yuan kill

Chapter 91 Star and Moon Altar

When Murong Xiaoxian returned to the city for more than a month, he found that Guangming Town had changed a lot. I even feel like I'm in a different world.

At this moment, the bright town has completely faded away from its original desolation and officially changed its name to the Capital of Light and become the imperial capital of the Kingdom of Light. Hundreds of thousands of craftsmen who built the imperial capital have dispersed and rushed to the construction of other cities and counties in the Land of Light.

Outside the imperial capital, ten miles and one town, five miles and one village are extremely full of people. All the people seem to have emerged overnight. At this moment, when spring returned to the earth, the farmer had led the cattle and began to work, and all the wasteland was sweating.

Everything in the city is in order, just like an ancient capital that has flourished for thousands of years, and everything seems so prosperous.

The streets are full of traffic and people.

From time to time, soldiers in different uniforms patrol by.

The security in the city is excellent.

People are polite to each other, and you can hardly see anyone shouting in the street. Even if outsiders come, the locals are polite, just like friends who have been familiar with them for many years.

People's faces are full of piety and gentleness, as if this is heaven, this is the kingdom of God!

In fact, this is the kingdom of God, because the main site of the Temple of Light has been moved over, and the twelve lords have moved in one after another with their respective forces, and this huge city has also been inadvertently divided into twelve districts.

Each subordinate manages a district in order to check and balance each other, so that any party will not become bigger and the temple will not be easy to control.

And only one place is the forbidden area managed by the twelve masters, which is the original location of the Guangming Hall and the current location of the Star and Moon Altar.

The Star and Moon Altar is the most sacred place of the Temple of Light. It was originally presided over by twelve lords in turn for three years each time!

However, hosting the Star and Moon Altar is a job that every master strives for. Because, as long as anyone presides over the Star Moon Altar, he can mobilize the troops of other masters at will during the hosting period! In other words, the seats of these twelve masters are not calculated according to the ranking, but according to who presides over the Star and Moon altar.

To build a bright holy country, the main force of the 12th Ming Dynasty set up public discussion and built the imperial capital on the basis of the original bright town. The construction of the imperial capital has created a miracle in the history of the mainland in terms of speed and quality!

At this time, the twelve Ming masters are supreme. Originally, the Twelve Ming Lord presided over the Star and Moon Altar. In view of the great contribution, the Twelve Ming Lord presided over the presidency once, which was the first time in the history of the Temple of Light!

But this is the emperor's order, and other lords have to obey.

The God Emperor is the supreme ruler of the Temple of Light. It is said that he has lived for tens of thousands of years!

Murong Xiaoxian was urgently summoned back this time.

As the blueprint planner of the overall layout of the imperial capital, especially the new building materials, the twelve Mingzhu personally brought hundreds of catties to demonstrate to the divine emperor, and the divine emperor was decisively determined to deny other plans and decided to build a nation in the south! And Lord Twelve Ming is not the kind of person who likes to stop all the credit. He also proposed that this kind of building material is the idea of a hall master under his Guangming Hall, so Murong Xiaoxian's credit is also not small. He was specially nominated by Lord Twelve Ming to participate in the first star and moon sacrifice held in the imperial capital today!

Lan Yan and others led the way in front of them. The closer they are to the Star and Moon Altar, the more soldiers around them will be, and their strength will be stronger.

Murong Xiaoxian saw obvious hierarchical differentiation on these soldiers.

The clothing is most consistent, but the left chest is embroidered with a different number of stars, moons and suns.

Stars are divided into one, two, three to ten, which is obviously different levels between soldiers and officers.

The people with the moon are dressed in a variety of decent clothes. The level has been increased from January to October, which is a sign of middle and lower religious people.

Day is from one to five, and there is no increase or decrease in quantity.

But there is a change in color!

is divided into seven colors, red, orange, red, green, blue and purple, and the level rises in turn.

Obviously, this change is much more complicated than the moon and stars, and it is actually 35 levels!

On Lanyan and others, there is a round of red sun. Obviously, the level is not low, and the position of the master is six levels lower than that of the master.

However, Murong Xiaoxian soon realized that he was wrong, because the sun could be superimposed!

Five rounds of the red sun can advance to the first level and become the orange sun!

So, the highest level is the five purple suns!

This is the symbol of the twelve masters and those masters.

What will be the sign of the emperor?

However, Murong Xiaoxian did not see the appearance of the emperor.

The Star and Moon altar stands high in the square, which is second only to the tower.

But the floor area is very horrible, completely covering the whole area of the original Guangming Hall, as many as 100 mu!

The appearance of the altar is exactly the same as that of the Twelve Ming Main Courtyard, but it has been enlarged a thousand times.

has been magnified a thousand times, but the momentum is extremely amazing.

It seems that this is the original appearance of the Star and Moon Altar.

It is 30 feet long and 100 feet high, but the top of the altar is covered with smoke, and the true face of the altar can no longer be seen. The four walls of the altar are still white, but they are very different from the crude altar in the main courtyard of the Twelve Ming Dynasty. The material alone makes people unable to distinguish between them, not stone, gold and jade!

However, countless star and moon patterns are engraved on the four walls of the altar, and this pattern of stars and moon seems to be many stars in the sky. Nandou, Beidou, the twelve palaces, twenty-eight nights... all of them match the stars.

The pattern of the moon shows a round parabolic posture, constantly changing from the full moon to the half-string moon.

What surprised Murong Xiaoxian most was that the countless stars engraved on the four walls of the altar seemed to be circulating according to a certain trajectory, either extinguished, enlarged, or reduced, just like an eye looking at the world curiously! Those stars are not on fixed walls at all. The carvings are just an illusion!

There is no way to the altar.

A person at the January level can basically lift his breath and light up.

However, people below the daily level, even at the September level, can only be 40 feet away from the altar. Those who are close to them are guilty of blaspization. Kill!

Star people, no matter how many stars, need to stand a hundred feet away and continue to rank back according to the number of stars!

People at the one-day level can be 40 feet apart;

From the two-day level to the five-day level, each level takes a step forward, and finally to the twelve Ming Lord and others, the distance from the altar is only five feet.

However, the twelve Ming Lords are one step closer to the altar, only a distance of more than four feet.

All the masters of the Temple of Light are neatly and orderly around the altar, with great momentum.

The civilians have long been blocked by the army, that is, when there is no sacrifice on weekdays, those civilians must also walk away from the altar. This is basically their forbidden area. If you accidentally break into 300 feet, you have to bow three times and nine times and exit the altar step by step. If it is within a hundred feet, it will be killed directly by the altar guard for no reason, sacrifice to the gods!

Murong Xiaoxian was put on a coat by Lan Yan and others, which was exactly the same clothes as those masters. However, the color on Murong Xiaoxian's clothes is different. It's an orange sun!

Five rounds of red sun can rise to an orange sun! By analogy, the lords of the five rounds of purple sun are dozens of levels higher than Murong Xiaoxian!

The disciples of the temple are coming one after another in an orderly manner. After each took their positions, the number of believers around the whole Star and Moon altar has exceeded 10,000!

This is the core force of the temple, a huge and frightening force that can easily tear any country to pieces in an instant! This power is distributed throughout the creation continent, and only when sacrifices are held every year will they gather thousands of miles away.

It's just that this continent is too big, and the number of countries is more than a thousand. And these people wandering outside have long been tired of wandering. At this moment, they are like a tired bird returning to their nest, and a new residence has been arranged for them in the new imperial capital.

The establishment of a new imperial capital means that these rootless people finally have a destination and a goal to fight for. From now on, they can no longer wander and stay in the imperial capital at ease.

Everyone stood quietly in the sacrificial square, silent.

The sun is slowly rising.

As the sun rose, the star and moon altar began to change a little. The scene was like the reincarnation of the sun and the moon. When the sun rose, the countless stars on the altar began to slowly disappear, and the moons slowly faded, like a docile lamb.

The Twelve Ming Lords looked up to the sky, with his hands hugging the sky, staring at the dazzling sunlight in the sky without flinching at all.

And so are countless congregations, and the atmosphere of the scene is extremely strange.

A strange and rhythmic sound suddenly came out of the mouth of the twelve Ming masters, correspondingly that the others were a respected Lord, and then the sun and moon levels that were lowered one by one. The star-level followers just maintain the posture of hugging the sky, with a solemn face and an extremely sacred expression!

The sun finally slowly climbed into the middle of the sky, and the stars and moon on the star and moon altar completely disappeared.

The strange voice in the mouth of the Twelve Ming Lord suddenly amplified. With the voice of the Twelve Ming Lord, the white altar suddenly emitted a brilliant light, but the light was more dazzling than the sun!

In the eyes of ordinary people, the sun is just a dazzling light source, while in Murong Xiaoxian's eyes, the sun at this moment is just a red sphere of light, and those dazzling brilliance has long disappeared.

This is the gap in the realm.

mortals see the surface light of the sun, and they also use the light of the sun to grow crops, heating and so on. But it ignores the nature of the sun!

The sun is the most yang thing in the world, and it is also one of the purest energy of positive power!