second prince for a long time. It is really a blessing for a family to fight today!"

The fourth person's clothes are luxurious, and his whole body also looks elegant and imposing. He hugged his fist slightly and said, "The great use of the divine light country. The eldest prince can let go and attack. Don't be polite!"

The eldest prince Lei Ming was slightly stunned, "It turned out to be the third prince of Shenguang Kingdom, disrespectful, disrespectful!"

Liang Da said, "You're welcome, you're welcome!"

The Kingdom of God Light is a small country in the eastern corner of the creation continent. According to the people of God, it is said that it is the kingdom where the Son of God stayed in the world. Therefore, although this country is small, it occupies all the land, rich products, and is proficient in trade. It has vaguely become one of the few rich countries in the creation continent. At the same time, the Kingdom of Shenguang is associated with the First Qin Empire, the strongest empire in the creation continent, and has a faint tendency to expand its territory, while the Leiming Empire is the closest to the Kingdom of Shenguang Kingdom. Although it has always had the ambition to annex it, it has been hindered by the intricate relationship of the Kingdom of the Kingdom of Light and has not been delayed.

After a greeting, the martial arts competition officially began.

The eight-person and four-group began to start the final battle in this 50-foot arena.

After a simple trial move, the four groups began to fight fiercely. For a time, the scene was full of sword spirit and murderous spirit! Especially for each other's final glory, they will never leave behind, and the spirit of killing is getting stronger and stronger.

Lu Fei fought against the fourth prince. He held a silver-white sword. His swordsmanship was spicy and practical, with no clever tricks. Especially after instilling true qi, the silver-white sword danced like a silver snake, and went straight to the critical point of the fourth prince! And the fourth prince is not a general person. Although he is a prince, he is never opportunistic in martial arts, especially good at light-body skills. The light blue sword shines out one by one, fighting extremely fiercely with the silver-white sword light!

Qin Teng fought against the third prince, but the long sword in his hand was an ordinary Qinggang sword, but it was faintly visible that the sword was more than half a foot long was constantly swallowing. Obviously, Qin Teng's inner family's cultivation had reached its peak, while the third prince barely tied with Qin Teng with the advantage of the long sword in his hand.

Although the Chinese in Dongxing are thin, the broad sword in their hands has taken an extraordinary path. The broad sword waved a faint thunderous power. Every time it reaches a thousand, it is a complete trick to fight for life. This makes the second prince frown. Obviously, when he encounters such an opponent, the second prince does not want to fight hard and wants to shake the broad sword with the long sword in his hand several times. But he dodged and avoided it, and the form was very awkward.

Liang Da's long sword in his hand is golden, and his sword moves are extremely gorgeous. Each move is faintly revealing the demeanor of the great master, flashing and moving, and restless, but most of the moves are just false moves, leaving room everywhere and not to fight with the eldest prince. The eldest prince used his mind with Liang Da. At this moment, the two represent the battle between the two countries. No matter who loses the game, he will not have a good face. Therefore, most of them are wandering. Every time they come into contact with each sword, they bounce off each other! The battle between the two, which was originally the most interesting, has become a chicken rib!

Seeing that the final was so boring, those disciples couldn't help showing disappointment. Dan Yangzi and others were silent and quietly observed the changes in the field.

Murong Xiaoxian stood aside and poured tea for everyone from time to time. Only when he entered the field did he feel the invisible energy in the field! After seeing Murong Xiaoxian's clothes blown up like a strong wind as soon as he entered the field, some disciples saw the murderous spirit contained in this game!

However, after watching for a while, Murong Xiaoxian faintly saw some clues.

This game was originally a free match between the four-person group and did not completely fix each other's opponents, so the eldest prince and Liang used to suddenly help other disadvantaged players in the game. When the situation is slightly reversed, they will fight together again.

Obviously, these two are the strongest players in their respective teams and the makers of the whole battle strategy.

Soon, the other three quickly exchanged each other's opponents, but strangely, the three princes, who were at a disadvantage, had the upper hand after exchanging opponents!

The rapid reversal of the situation made all the disciples feel a little surprised. However, Murong Xiaoxian Enterprise suddenly remembered one thing: these four princes are biological brothers. If they share the same mind, and then deliberately use the battle just now to find out the opponent's weaknesses, and then suddenly change the opponent, they will naturally take a measure against each other. It's too late!

However, this method is only suitable for raids. If you fight for a long time, you will naturally be recognized one by one!

And the eldest prince naturally understood this truth. After the four brothers suddenly exerted their strength and a rush, he actually circled Liang Daying and other four people in the middle of the arena!

The four brothers steadily occupied the position of the four elephants, and an obscure whisper suddenly came from the four people, and then the sword in the hands of the four brothers pointed diagonally to the center of the arena!

The light blue sword body of the four long swords was suddenly urged to emit a fierce blue sword spirit, turned into four beams of blue light and gathered at the intersection of the middle of the arena!

A huge four-sided vertebra closed sword curtain was formed, and Liang Da was closed with four people. Originally, the gap between the eight people was not large. Under the careful calculation of the eldest prince, the four people unconsciously fell into the trap!

Yesterday's battle was naturally watched by each other's personnel, and the situation of the battle was also clear. However, the strength and tactics of these four princes are greatly beyond the expectations of Liang Dayyong and others, because the four brothers have never used this tactic at all! However, his tactics have been familiar with the fourth prince, and he knows that he is invincible!

"The closure of the sword!"

"Thunder nine days!"

The eldest prince shouted, and the sword light gathered in the center of the arena unexpectedly rose to the sky and shot into the sky. Then, the sky became gloomy in an instant. The sun was covered, and a large thunderball with a diameter of more than ten meters appeared out of thin air surrounded by countless random electric snakes, and then fiercely turned to Liang Dayang in the field. Wait for someone to go!


The disciples around shouted together, which is not a trick handed down by Yuxumen at all!

This is the "Thunderful Nine Days"!

To attract thunder to attack the opponent, even the warrior who has reached the peak is absolutely irresistible in front of the power of thunder and lightning!

However, there is no restriction on the use of any moves in this duel, but these four seats have inherited the strongest killing moves of the Thunder Empire!

However, Liang Dayong and others strayed into the trap again, but although the strength of several people was strong, they could not break through the closure of the sword curtain at that short moment!

Borrowing the power of heaven? Murong Xiaoxian, who watched the scene, looked at the thunderball and didn't know that the danger had fallen on his head!