yuan kill

Chapter 22 Defection

Murong Xiaoxian is single-minded to escape. How could he think of so much? In his previous life, he had been familiar with these women for a long time, so he didn't take them seriously, but Su Muqi felt a different feeling in her heart.

As a result, the ban, which could have been washed away in an hour, was delayed for a period of time and almost missed the big thing. Murong Xiaoxian's escape route is the channel where Tuoba Ye and others have escaped smoothly.

He knew that if he left the front mountain behind Su Muqi's back at this moment, 100% would be stopped.

He jumped rapidly like an ape in the mountains. After an hour and a half, he left the top of the mountain and was about to reach the foot of the mountain. But I found that white fireworks suddenly rose from the top of the mountain.

"The mountain fireworks are divided into five colors. This white fireworks are third-level and ignited by the deacon. Only when there is a disciple defection in the door will it be ignited, and then the whole mountain will be searched and captured, and those who catch it will be rewarded with a fairy-level magic weapon or a flying sword." Su Muqi's body suddenly trembled a little. Obviously, the consequences of this matter were beyond her imagination. Obviously, the yuan god Shen Ribai escaped had told the secret.

"Flying Sword?" After Su Muqi mentioned it, Murong Xiaoxian remembered that the speed of the flying sword must be much faster than that of himself.

"Didn't you say that you can unblock it in an hour?" Murong Xiaoxian was stunned and still kept walking. I have to say that at this moment, Murong Xiaoxian's physical strength and physical fitness seemed to have suddenly changed, and he was not tired at all when running like this.

Su Muqi stopped talking and hesitated for a long time and said, "Your hand..."

"My hand?" Murong Xiaoxian was stunned and suddenly felt the elasticity in his hand.

A woman who has never been in contact with a man suddenly has such a close contact with a man. No matter how determined she is, she may not be able to concentrate on her luck.

In a hurry, he let go, but almost threw Su Muqi to the ground. When he hurriedly picked him up, he encountered a more** place...

Just when the two were embarrassed, Su Muqi finally broke the seal in a hurry and was waiting to escape with a flying sword, but he saw the sky shining, and countless practitioners-level disciples were looking nearby.

In a hurry, Murong Xiaoxian pulled Su Muqi into the strange rocks before he reluctantly avoided it.

"If the lockdown can be lifted half an hour earlier, we can successfully escape from the boundless peak..." Su Muqi's face was regretful, but a red cloud suddenly appeared on her face.

"Forget it. Even half an hour earlier may not be able to escape smoothly. The area around the infinite mountain is so large, and the power of Yuxumen is so strong. I'm afraid that there are people searching for us thousands of miles around now. Let's talk about it in the long run!" Murong Xiaoxian comforted.

"It's all my fault and drags you down." Su Muqi sighed and said with some shame.

"Actually, I should have dragged you down. If it weren't for me, you could still stay on the mountain, and you wouldn't have been in this muddy water. Murong Xiaoxian knew that this matter had nothing to do with Su Muqi. If he had to have a far-fetched relationship, it would be Shen Ribai's rude Su Muqi's rebellion.

After a long silence, the disciples who stepped on their heads and searched for people slowly left.

"For good, it's night. If it's daytime, it's bad." Murong Xiaoxian sighed and knew in his heart that he would kill and injure many people to escape from this infinite mountain. With Su Muqi's cultivation and his own sneak attack, even those who are stronger than Su Muqi will be injured under the sword.

However, above level 8 are all top ten disciples or those very talent people. They disdain to take action in such a small matter! Otherwise, they have no hope of escaping.

"Then what should we do next?" Su Muqi was a little flustered and could only put her hopes on Murong Xiaoxian for the time being.

"The most unfeasible way down the mountain to the mainland, where there must be countless disciples waiting for us to throw ourselves into the trap. Therefore, we should go the opposite way. Instead of not leaving the mountain, we have to escape to the deepest part of this Chuangjie Mountain. Murong Xiaoxian sighed and came to this world for nearly 20 years, but he wandered around the mountains from beginning to end.

"You mean we are going to flee towards the Demon Peak? Then go to the hot sun peak, the supreme peak..." Su Muqi's voice trembled a little. She knew that behind the supreme peak was the turbid continent, and it was said that the supreme peak was full of some seven-order warcraft, and she could not beat the warcraft anyway.

"This is our only chance, the only chance to break through the infinite peak." Murong Xiaoxian said.

However, this morning, Yuxumen officially broke with Tianyaofeng. If we defect to Tianyaofeng so abruptly, Tianyaofeng will also think that we are a bitter trick here. In other words, it may be a dead end to get there!" Su Muqi thought for a moment before saying slowly.

"The boat is naturally straight to the bridge. Let's have a Jedi!" Murong Xiaoxian smiled.

"Let's go. Take this opportunity to fly low towards Tianyao Peak and try to stun the blocked children!" Murong Xiaoxian said slowly after feeling that there were no more jade virtual disciples around him.

"Oh, it's better not to take action. As soon as you take action, you will probably die. At that time, I'm afraid that the hatred with Yuxu Gate will be deeper." Su Muqi suddenly remembered Murong Xiaoxian's almost second kill method of killing Shen Ribai, and couldn't help but doubt Murong Xiaoxian. She didn't understand how a useless person suddenly became so powerful? That can only be said to be an alien and demon. But he said that he was an undercover agent of Tianyaofeng, and he didn't believe it to kill her, but the fact is that Murong Xiaoxian's strength is very strange. Obviously, there is no real fluctuation, but how did he control the strange weapon or magic weapon?

"Alas!" Murong Xiaoxian sighed.

"Some things are really hard to say, but it will make people more suspicious. It's hard for me to understand these things. Although I hate that world, I don't like this world..." Murong Xiaoxian's words were confused by Su Muqi.

"What world, that world? What is the world?" Su Muqi asked puzzledly.

"The world is everything on this continent and everything outside this continent. In short, it is the biggest." Murong Xiaoxian found that it was really difficult to talk to her about this term, and secretly decided to mention these things as little as possible in the future.

"Hear my hand, we're going to vacate." Su Muqi offered a flying sword and gently pulled Murong Xiaoxian. The two shared a sword and flew towards the sphere of influence of Tianyao Peak.

"Take off..." At the moment of soaring into the air, Murong Xiaoxian couldn't help feeling of weightlessness and unconsciously came up with another term, but Su Muqi heard...

"Fly together..."

"For good not to fly in pairs," Murong Xiaoxian quietly wiped his cold sweat and dared not speak any more.

At the foot of the mountain behind the infinite peak, Danyangzi stood up proudly and waved off those disciples who wanted to catch up...