yuan kill

Chapter 57 Super Blueprint

This time, although Murong Xiaoxian fell into the nest of gentleness, he did not feel the taste of tenderness. I thought that this time he was in a coma again, and he was in a coma for more than a month.

This is Murong Xiaoxian's third long-term coma.

Every day, taking care of Murong Xiaoxian has been replaced by Xing Ge. Of course, Xing Ge still has official duties during the day, especially Murong Xiaoxian's plan has begun, and it is very smooth. Therefore, taking care of Murong Xiaoxian during the day fell on the two maids for the rest of their lives after the disaster, and at night they belonged to Xingge.

The craftsman has gathered nearly 200 people. Although Murong Xiaoxian's requirements for 100 capable personnel are more than half, the quality is much worse. Originally, Murong Xiaoxian did not have any hope for Gandhi. Therefore, the matter of summoning those particularly outstanding craftsmen is to be entrusted to Xingge. Of course, the reward of that year is not two gold coins, but 20 gold coins! Of course, your technology must be strictly assessed. Star songs, coupled with a lot of money**, finally began to have excellent craftsmen coming one after another. These craftsmen come from all over the continent. Because of the long journey, most of them are still on the road.

And Kong Liang, a close relative of Xingge, and others are waiting for Murong Xiaoxian after a month of careful preparation.

A lot of things have happened during this period. First, it took half a month for the twelve Ming Lord to come back, and he looked unhappy and closed the door. After a week, the twelve Mingzhu's mood improved slightly and began to deal with some affairs. Second, I don't know why, and the attack on Gaoci County has been pushed back and again. Third, the number of troops outside the city increased by more than 100,000 in a month, but it was quickly dispersed and sent to the surrounding expanded towns.

In a month, there have been 40 new model towns, sparsely distributed throughout the holy land of light, and these cities are planned according to the general medium-sized urban planning, all of which shows the determination to build this place into a holy land of light.

Then vigorously carry out the construction of some small villages. After all, farming is the foundation of survival. Therefore, everything necessary for a national machine to encourage farming, animal husbandry, raise silkworms, build water conservancy, etc. is carried out in an orderly manner.

The only special thing is that the speed of construction is unbelievable. Almost overnight, a small village will take shape, and there will suddenly be many more farmers in it!

Moreover, the construction of the imperial capital has been put on the agenda. It began to demolish the outer wall and transport it dozens of miles away to build a new wall. This time, the wall is higher and thicker, and the defense facilities are dozens of times stronger.

During this period, the Twelve Mingzhu asked Murong Xiaoxian several times and knew that his newly appointed four masters had a fierce battle with the first assassin, and his body was severely damaged and his vitality was greatly damaged, so he ignored it for the time being. Of course, in order to show his closeness to his subordinates, he still sent some supplements.

However, Murong Xiaoxian's daily unconsciousness is anxious to ruin the star song. She recognized Murong Xiaoxian's plan and saw that the town began to be demolished, so she took the initiative to undertake a lot of demolition affairs. This is a work done by some handymen. Several general managements are in charge. According to the identity of Xingge, this kind of ungrateful thing will never fall on Xingge. However, Murong Xiaoxian's words are obedient, so he painsuading Yuexian and Yangwu. Finally, he told the Twelve Mingzhu that the expansion of the city is Things are big and unhurry. We must be cautious and cautious, and Murong Xiaoxian has a very perfect construction plan!

So, everyone waited for a month.

During the day, Xingge personally led the team to demolish some buildings and listed the specific characteristics and proportions of various places in the whole city on the parchment. ( This era is very tragic. There is no papermaking, no gunpowder, no movable type printing, but there is a compass.)

This night, Xingge came back anxiously, and Murong Xiaoxian still lay on the couch restless.

Xingge sighed, looked at Murong Xiaoxian with love and pity, and began to change the clothes he was wearing during the day. Originally, he thought that Murong Xiaoxian was asleep, so he did not avoid it, so he took care of his clothes aside, and then changed his evening clothes. When she turned around, she couldn't help but be stunned!

Murong Xiaoxian didn't know when he got up and was sitting looking at himself in a daze.

In the surprise of Xingge, he forgot that his clothes had not been tightened, and suddenly rushed to **. Inadvertently, a deep gully emerged...

"Cough, why didn't you tell me to change your clothes?" Murong Xiaoxian looked serious, but his arms firmly hugged Xingge and didn't let go. He didn't have to hide from Xingge.

"You bad guy, you don't say anything when you wake up, which makes me so embarrassed..." He said it was embarrassing but plunged into Murong Xiaoxian's arms.

"In my dream, a fairy told me that wake up quickly, there is a beauty stripping clothes, so I woke up quickly..." Murong Xiaoxian smiled evilly and wanted to put his hand into Xingge's arms, but he hesitated for a long time but stroked Xingge's back. "How long have I been sleeping?"

"It's been 35 days, and all the reservations have been postponed." Xing Ge said sadly.

Murong Xiaoxian was shocked and said hurriedly, "Can Gaoci County be beaten down?"

"For the time being, the twelve lords have been in a bad mood recently and came back seven days ago." Xingge said softly, but he was reluctant to leave Murong Xiaoxian's arms. He saw Murong Xiaoxian's hand reaching out to his arms. He was nervous, but with a trace of expectation. However, after seeing Murong Xiaoxian patting his back, he couldn't help asking in a low voice, "Isn't I making you worth touching?"

Murong Xiaoxian smiled and said, "I'm hungry and have no strength..."

"Yes. You have been drinking some rice soup and goat milk for so long, and I will prepare some food for you. Come on, Xingge jumped off from ** in a hurry, put on a long coat, and hurried out.

Murong Xiaoxian calmed down and jumped down from ** after a little daze, but he almost hit his head on the roof!

My physical fitness seems to have improved a lot after this month.

The original cat's eye size of the Yuanli seed in Dantian seems to have turned into the size of a walnut after this incident! And the color has also changed from earthy yellow to golden yellow, which is obvious that the realm of Yuanli has been greatly improved.

And those two lotus flowers are still floating next to the Yuanli seed.

It seems to be a piece of one, and there is no division between each other!

Anyway, it's always a good thing to increase your strength after sleeping for a month, but the expansion of this city must be branded.

I hurriedly found my clothes to put on, and then moved some rouge and other things on the Xingge dressing table to the side and found a piece of parchment. It was quite inconvenient to use, but I was not in the mood to study paper because of time.

Star Song has written down the basic concept of the construction of the whole city, and also drew a sketch, so the first thing Murong Xiaoxian got up was to see a dozen of parchment. Naturally, there were blanks and some finished.

At this moment, what Murong Xiaoxian has to do is to draw some sketches and quickly lay the foundation according to this sketch, because after a month of coma, it has arrived in early winter. After about a month, the shallow soil on the ground is frozen and cannot be constructed.

While painting, Murong Xiaoxian showed a strange smile at the corners of his mouth.

Well, the commercial center of the city is built according to the Golden Tower, where a Sydney Opera House is built, a British Museum is built here, a goddess of light is built here, Las Vegas is built here, and a new Louvre is built here. Well, it is necessary to build an ancient Roman arena. The landmark building is made into the Eiffel Tower, and the gates are all designed to look like the Arc de Triomphe. Er, let's just make your own residence outside and become a summer resort...

As for leisure places, they are designed according to the appearance of contemporary parks, as well as botanical gardens and zoos. Well, the school must also change to the appearance of my world!

"Hey hey, hey..."

Just as Murong Xiaoxian was complacent and doodling, Xingge came with a food box, with meat and vegetables, delicious dishes, and a pot of sake, which was also very rich.

"What makes you so happy?" Seeing Murong Xiaoxian laughing, Xingge couldn't help but be happy. He simply put the food box on the table and lit another candle.

"Ah, what is this?" Xingge happened to pick up the sketch of Murong Xiaoxian's enough Sydney Opera House and couldn't help looking at it carefully.

"Oh, this is called the Bright Sydney Opera House, which will be the place where all the actors and artists will perform in the imperial capital in the future." Murong Xiaoxian explained, and then briefly explained some of the structures and facilities inside. Xingge was very interested and couldn't help saying, "Although it looks a little strange, it is magnificent, especially when it is built by the water, the sky and shadow will be more enchanting!"

"That's right, this lake needs to be manually chiseled, so let's call it West Lake!" Murong Xiaoxian said with a very sincere expression on his face.

"In the west of the city, it's not bad to call it West Lake." Xingge said with great interest, "Oh, what is this?"

"This is called the Hero Memorial Tower. The tower will be engraved with the name of the hero who will be the Holy Land of Light in the future and be respected by all generations. Above is the statue of the goddess of light, which is the highest building in the city. It represents that our holy country of light will always be blessed by the god of light. The wind and rain are smooth, and the country is prosperous and the people are safe!" Murong Xiaoxian was happy in his heart, but his face was very serious.

"It's rare for you to think so much about the Holy Land. I think the twelve lords must be very happy. If the master knows, he will definitely reward you. The excitement on Xingge's face was naturally overflowing, and he couldn't help it.

"Have they finished the things I told you before?" Murong Xiaoxian asked, this is related to his plan to make a fortune in the future, so he is also particularly careful.

"The craftsmen have been summoned, and countless basic materials you mentioned have been collected. The workshop has also found a suitable place to build more than ten rooms according to the standards you said. Every place has sent trusted disciples to lead the army, which is foolproof. Xingge said softly, with infinite tenderness in his eyes.

"This matter should not be put off any longer. I want to see the twelve masters tomorrow. I wonder if it's convenient?" Murong Xiaoxian tilted his head and asked Xing Ge, and outlined the last stroke of the Taj Mahal.

"With these sketches?" Xingge looked at these sketches with great interest.

Murong Xiaoxian's painting method is completely contemporary sketching, which is fast and vivid, and the buildings are alive on paper.

"That's natural. By the way, I will call Kong Liang and the others tomorrow afternoon, and I still have something important to discuss with them. Murong Xiaoxian said softly and carefully folded the drawings.

"Come and eat. Don't be busy when you are recovering from a serious illness. These meals are almost cold." Xingge gave Murong Xiaoxian an angry look and said sadly.

"Even if the food you brought is cold, it will be hot in my heart." Murong Xiaoxian grabbed Xingge's hand and looked at Xingge with a smile.

"Come on, drink this cup, I wish us success, wealth, many children and grandchildren, and many blessings..." Murong Xiaoxian raised his glass.

Xing Ge blushed, and the two of them drank it all and were very happy.

The window scissor candle shadow is full of joy, but some people sigh softly outside. It is, some people are happy and some people are worried...