yuan kill

Chapter 102 The Body of the Undead

Compared with the first floor, the second-floor hall is really like heaven and hell.

On the first floor of the hall, there is a dark place, with countless lonely ghosts with nowhere to return, and the miserable cry is creepy! If there is light, it is just a little phosphorus fire brought in by those lonely souls.

The second floor hall is full of infinite light. The crystal light shines everywhere, the pearls shines, the walls, doors and windows, tables and chairs are all carefully carved from white jade and jade, each of which is very different, which makes people marvel at its unique ingenuity and the luxury of lingering in this hall. Think about it, Qionglou Yuyu in the sky is just like this!

Following the steps of the hall and turning a few corners, Murong Xiaoxian and Hongluo came to an extremely spacious hall. The atmosphere here is even more luxurious. White jade is the case, gold is the step, and the big night pearls hang on the four walls of the hall, bursting with great light!

In the middle of the hall, there is a jasper square table. There are two people sitting at both ends of the table, drinking wine while playing with black and white chess pieces.

Two people, one dressed in white, with a golden crown and a white face, were with a trace of yin, holding the wine pot in one hand and gently putting down the black chess pieces in the other.


The sound of the chess piece falling seems to be the most beautiful melody of time, and Gong Shangjiao Zhengyu can't describe it!

The other is a man in a golden robe, surrounded by golden light. It still looks so kind, and there are still fierce beasts crawling under his feet. However, this beast is different from what he saw before. It has seven heads, seven tails, thick limbs, claws like sharp blades. Between breathing, the breath from the beast made Murong Xiaoxian feel slightly short of breath. At this moment, the beast was dozed off on the ground, but he did not pay attention to the arrival of Murong Xiaoxian at all.

There are wild beasts in the chaos, called killing, with an immortal body, seven heads and seven tails, eyes like torches and claws like knives.

The man in white turned around and sneered at the corners of his mouth: "Xianyu, I didn't expect you to throw yourself into the net. God has the virtue of a good life, but if there is a way to heaven, you don't go, and there is no way to hell. It seems that our grudges should be broken!"

How is it possible that Murong Xiaoxian's pupils are sharply enlarged?

This person is Shen Ribai, who was raided by Murong Xiaoxian in the infinite peak cell and destroyed his body!

"Well, you scum, who still survives in the world, is really eyeless! I really regret that I didn't destroy your yuan god that day!" Murong Xiaoxian took two steps, but the wild beast called Kill opened one eye!

An invisible pressure slowly pushed over. Murong Xiaoxian felt dozens of times heavier, and Hongluo was not having a hard time, but he still followed Murong Xiaoxian steadily, with a firm face.

The seven eyes killed have seven powers. The first eye can double the gravity of the person seen. The closer it is, the greater the gravity!

"Hahahaha! My people, what is the power of this wild beast killing? Shen Ribai proudly glanced at the killing that was taking a nap, but the killing roared low.

"You are not his master, and you have no right to make him do anything." The man in the golden light said faintly, but his tone was full of involuntary reverence.

This is also the shadow of God! But it is much more powerful than the simple shadow of the mind on the first floor. The body is no longer blurred, but condensed into an entity! Especially this inadvertent momentum made Murong Xiaoxian feel that his internal organs were trembling! If it hadn't been for breaking through the realm of Yuanli to double, and all the organs in the body had been strengthened again, Murong Xiaoxian would have vomited blood long ago under this double pressure at this moment!

Obviously, the strength of this god's shadow is stronger than anyone Murong Xiaoxian has seen. Naturally, the unfathomable Nishang may be compared with the Twelve Ming Lords.

Shen Ribai said respectfully, "Yes! Lord God. I dare not say anything disrespectful to the mythical beast in the future.

"Well, children can be taught." The man covered with golden light nodded approvingly, and then gently put down a chess piece, as if Murong Xiaoxian and Hongluo did not exist.


The beast killing was too lazy to look at Murong Xiaoxian. He slowly closed his eyes, and the pressure on Murong Xiaoxian and Hongluo slowly dissipated.

How about it? You two are not close to me at all. I miss that you are talented, and I may be able to do my best for the great plan of the God of Light in the future. I think that you have not done anything too out of line, and I will give you another chance! Do you choose to submit or die? The shadow of God said faintly, and the sound was like a breeze blowing through the clouds, which was imperceptible.

It seems that my mission is to be to God. And now I have decided that I will fulfill this mission. Murong Xiaoxian said coldly, but took a fierce look at Shen Ribai.

Shen Ribai completely ignored Murong Xiaoxian's eyes and frowned, "God, I lost this game of chess..."

"You were supposed to occupy a good situation, but you made a series of mistakes and then buried the good situation. Tell me, why are you upset?" The shadow of God asked.

"Because there is a long hatred..." Shen Ribai said, although he was sitting side by side with the gods, he still felt a lower level.

"Ange? Compared with the world, which one is heavier? The shadow of God asked.

"Naturally, it is the world." Shen Ribai Dao.

"Anyone who does great things must first have a king's heart!" God's shadow.

"The heart of the king?" Shen Ribai asked doubtfully.

"Can tolerate, endure, can, can cherish the world, regard the world as its own thing, and regard the world as its own people! You can be like a rock at any time and not be moved by external things. God's shadow.

"I have questions." Shen Ribai asked unwillingly.

"Oh, listen to me." The shadow of God stroked the chessboard, and the chess pieces returned to their respective chess boxes.

"If you conquer the world, this killing will always be inevitable. Therefore, this king's heart must have a ruthless killing heart! Once the general becomes famous and withered, isn't the death and injury more serious in the world?!" Shen Ribai defended.

"It is not a long-term policy to rule the world by killing. In the end, it is bound to provoke resistance, unless all the rebellious people are killed! Remember, under *, even your own soldiers will rebel in the end. At that time, will you still kill? I'm afraid that at that time, there will be nothing left but myself. God's shadow.

"However, there must be people to be killed. Just like becoming a god and sanctification, you must first remove the heart demon. To seize the world, you must first remove the stumbling block!" Shen Ribai is still defending.

"Your demon is still there, I'm afraid it will greatly affect your progress. So, recently, you have been in isolation for three months to restrain your mind. When you understand it, you can come to me again. God's shadow said, but there was a trace of disappointment.

"But he..." Shen Ribai defended.

"That's as you wish. Go and kill them and test how far your immortal body has been repaired. God's shadow said faintly, and then looked at Murong Xiaoxian and Hongluo. That look was no different from looking at a dead man!

"Thank God!" Shen Ribai was overjoyed, got up, bowed, and then his figure shook and came to Murong Xiaoxian.

Shen Ribai's cultivation was not weakened by the destruction of his body, but was strengthened several times.

Originally, Shen Ribai was the cultivation of a five-level practitioner, and his strength was definitely the best among the disciples of Yuxumen. It was only because he was too careless to underestimate the enemy that he was suddenly killed by Murong Xiaoxian. After Yuan Shen escaped, he attracted Yuxumen's pursuit of Murong Xiaoxian.

It's just that Murong Xiaoxian still doesn't know how Shen Ribai can be treated as a guest by the Temple of Light? Unexpectedly, he can travel leisurely in this sealed soul monument, and may be refined into an immortal body!

Although Murong Xiaoxian has long suspected that the Temple of Light has something to do with the Yuxu Gate, the Temple of Light does not pay attention to the Yuxu Gate at all. It is impossible to treat a jade family so kindly!

Also, what is the mystery of this immortal body?

Soul Hall, soul weapons...

Murong Xiaoxian suddenly thought of something and couldn't help laughing wildly!

Is Shen Ribai also a soul weapon? It's just a more advanced soul weapon. After all, there are so many souls in this hall that it is absolutely impossible to concentrate tens of thousands of souls and recreate the body!

The immortal body is just a bodyless!

"Hahahaha, hahahaha! It's ridiculous, immortal!" Looking at Shen Ribai, Murong Xiaoxian's eyes no longer have a trace of retreat, and the power in his body is also running rapidly. Gradually, a powerful momentum spread from Murong Xiaoxian's body!

God's shadow also unconsciously gave a gentle sound, and the mythical beast under his feet made a low and uneasy roar!

Shen Ribai was slightly stunned, somewhat unexpected.

After all, when Murong Xiaoxian killed the first shadow of the Light God with a plan, he used all the divine soldiers, but Yuanli was extremely cleverly hidden by him.

Shen Ribai, he used to give himself a lot of humiliation, but today he is going to give him a complete break!

"What are you laughing at when you die?" Shen Ribai said hatefully, and reached out a bright sword and now in Shen Ribai's hand.

"You are still so confident that you may die as embarrassing!" Murong Xiaoxian sneered.

"Presumptuous! Is this temple the place where you are wild? Death!" Shen Ribai became angry. The long sword blew up thousands of sword flowers, and the white clothes passed like electricity. It turned out to be a teleportation attack!

Seeing Shen Ribai's so reckless action, the shadow of the god couldn't help shaking his head. But he didn't take action, just watched quietly.

The three-sided oval light blue Yuan ice shield suddenly appeared in front of Murong Xiaoxian, and countless sword flowers splashed on the Yuan ice shield like rain, but a burst of thunder was heard in the hall!

Shen Ribai's body was like the wind, and there was a erratic fierce attack, but it was blocked back by Murong Xiaoxian's Yuan Bing Shield.