yuan kill

Chapter 82 City Break

The Qijiu River opens, *Yan Lai.

That's the law of the world I live in, but it doesn't work here.

Ninety-nine did not see the ploughing cattle walking everywhere, but all the soldiers were so cold that they could hardly hold the blade!

The further back you count, the colder the weather, the heavier the snow, and the river freezing deeper.

These days, Murong Xiaoxian just stood outside the city with a sad face, looking at the clouds over the city.

The murderous atmosphere is still the same, but the thick smoke of the residents in the city for heating and burning firewood is much less. There are very few places that can smoke in China and Japan. Murong Xiaoxian knows that it must be the residence of the rich or powerful people in the city. Those ordinary people have no firewood for heating, and even the firewood for cooking has become a problem.

Who asked Lang Yuzhu to burn firewood at the beginning? Burning the granary is just to hide people's eyes and ears, and burning firewood is the real purpose. I don't believe that you can eat raw rice and ice to survive the winter if you don't keep warm!

Demolishing a house can warm up for a while, but if you don't have a house, you will freeze to death on the street.

No one expected that a big city would worry about heating.

A wise man must have a mistake. Even if there is no firewood in the city, he can come out to pick up some, but at this moment, the gate is closed and no one is allowed to enter.

Before sending troops, Murong Xiaoxian worked hard at this right time and place. After all, Xingge and others have lived in this place for more than ten years and have been to Gaoci County many times, so they know the situation in the city well, which constitutes Murong Xiaoxian's most valuable information.

So, Murong Xiaoxian looked at the less and less cooking smoke in the city, and he knew that the time had come.

With 50,000 to 100,000, you have to occupy a city, which is difficult to imagine. Although the elites in the other city have been divided by themselves, they also left some extremely weak soldiers on their side.

Compared with strength, you are also not dominant.

The moat outside Gaoci County has long been formed into thick ice. As long as the gate is opened, soldiers can constantly rush out of the ice. Moreover, this impact is a fan-shaped attack with a wide coverage, and will be surrounded by the enemy if you don't pay attention.

Although these soldiers have been defined as cannon fodder in Murong Xiaoxian's mind, these cannon fodder must die valuablely. Otherwise, it can only be a joke to occupy a city with a population of nearly one million alone.

Fortunately, Murong Xiaoxian was ready early, and the key to all this is the pile of grass and ash.

The army in Gaoci County can't hold on, and Murong Xiaoxian is so happy.

Murong Xiaoxian first ordered the soldiers to bring ice-breaking tools such as iron picks and shovels, and excavated them at the east and west gates of Gaoci County, extending the place where the suspension bridge fell more than ten meters, so that even if the suspension bridge fell down, it could only hit the ice. If the ice turns into water, the suspension bridge will become a pontoon bridge, but unfortunately it is only half a pontoon bridge.

At the south gate and the north gate, Murong Xiaoxian did nothing but hide a team of more than 100 people in the distance of the north gate, waiting for the opportunity to catch some people who absconded or returned to the prime minister to hear the news. After all, the panic generated by the rumors he created was more frightening than the war. He also hoped that those soldiers could escape from the north gate and return to the prime minister's country, so that they could be relaxed and succumb to the enemy's soldiers without fighting.

Next, Murong Xiaoxian ordered the soldiers to sprinkle the grass ash evenly on the ice of the moat. He knew that this was the principle of using the grass ash to absorb solar energy and then melt the ice. Although he did not expect the grass ash to melt the moat water, it only needed to create some troubles. .

But the result made Murong Xiaoxian overjoyed!

Finally, the weather warmed up rapidly, especially the ice on the moat sprinkled with vegetation ash, which was melting rapidly at a visible speed. Although the temperature suddenly dropped at night and the river water froze again, the ice was not strong anyway because of vegetation ash.

Next, Murong Xiaoxian made a heinous provocative act!

Every day, Murong Xiaoxian ordered the soldiers to carry the vegetation ash with a horse, looking for the upper wind of Gaoci County, disassemble the tent, and then sprinkle the vegetation ash on the tent cloth. Then more than a dozen strong soldiers threw the vegetation ash in the tent cloth, and then the vegetation ash followed the wind towards Gaoci County. Floating away!

For a while, Gaoci County was smoky and ashes permeated everywhere. People who wanted to warm up the weather and basked in the sun were also forced to return to the cold room to avoid dust.

The defenders in the city began to scold, but Murong Xiaoxian's army was far away from the wall and could not shoot arrows, and the defenders suspected that this was a fierce method to lure the enemy, and could only endure Murong Xiaoxian's destruction in the city.

In the face of all this, Murong Xiaoxian didn't care and continued to make the soldiers continue to throw ashes.

Then he ordered the soldiers ambushed at the north gate of Gaoci County to be evacuated further, and ordered that all soldiers who saw the elderly, weak and disabled escorting women, children and children should not be attacked, and even if they met a small few deserters were not allowed to pursue them.

As Murong Xiaoxian expected, a few days later, a small number of soldiers escaped tentatively, but they escaped smoothly, and then the rich family members in the city fled with soft and so on. Murong Xiaoxian was still indulgent.

As a result, seven days later, it was said that the door was not closed all night, and people were constantly escaping from the city. Many soldiers even took off their armor, put on the clothes of the people, and fled all the way north in the fleeing crowd.

In order to speed up the escape of these exiles, Murong Xiaoxian vigorously sprinkled ashes into the city...

According to the statistics of soldiers, at least 400,000 people escaped from Gaoci County in seven days!

The rest are poor people, or people who are unable to escape, or soldiers who are forced to stay.

On the night of the eighth day, the south gate suddenly opened, and about 50,000 enemy soldiers suddenly poured out of the city!

Unable to bear it, the soldiers of Gaoci County finally began to take the initiative to attack!

However, they fell under Murong Xiaoxian's trap again.

Those soldiers who rushed out of the suspension bridge naturally rushed directly to Murong Xiaoxian's position unimpeded. Murong Xiaoxian had been waiting for a long time!

About 5,000 enemy soldiers rushed into Murong Xiaoxian's position. After all, the suspension bridge is not wide enough, and it can't withstand the trampling of too many people and horses at the same time.

And those soldiers who step on the "ice" on the moat are not so lucky. When there are few people, the ice can bear a certain weight, but when the number of people increases, the ice can no longer bear it. The ice will break in an instant, and more than 40,000 soldiers fall into the piercing river!

This naturally caused great panic!

Sometimes, the river drowns people not because the river loses the top of people's heads, but because people lose their ability to judge because of fear. Even if the river is only waist-length, people will still be drowned.

The river was not deep or shallow, but it was full of knees. Many soldiers fell when the ice was broken, so that they fell one by one like a tarot card, and the river suddenly shouted miserably.

The soldiers know that the river is more than three feet deep, and you have to drown if you fall!

This idea is not wrong in summer. But after all, this is in late winter and early spring, especially when the ice was tamped by Murong Xiaoxian again. This ice is different from the past!

Floating ice is about an inch thick, then the river water is about a foot deep, and then the ice layer of about three feet. Under this ice layer is the real river water.

The soldiers who rushed from the suspension bridge endured Murong Xiaoxian's anger for more than a month. At this moment, their morale rushed to Murong Xiaoxian's camp like an arrow from the string!

Murong Xiaoxian ordered to fight and retreat!

When these soldiers felt that they had nothing to do, they heard bursts of shouts behind them, and the soldiers who came out together did not keep up with their pace!

Then Murong Xiaoxian waved his hand, and the soldiers who had already been ambushed with their wings rushed out, and the soldiers who fought and retreated began to fight back and wrapped the soldiers in the shape of a pocket!

With 50,000 to 5,000, it is a suspenseless battle.

Killed 1,000 enemies and injured 800, but these soldiers were confused, and the soldiers fell instantly. Murong Xiaoxian annihilated 5,000 enemies at the cost of less than 1,000 deaths and injuries!

Then Murong Xiaoxian waved his flag and divided his troops.

All the way, thousands of archers and cavalry were combined, and quickly rode to the moat. Then there was a burst of almost murderous shooting. The arrows were not empty. After all, there were too many soldiers in the river!

Stepping, panic, despair, in this short half an hour, few soldiers have been able to successfully land on the other side, and the bodies of soldiers in Hanoi have exceeded at least 10,000!

After shouting out the loud slogan "Raise your hand, don't kill, capture the superior generation", the soldiers in the river scrambled to raise their hands, stepped on the bodies of their former comrades-in-arms, and walked to the opposite bank and surrendered!

This battle captured more than 25,000 enemies in Hanoi alone!

The other way was more than 30,000 people who rushed into Gaoci County along the suspension bridge!

Murong Xiaoxian was a pioneer, wielding an exaggerated "tiger soul sword" in his hand, but seeing the starlight shining on the flat ground, Murong Xiaoxian easily killed those soldiers who wanted to close the gate like a god, and then led the soldiers into the city!

Murong Xiaoxian's military order is extremely strict. When mobilizing before the war, soldiers are absolutely forbidden to disturb the people, and soldiers are not allowed to kill and set fire, forcibly rob people's women's property, etc.

Murong Xiaoxian doesn't want to lose a bad reputation for himself in the future. After all, there is still a long way to go. A marshal who governs the army with benevolence and treats the people with benevolence is a good marshal!

Therefore, anyone who violates the military order should be killed!

Anyway, these soldiers are not their own people. By the way, it's best to bring them to Liwei!

Send 5,000 soldiers to the city, kill or capture the soldiers of the original wall sentry post, and then occupy the wall.

Two thousand soldiers rushed into the city, and the autumn wind swept away the remaining army like fallen leaves. In fact, the remaining army was also 40,000, but the army was in chaos, and no matter how many people were, it didn't work.

Once again, nearly 20,000 people were captured and 20,000 people escaped. Of course, Murong Xiaoxian deliberately released them. He had already issued the order to pursue the poor Kou Mo, and Gaoci County completely fell!

In the end, Murong Xiaoxian captured a total of 45,000 soldiers, including prisoners. At this moment, Murong Xiaoxian has nearly 100,000 soldiers and horses, and this war has only lost less than 30,000! It can be said to be a big victory. Of course, who knows that the key to this victory is some inconspicuous grass and ash?

However, except for the soldiers and horses, the military food and salaries in Gaoci County have been obtained, and all the warehouses have been emptied.

And Murong Xiaoxian has not seen the lonely family called the old fox by Xingge...