yuan kill

Chapter 44 Fairy Hunting Ground

An inexplicable strong wind suddenly blew out of the forest. In the roar of the sky, the huge trees were also bending into bows! The fallen leaves are like arrows shooting all over the sky!

The black stone forest became extremely dark in an instant, and everything turned black, trees, underground stones, and even the sky! The sun suddenly disappeared from this world, and there was no shadow of the stars. This is a dark world.

It's obviously afternoon, how can it become like this?

The wind is so strong that it can't hit the flint at all, so the moon string can only take out a huge night pearl lighting from its arms. After determining the orientation of the compass-like disk in the hand, it rushed all the way out.

This time, all the way south!

In the process of leaving the Blackstone Forest, I didn't meet a beast, except for the wind all over the sky.

The gust formed a strong driving force behind several people. At this moment, the four people, like a thorn in the blackstone forest, were rejected by the blackstone forest. With this wind and the exquisite body, the four people rushed out of the blackstone forest unimpededed, and stepped into the reeds in an instant. Soon, he rushed out of the reeds. When he stepped on the grass, the wind that had been roaring behind him finally stopped chasing, and the reeds finally returned to calm, but when they saw the reed flowers flying all over the sky, it was indescrined with an indescible ble.

In the sunset, on the grass, several horses are still leisurely nibbling on the weeds.

Long breathed, Yuexian smiled bitterly and shook his head.

"It looks like we have to go at night again."

Murong Xiaoxian turned his head to the blackstone forest. The wind in the blackstone forest in the distance seemed to have not stopped, and the endless spreading forest was squirming like an endless thick ink mass.

It seems that the blackstone forest has been revitalizing.

Murong Xiaoxian quietly calculated the time. It took a total of three days. It took two days to calculate the agreement with Su Muqi after returning to Guangming Town this time, but I don't know if Su Muqi is looking for herself in the past three days. Thinking of this, Murong Xiaoxian couldn't help urging Yuexian and others. Get on the horse quickly and hurry back.

"Do you know that person well?" Yang Wu stared quietly at Murong Xiaoxian with no expression on his face.

Ning? It's just a relationship with her, but it seems that she and my friends are very familiar. Murong Xiaoxian was stunned.

"It's her. Can you find her in the future?" Yang Wu's face showed a trace of urgency.

"I can't find it unless she comes to me." Murong Xiaoxian waved his hand helplessly and said in his heart, the woman avoided it and took the initiative to find her?

"Oh." Yang Wu answered faintly, with a disappointed face.

Naturally, Murong Xiaoxian did not know that her evil blood whip had been collected by Nishang. During the period in his coma, he was unconscious of the end of the world outside. On the contrary, the situation of Xingge was almost completely frozen, his hearing was extremely keen, and all the things that happened outside fell into his ears.

"Let's go! I believe that she will return it to you in three months. With her cultivation, she will disdain her promise. Although she acted a little strangely..." Yue Xian persuaded, and Xing Ge also echoed a few words. Yang Wu nodded, whistled, and several horses ran over.

Yang Wu rode his horse without looking back and rushed south. Yuexian and Xingge looked at each other and saw a trace of helplessness in each other's eyes. They had to ride closely. Fortunately, the remaining three horses did not resist Murong Xiaoxian, so Murong Xiaoxian rode to catch up.

Running west for more than an hour and arrived at the entrance of Bingshu Canyon, Yang Wu had already dismounted and slowly walked in. Yuexian and Xingge followed closely. Murong Xiaoxian had the intention to ride in, but after thinking about it, he still dismounted and walked in.

After leaving the military book canyon, he quickly rushed for more than 400 miles overnight, and the dawn appeared, and Gaoci County was already far away.

Several people got off their horses tiredly and took a short rest, but a sudden roar of killing made several people's hearts tense, and the four of them got up and looked in the direction of the sound.

Not much, Yuexian couldn't help sneering.

"Hum! Dugu Xianyun, you old fox, I didn't expect you to have today!"

Outside the majestic Gaoci County, countless beasts were densely besieged.

The gate of Gaocijun was closed, and countless soldiers stood on the mummy on the wall, and countless arrows kept shooting down. However, due to the wideness of the moat, and all the bows and arrows are not strong crossbows, so the range is not far. Most of them become weak after crossing the moat and can't be How much damage does the beast cause? On the contrary, the occasional impact of some beasts that are good at climbing or flying will cause a certain degree of damage to the soldiers defending the city.

And the beasts are only concentrated at the entrances of the four gates and are not in a hurry to attack. Obviously, they are intended to trap the city. Due to the huge number of beasts, the city dare not easily send troops out, which is tantamount to sending sheep into the mouth of the tiger. Therefore, the confrontation between the two sides is temporarily in a stalemate.

not far away, there are poisonous insects on the way to Guangming Town. These countless beasts and poisonous insects seem to have drilled out of the bottom overnight, which is similar to the situation when Yuexian and other four people came.

Seeing this situation, Murong Xiaoxian involuntarily remembered a plan to "circle Wei and save Zhao", but the current situation seemed to be fully involved in preventing Gaoci County from sending troops.

Thinking of Nishang's words before parting, Murong Xiaoxian couldn't help but be shocked and knew that the bright town might be in danger!

"Is this stopping Gaoci County from sending troops to the rescue?" Murong Xiaoxian couldn't help blurt out.

"It seems that the situation in Guangming Town is critical, but I don't know how long these beasts have been besieging the city." Xingge frowned.

"Why don't I rush into the city to ask when this beast is trapped in the city?" Yang Wu said without thinking.

"There is no need to go to the city. No matter when these beasts are trapped in the city, we must rush back as soon as possible. However, although there are many beasts in front of us, the threat is not great. If these beasts attack the city, even if it is double, they can't break the peripheral defense of Bright Town. Yuexian glanced at the fierce beast outside the city and said with a little reassurance.

"I can't see it. I want to know what is the radius around this bright town? Murong Xiaoxian asked, and he was thinking about a trivial thing in his heart.

Yue Xian took a look at Murong Xiaoxian and thought for a moment and said, "With Guangming Town as the center, 500 miles to the south is Chuangjie Mountain, 700 miles to the west is Chu Xiong, 400 miles to the north is Gaoci County, and 800 miles to the east is the Thunder Empire. Counting up, this area is also a thousand It was huge, but due to the incomparable remoteness, Warcraft was rampant and even abandoned by the prime minister. Although it is nominally the territory of the first prime minister, there has never been any contact, let alone any obligation to pay taxes and military service. The only use is the buffer zone of Gaoci County.

"So, this is a forgotten country?" Murong Xiaoxian frowned, and there was a vague sense of ominous in his heart.

Yuexian was stunned for a moment. After all, the word "country" has some ** meaning, but Yuexian still nodded and said, "It can also be said that after all, it is difficult for people to survive here. The establishment of a bright town has almost laboriously put all our efforts!"

"Because it is bordered by Chuangjie Mountain in the south, Chuangjie Mountain is nearly 10,000 miles. It can also be regarded as an extension of Chuangjie Mountain, so few people dare to think about it here..." Xingge added.

"Oh." Murong Xiaoxian thought for a moment and suddenly remembered a few key questions. He couldn't help asking, "Do you know what route do people who go to the infinite peaks to worship every year?"

Yuexian casually replied, "Naturally, it is from the Thunder Empire in the east, or the Chuxiong Kingdom in the west. The two sides are safe and the road is extremely smooth, which is almost a must for worshippers."

"That is to say, as long as you occupy the bright town, it is equivalent to occupying thousands of miles?" Murong Xiaoxian asked.

Yuexian hesitated for a moment, with a slight displeasure on her face, but then sighed, "Do you know what is called?"

"Oh?" Murong Xiaoxian was stunned and immediately understood that there might be a hidden secret in it...

"Fairy Hunting Ground! This is a paradise for Warcraft to live, and it is a place for those practitioners to come to try. Ordinary people are prohibited from entering, but the tax and corvée of various countries is heavy. As the saying goes, "the tyranny is fiercer than the tiger", so there are still many people who fled here, but many people are killed by the beasts and monsters..." Yue Xian said secretly.

"That's why we united many righteous here to establish this bright town in the name of hunting for warcraft, in order to create a happy land for the people in this Jedi!" Xingge's eyes flashed, as if thinking of some distant past.

Murong Xiaoxian's heart was shocked! Only then did I understand where did those fellows go to test when I was in Yuxu Gate! However, just because you want to practice and try, do you have to occupy thousands of miles? Is it that the lives of the people are ignored?

However, a few people do this is tantamount to being the enemy of Yuxumen! Maybe in the eyes of Yuxumen, they are not worth mentioning. They are ants that can be killed at will!

"So, this time, the besieged Guangming Town is by no means an ordinary beast, and there may be many mysterious figures!" Murong Xiaoxian sighed. He finally understood the reason for the existence of this bright town. He couldn't help but admire the righteousness of the three people, but he was worried. After all, the strength of the two sides was too different!

"At this moment, the situation in Bright Town should be in danger!" Murong Xiaoxian said seriously.

"Ah!" Hearing Murong Xiaoxian's seductive analysis, Yuexian and other three people finally realized the seriousness of the problem.

"Can I make a suggestion?" Murong Xiaoxian sighed in his heart and secretly made up his mind that he must try his best to help them this time!

"Well, say it quickly!" Yuexian took a look doubtfully, but grasped the reins in his hand.

"If Guangming Town can be preserved this time, Guangming Town will be renamed "The Land of Light"!" Murong Xiaoxian said firmly, turned over the horse and rushed out first!

He decided that he must do his best this time!

Yuexian and others have rich experience. They saw through the situation in front of them in a blink of an eye, but they were shocked by Murong Xiaoxian's words. After several people looked at each other, they quickly changed horses and rushed south!

There are still more than 400 miles away from Guangming Town, and it will have to be reached in the afternoon at the earliest, and it can't be delayed every minute!

The three Yuexian were so anxious that they fell on the back of the horse. For a moment, the horse hissed and the dust and smoke rolled!

Murong Xiaoxian's mind moved, and the murderous spirit of the two divine soldiers inadvertently emanated. In an instant, a fierce war spirit permeated, and the blocker was invincible! The amputated limbs of the poisonous snake and beast flew all over the sky. In a blink of an eye, Yuexian and other three people rushed out of the surrounding circle of the beast. At least with the power of the divine soldiers, they can minimize the physical consumption of the three people!

If you can hit those who besiege the bright town this time, whether you are a dark temple or a jade virtual gate, this time, I must be ashamed to stand up!