yuan kill

Chapter 42 It's better to call a father-in-law

The clothes gently closed their eyes, but the person floated gently into the air, and then sat down, as if they were sitting under a lotus platform, and the ten fingers like tender onions were like a blooming lotus flower towards the sky, facing the sun!

Nishang's hands are placed on her knees, and her mouth seems to be chanting something in a low voice, and then the change rises sharply!

With a roar, the spring in the Wangyue Spring suddenly spewed out of the spring. First, the stone pot was half full, then turned into a water dragon and rushed straight into the air. In the middle of the air, it began to divide into thousands of water masses, and then the water mass began to flatten, obliquely like a smooth mirror.

"Knot!" Nishang shouted, and the ten fingers slowly raised, like the tender willow branches blowing in the spring breeze. Unexpectedly, they bounced a little light blue light into each mirror-like water. Then, these water masses quickly condensed into ice and really turned into a mirror. Then, thousands of rays of sunlight concentrated on the stone pot. Among them, Yuexian and Yangwu found that the water in the stone pot quickly raised a mass of heat!

If Murong Xiaoxian wakes up, he will never think it is a miracle. After all, in the world he has lived in, this can only be regarded as the most clumsy solar stove! Sunlight heating, while bluestone is dark in color, can absorb heat well and use the heat energy of sunlight to cook. It is environmentally friendly and safe, so as not to cause forest fires after they leave...

Murong Xiaoxian was not surprised, which did not mean that Yuexian and Yangwu were not surprised. After a moment of being stunned, he woke up and hurriedly went to clean up the game. Several wild animals were cleaned up by the two in a blink of an eye, saying that they were clean, because as long as they had the most meaty place and pulled out all their hair, they directly used swords one by one by one. After peeling it down, it's like cutting noodles. One hand grabs a ball of slices, the other hand is cutting it quickly, and then the meat slices fly into the pot like snowflakes, but the overall effect is like hot pot. The method is basically the same, just less dipping sauce...

Nishang made a slight sound in mid-air. This behavior of the two was beyond her expectation. How could she know that this was a method that Yuexian and others had come up with in order to save time in the wild life for a long time. Of course, it does not rule out doubts about the temperature of the pot. The meat is cut very thinly, as long as the water temperature reaches the boiling process. The meat slices are cooked when dipped in water, because after cooking for a long time, the meat becomes hard and does not taste good. This is the general common sense of eating hot pot.

The three people had a clear division of labor and cooked slowly, while the magic wolf pretended to be dead happily, while Xingge and Murong Xiaoxian began to undergo drastic changes in their bodies. Xingge was unspeakably miserable, and Murong Xiaoxian finally woke up in a burst of explosive pain!

When the day came, the yin and yang qi between heaven and earth began to become unbalanced, and the yang qi began to prevail and gradually suppressed the yin qi firmly.

Yehuo Honglian, which had been suppressed by the purple ice flame, finally began to fight back. It began to spread in the sea of their hearts and constantly expanded their positions. With the support of sufficient yang from the outside world, they kept shrinking the field of the ice flame until the ice flame was expelled. Yue Xian and others saw the ice on their bodies. Seeing the speed faded quickly. When Xingge's body temperature reached normal, blue and red beams suddenly shot into Murong Xiaoxian's eyes. Then Murong Xiaoxian's body shook and shook Xingge's body far away, but the man began to roll violently on the ground, and his face was abnormal. Pain, and a red basket of light wrapped around Murong Xiaoxian's body, like a big zongzi.

Nishang's hands began to roll again. The light that originally shone on the stone pot suddenly enveloped Murong Xiaoxian. Murong Xiaoxian stopped rolling as soon as he was illuminated by the light, and his face suddenly became much better, and the sound of chanting in Nishang's mouth began to gradually become clear, but After that, countless strange rune symbols suddenly appeared in the sky, shining with a faint golden light. At the urging of spells and fingerprints in the mouth of Nishang, they poured into Murong Xiaoxian's body.

Murong Xiaoxian's body calmed down and his face eased a lot, but his body entangled in red and blue light could not move at all, allowing countless runes to enter his body. Then, Murong Xiaoxian suddenly felt the silk-like slender force that was originally like a flash in the pan. I felt it, but it was slowly circulating in the left and right half of the body, as if my body was divided into two completely unrelevant spaces.

What shocked Murong Xiaoxian most was that after closing his eyes at this time, he actually saw the center of his body, which seemed to be separated by a faint silver barrier. Two different colors of breaths circulated peacefully on both sides, but after countless runes entered the body, the countless runes turned into countless A golden silkworm, and then the silver barrier was swallowed by countless golden silkworms like mulberry leaves!

Without this layer of barriers, the two forces on both sides of Murong Xiaoxian's body began to collide. Originally, Murong Xiaoxian thought that his body would definitely be smashed under the violent impact, but to his surprise, the two weak and thin forces that were originally self-systematic were the first to merge. Then a big golden ring was formed in his body, and the force generated by all the impact could not penetrate the thin ring, so he just felt waves of impact inside.

When the Nishang refracted thousands of beams of ice mirrors to Murong Xiaoxian, Murong Xiaoxian found that the thin halo began to thicken, as if it had absorbed great energy, and the color began to thicken and turned into sunlight-like gold!

Murong Xiaoxian's body also began to shine, just like a small sun falling into the forest. The golden light made Yuexian and others unable to open their eyes. The star song was helped up by the sun dance and turned his back to avoid the dazzling light. The Neon was slightly tired, but the sound of chanting in his mouth was louder.

Under the golden light, the red and blue breath was inescapable. It was sucked in by the golden light, and then the golden light faded, and then slowly gathered in Murong Xiaoxian's Dantian, constantly solid, and finally only the size of walnuts, but it became obvious, like , like a small sun! Then the little sun regarded its Dantian as the universe and began to wander slowly in it.

Then Murong Xiaoxian found that there was suddenly an extra force in his meridians that made him feel extremely powerful. That feeling was similar to the familiar feeling when Zhenqi once flowed, but he knew that it was definitely not true Qi!

The Nishang finally stopped chanting, and then thousands of ice mirrors broke up and turned into countless water masses, drenched on Murong Xiaoxian's body like a downpour!

The Nishang fell gently, and after a slight gasp, she walked to Murong Xiaoxian.

"Xiao Xianzi, do you still remember my sister?" Nishang walked to Murong Xiaoxian and smiled, but shocked Murong Xiaoxian.

"You?" Murong Xiaoxian took a step back and wiped away the drops of water on his face. He felt that the water just now was completely sprinkled on him, Xiaoxianzi? Well, it's better to call me Grandpa Murong...

"Is it my fault for pouring water on you?" Nishang pressed step by step, and the joke on his face was not hidden. As if he had eaten him, Murong Xiaoxian could only continue to retreat.

"..." Murong Xiaoxian was speechless, but he had to admit that it was just the right time. Under the irradiation of thousands of ice mirrors, Yehuo Honglian not only recovered the field, but also further forced the purple ice flame away a lot, but under the strong absorption of the golden light in the body, the two forces of cold and hot There were some differences, especially the little sun seemed to emit burning power. Murong Xiaoxian felt a little like he was in the stove. As a result, under a burst of cold water, it should be ice water, and he was suddenly much more comfortable.

Murong Xiaoxian felt that his body was like a violent beating of red-hot iron, and then cooled down in cold water, becoming harder and thicker.

"I just helped you quench your body, but it cost me a lot of real yuan. You have to compensate me well in your life!" Nishang suddenly came to Murong Xiaoxian's ear, making Murong Xiaoxian unable to avoid it, and his face turned red to his neck.

"This..." Murong Xiaoxian said subtly, and then heard a grunting cry.

"Giggle..." Nishang couldn't stop laughing.

"Are you hungry? Lunch is ready for you. Cooked for you with the fire of the sun, if it is an ordinary fire, it will cause damage to your current body. By the way, these are two beautiful women cooking for you. Tut, it's really annoying. Nishang's words have always made Murong Xiaoxian poor in answering. In fact, he has never taken advantage of words in these two contacts with her.

"Yes, this kind of food is not suitable for you. Xingge, you can eat some wild vegetables and drink a little broth, but you can never eat meat. Yuexian, you two roast the rest of the meat on a bonfire. Nishang turned her head and said, and then walked to the phantom wolf.

Yuexian and Yangwu lowered their heads and picked up the rest of the skeleton silently, just like two angry little daughters-in-law. Under the **-power of the eldest wife, they ate bran and swallowed vegetables... Fortunately, there was still a lot of meat on it, and it was regarded as a roast chicken rack, rabbit rack and pig rack... The three sisters made a circle, set up a bonfire, and skillfully reversed it. It is full of meat fragrance.

Murong Xiaoxian took a breath of cold air. When others were not paying attention and his thoughts moved, the slightly flowing power in his body quickly circulated for a week. Immediately, the heat on his body steamed, and his clothes were extremely dry in a blink of an eye.

I wanted to try to summon those two weapons, but I gave up on thinking about it. If I expose my cards at this time, it will be a little unsirable. Those two weapons are really shocking. Compared with the soul weapons of Yue Xian and others, they will only be more frightening and will inevitably produce a lot of their actions in the future. The impact of inconvenience, after all, I am just starting out at this moment, and the secular experience is still a blank piece of paper in this world.

Murong Xiaoxian still understands the truth of Huaibi's sin. Isn't these two divine soldiers a double-edged sword? What's more, I still don't know how to use this magic soldier.

Low-key is the best law in the world. Especially this time, I went down the mountain to escape, and why not to seek revenge?