yuan kill

Chapter 79 Deadly Heart

The wind blew, the moon was like a hook, the sky and the earth were cold to the bone, and the starlight in the sky gradually faded.

A large cyan cloud floated over Gaoci County, slowly plated with lead in the morning light that was about to break.

It's not a cloud, but a murderous atmosphere, a murderous atmosphere that only appears in the battlefield!

Over the imperial capital under construction, there are faint purple clouds and auspicious light. That's the spirit of the emperor!

Therefore, most people who really know feng shui only need to look at the sky to know where the treasure land of the phoenix falls and where it is the barren land where flowers and birds don't speak.

Five miles away, Murong Xiaoxian heard a sound of fighting.

The fire is shining, the gold and iron are ringing, and the horses are sad. The 1,000 people brought by the moon string have been deeply encircled, and most of them have already been killed. At this moment, the remaining hundreds of people are in a circular formation, surrounding the moon string, but the surrounding attacks are like tides, constantly surging up. Therefore, these soldiers can only work hard, but the final protective circle is getting smaller and smaller. The most embarrassing thing is that there are more than 600 casualties on the other side, but only 200 on the other side!

Yuexian had to admit that she was too reckless. The war between the armies is absolutely different from peacetime, regardless of the number of people, strategy, the right time, place and people, etc., which are completely two concepts.

When he led his army to the city, the other side's guard army found the movement on this side early, but the other side did not attack rashly. First, the arrows rained, forcing Yuexian's army out of the range of the bow and arrow, and then closed the door.

No matter how Yuexian calls the array, he can't hold on to it. Then when Yuexian was a little relaxed, his army was suddenly surrounded by ten times his own strength, and those troops seemed to be hidden outside the city early!

But Yuexian didn't find any clue at all, so the rest can only be a death battle.

All the attackers attacked according to strict combat rules. When a team attacked once, no matter what the result was, they did not like fighting and quickly withdrew with the wounded, and the other team of soldiers and horses immediately added up. Such a cycle can greatly reduce the casualties of our personnel, but also keep our attack in the strongest state!

Of course, this is annihilation battle. If you change to a breakout battle and still use the same tactics, it will also have the best effect, at least so that our troops will not be damaged too much.

This man who controls the battle is definitely a military genius, so Yuexian can only throw himself into the net.

The encirclement is constantly shrinking, but there are fewer and fewer people around Yuexian.

Calm, surprisingly calm, Yuexian just quietly watched the people around him fall down one by one and were indifferent. In his hand, he held an oversized silver sickle and sat on the horse.

bursts of black fog constantly lingered around the moon string, and wisps of black gas kept flying into the sickle of the dead, but the sickle was silverier, the blade was longer, and the blade was more dazzling.

Obviously, Yuexian is trying to absorb the souls emitted by those who died in the war!

The murderous spirit of the soul is supposed to be continuously improved by absorbing people's souls! Soul weapons are the medium for practitioners. Through that soul weapon, people's soul murderous spirit has been greatly improved, and the power of soul weapons has also increased!

The more you kill, the stronger your strength will be!

This is the essence of soul murder. Therefore, all those who cultivate the murderous spirit of the soul are countless people, and the strongest are the ones who kill the most! This has little to do with the innate quality of practitioners. As long as you have a soul weapon, as long as you are willing to try to kill, you are the strongest! This greatly lowers the threshold for practicing soul murder. If you can master such an army, it will be a creepy nightmare for any opponent~!

It was not until the last soldier around him fell that Yuexian hung an imperceptible sneer at the corners of his mouth, and the figure suddenly disappeared into the siege!

The silver light flashed, and a touch of silver moonlight suddenly kept blowing up in the enemy. The limbs flew across and filled with murderous atmosphere, but the silver moonlight became more and more!


The arrows penetrated the air, and the moon string's figure leaping in the air finally slowed down and was finally forced to roll to the ground.


A silver moonlight more than ten feet long split a deep gully on the ground, blocking the invincible. Unfortunately, the other soldier has dispersed, but it has not caused much damage.

"Big Yue, you didn't keep your promise and attacked the city without authorization, so it's no wonder! Kill!" A sneer sounded in the distance, but the voice was uncertain, and it was impossible for people to determine the location of the speaker.

"This war is inevitable. Why are you so hypocritical? Dugu Xianyun, I didn't expect you to go to war in person. Yuexian sneered, waved the sickle of the dead, and reaped the lives of more than a dozen soldiers.

"We have tens of thousands of people here. How many do I see how many you kill? Fortunately, I have been prepared to deal with you killers! The front team soldiers withdrew, and the back team was on the iron armor!" Before the man finished speaking, the soldiers around Yuexian dispersed to the outside, which turned out to be orderly.

This army is indeed a well-trained army. The dense soldiers spread quickly like a tide, and the space distance is very large. It is difficult for Yuexian to kill more than two people at a time.

Every time he waved the sickle of the dead, Yuexian's face was a little black and thicker, and Yuexian's true element was exhausted. Did Yuexian's consciousness be a little vague and his movements were a little uncontrollable, but his heart was blazing!

Yuxian knew in his heart that this was the precursor of the counterattack of soul weapons. When his consciousness was completely lost, he would become the weapon in his hand and become a walking corpse, but only one person was ordered...

Originally, Yuexian used this soul weapon, but there was no such danger, because she knew how to restrain and firmly suppress the soul killing spirit in the soul weapon with the true element in her body, so she can not only exert the power of the soul weapon, but also protect herself.

But tonight, the Zhenyuan in his body was exhausted. As a result, the final line of defense was broken through, and the spirit of soul killing rushed in crazily. Yuexian could only use the last bit of vitality to guard the sea of knowledge and maintain the last trace of clarity.

She knows that she can't support him for too long. Maybe she supports him so hard just to look at him before she dies?

Thinking of the topless teenager I met in the autumn, and the short time of dating him, Yuexian's mind rippled again.

In this trance, Yuexian's body was shot by several random arrows. Fortunately, it was not the key, but Yuexian did not feel any pain. It turned out that it was eaten back by soul weapons...

Around the moon string, dozens of tall armored giants appeared, holding a huge axe, clumsy but neatly, pressing towards the moon string. Obviously, this is some kind of exquisite organ. The more you fight, the stronger you don't know the pain, but I, an armored giant, also don't know the pain. The most important thing is that you can't absorb a little soul from these armor giants!

Yuexian's body was shaking, and the place where she was shot by the arrow began to bleed. The blood splashed on the snow, but it was black and red.

Yuexian's eyes slowly shot a faint dark color, and the sickle of the dead in his hand danced out dozens of silver moon-shaped wind blades uncontrollably, which hit the body of the surrounding armor giants like substance, but only left shallow scratches!

After this attack, Yuexian only felt that her mind was dark, and she would be completely swallowed up when she saw the sea!

But this is that Yuexian only felt that his abdomen was suddenly hot, an almost imperceptible strange force, with a faint yellow glow, and suddenly surged to his whole body! The murderous spirit that invaded the body quickly retreated after encountering this yellow breath, as if the yellow breath was the natural nemesis of this soul murderous spirit!

The sea of knowledge of Yuexian is clear again. What's going on?

Yuexian was stunned on the spot and didn't realize that those armored giants were less than ten feet away from him!


A burst of heartfelt pain suddenly came, and Yuexian found that she had been hit by more than ten arrows, but the blood flowing out had turned red!

What is the power just now?

How did it come from?

Moon's crazy thinking, suddenly Yuexian's face became hot...

This time, Yuexian came out with a dying heart, because she knew that if she was devoured by a soul weapon, it would be almost more painful than death, and even if she was alive, it would be similar to death!

She could have avoided this situation, but everything was completely exposed to the eyes of the Twelve Ming Lord. Although it was suitable for the same family, the Twelve Ming Lord absolutely let him go because of this. The most important thing is that the twelve Ming Lord will take power at this moment, and it must be kept secret. The soul dead he has been training is naturally a secret in the secret. Therefore, even if the three Yuexian are not eaten back, they will be silenced by the Twelve Ming Lord!

Therefore, Yuexian cleverly entrusted the star song and Yang dance to Murong Xiaoxian, because she saw hope in Murong Xiaoxian. And the source of hope is the Nishang that has been protecting Murong Xiaoxian. The strength of Nishang is at least in the same realm as that of the Twelve Ming Lords, so Xingge and Yang Dance should not happen with Murong Xiaoxian...

But how can this secret be perfectly displayed in Murong Xiaoxian's eyes? And is it valuable for you to die again?

Of course, before you die, you must be selfish, or at least allow yourself to give your body to this man, right?

So, Yuexian waited in Murong Xiaoxian's camp and gave a strange aphrodisiac 0 drug in the wine, and then Murong Xiaoxian and Yuexian had a spring breeze.

As a result, Murong Xiaoxian and Yuexian's spring breeze once left seeds in Yuexian's body, but this extremely weak seed saved Yuexian once in turn!

This is so wonderful. It seems to be a mistake, but it is doomed!

Yuexian sighed long, as if he had made some great determination. He threw out the sickle of the dead fiercely and pulled out the short sword from his waist!

Since God doesn't want me to die, I will live well.

For him, and also for the belly...