yuan kill

Chapter 109 Strange Firewood

"Are you talking about the three strange arrays of Chuangjie Mountain?" Qingkong Feiyu's face was different, and he couldn't help showing his worry.

"Not bad. The Xuandu sky of the infinite peak is trapped in the fairy array, the King Kong of the fierce sun peak is immortal, and the founding seal of the mountain behind the supreme peak! These are all places I can't get close to." Nishang shook her head, seemed to be a little helpless, and immediately fell into meditation.

"In this case, the adult can't help us go and have a look..." Ziye Feihua said softly, but she was afraid of Nishang's thinking.

"No need. I can't go there, and you can't go there. Because those strange arrays were laid by God himself after the divine war ten thousand years ago, and the purpose is nothing more than to protect the soaring bloodline. Although I am also close to the realm of God, it is only close! The power of the god is unmatched by me, even if it is the array laid by the god ten thousand years ago! I hope Murong is all right! This time, I asked the two of you to come here because there is something important entrusted to you. After all, you two are not the blood of my demon peak. It's not eye-catching, and you can act cheaply when you go out. Nishang stopped and said slowly to the two.

"Your Excellency, please speak! I will die in ten thousand!" The two said in unison.

"It's not as serious as death. I just want you to help someone. At this moment, you leave immediately. I will send you to the Borra Kingdom with a teleportation array. You want to help the Gandhi regain the power of the Borra Kingdom. By the way, you may have seen this person, whose name is Jodamo at this moment. You will know the beauty of it later. Nishang said softly, looked at the sky, and walked towards the center of the peacock tribe.

The center of the Peacock Tribe is a large transmission array, surrounded by extremely high-quality crystals used for transmission, which are used for ultra-long-distance transmission.

Flying feathers in the blue sky and flying flowers in the purple night stepped on the transmission array. After a period of space distortion, the two found that they had come to a new place.

----- dividing line---------------

bursts of cooking smoke floated up, and the seductive fragrance rushed into the nostrils.

"Tut! Sure enough, it's a good craft. I said Xuzhu. Since you have forgotten everything, how can you remember how to barbecue?" He stared at Murong Xiaoxian skillfully turning over the branches, adding firewood, and sprinkling all kinds of seasonings from time to time. It was not until Murong Xiaoxian took off the two pheasants from the fire and handed them to him.

Then, Murong Xiaoxian said slowly, "Master, even if you lose your memory, you will still remember hunger, coldness and fatigue. All this should be human instinct. As for amnesia and forgetting, I think forgetting is all things that make you painful or don't want to recall. This should be a way for human self-protection, right?

"Oh, this is a strange talk. However, it makes a little sense. Just like people who easily fall into a coma in battle, it may be just to protect themselves from more serious injuries. Without thinking, he grabbed the roasted fragrant chicken and took a bite fiercely. The fat chicken oil flowed out of the mouth, and then it dripped to the skirt of the clothes, but he was unaware of it.

Murong Xiaoxian casually tore a chicken leg and slowly nibbled it, but there seemed to be some shadow shaking in his mind. Especially the things he just said, Murong Xiaoxian was a little surprised how he could say such profound content. Could it be that he was a profound figure before he lost his memory?

He was not obsessed with eating, and even swallowed chicken bones, and then stared at most of the chickens in Murong Xiaoxian's hand.

Looking at the greedy eyes, Murong Xiaoxian smiled bitterly and handed it casually. Don't smile, regardless of your identity, it's another burst of crazy chewing!

At the end, he touched his belly unsatisfiedly and said to Murong Xiaoxian, "Kid, since you are full, go and cut firewood!"

Murong Xiaoxian was shocked and said helplessly, "Master, it doesn't mean that I don't have to cut firewood today..."

"Oh? Did I say that? Even if you don't say that, you can cut wood. By the way, don't cut these firewood thinner than the calves. That was the way I asked you to exercise your physique. I didn't expect you to be strong, so save this layer and cut me a bundle of thick thigh wood every three days in the future. Or I told you the direction of cutting firewood, don't turn, don't take tricks, and keep going south, do you understand?" He wiped his mouth and looked at Murong Xiaoxian with a smile, but his hand looked like a circle.

"This..." Murong Xiaoxian sighed, but his stomach grunted.

"Don't you have enough to eat? Er, you can take these chicken bones to satisfy your hunger for the time being. If you really can't, you can also find some wild fruits and wild animals to eat on the spot. I believe that with your craftsmanship, you will never treat your stomach badly. You don't have to come back every day to cut firewood this time. It's a pity to waste all your good time walking. Let's get it back at once after you accumulate dozens of bundles!" He didn't eat and smiled, turned his head into the room, closed the door, and the sound of bamboo ** creaked again. Soon, the room snored like thunder...

Murong Xiaoxian had no choice but to pick up the firewood knife, brought some drinking water and set out in the sun.

It's really weird not to tell yourself where to cut firewood.

Other places are full of green bamboo, but this direction is all kinds of miscellaneous wood, and the kind of firewood that is not required is the hardest among them, and it takes a long time to cut down one. If dozens of bundles are really cut, I'm afraid it will be really difficult to do it in a year and a half.

Before sunset, Murong Xiaoxian went to the place where he used to cut firewood.

With the afterglow of the sunset, Murong Xiaoxian found that the kind of wood he didn't want was more, but it was difficult to find the kind of wood that was about the same thickness as his thigh. Basically, it's firewood with the same thickness as the calf. It seems that it has been calculated to play with yourself!

Murong Xiaoxian gritted his teeth and moved on!

The sun went down completely, and the sky began to darken.

After finding a few dry firewood, Murong Xiaoxian lit it with the flint he carried with him as a torch and continued to look for it all the way.

As he walked, Murong Xiaoxian felt that the road began to extend downward, but it turned out that he climbed over the peak behind Guiyang Peak and walked down the mountain.

The undemanding firewood is still missing. The only thing that comforts Murong Xiaoxian is that the firewood is gradually getting thicker, but there is still no thick firewood.

The firewood seemed to be extremely hard. Murong Xiaoxian once tried to break the firewood with his hand, but he found that he could only bend the firewood slightly, which could not be broken by brute force. The only tool can only be the firewood knife, which is strange to say. The firewood knife is not good-looking, and the knife body is dark. It seems that there are no molten raw stones on it, and the blade is not very sharp. In fact, it is not a blade at all, but it is more suitable like an ordinary knife back, which is the most crude system. However, it can cut off that kind of firewood little by little.

Murong Xiaoxian once had the idea of sharpening the blade, but no stone can make half a mark on this firewood knife at all. The iron pestle is ground into a needle. I really don't know who made up the story of deceiving children...

So Murong Xiaoxian can only honestly and practically use this knife to cut wood, and the efficiency can be imagined.

All night, Murong Xiaoxian lit a dry firewood in addition to walking, until Murong Xiaoxian was unable to continue walking. The dry wood that Murong Xiaoxian abandoned was destroyed on the ground, and he was absolutely not worried about the risk of forest fire.

The road extending down finally returned to flat, but the cluster of miscellaneous trees is becoming rarer and rarer. But the kind of firewood that is not crazy about it has been getting thicker, but it is a little worse than the crazy demand.

No matter how serious Murong Xiaoxian's memory loss is, Murong Xiaoxian is not stupid. He quickly realized that doing so has some deep meaning!

At such a long distance, you have to cut dozens of bundles of that kind of firewood, which is actually equivalent to saying that you don't have to come back!

Terring the way?

Is it possible that you are not infatuated with guiding yourself to leave the hot sun peak?

very likely. After all, his origin is unknown. If it is really something to commit, I'm afraid that the Zen Temple can't get rid of the cover-up. Therefore, in order to clear the suspicion, of course, it is also to thank Murong Xiaoxian for the pheasants he roasted for him, so he let Murong Xiaoxian leave in this way!

Have you found any secrets that you don't know in the past few months?

With a softness under his feet, Murong Xiaoxian fell to the ground, but his strength was wasted in the trees to open the way.

The water bag on his body had been cut by the branches in the bush and had unconsciously flowed clean. And food, if Murong Xiaoxian can take away some food, it can only be the chicken bones that have been polluted by the saliva.

It is said that you will find some wild fruits on the road, but you can't even see any bird feathers except for miscellaneous trees on the way!

I'm not crazy, but I lied to myself again. Even if I walk back, I'm afraid I will starve to death on the way.

Murong Xiaoxian can't walk at all now!

Lying on the ground, sensing the temperature of the soil, I don't know how long it took, Murong Xiaoxian finally felt a little strength.

Stand up and move on. As he walked, Murong Xiaoxian was stunned!

In the white moonlight, not far away, in the shadow of a tree, the unspeakable firewood formed a huge forest, and the wood was full of all kinds of fruits!

The firewood is full of all kinds of fruits, which is by no means an illusion of looking for plums to quench thirst.

Murong Xiaoxian came slowly and even smelled the strange fragrance of those wild fruits.

Murong Xiaoxian bit his finger, which was very painful.

Close your eyes, open your eyes, close your eyes, open your eyes.

The eye outlook is still the same, and the fragrance is still the same!

This is definitely not an illusion!

Murong Xiaoxian walked over step by step.

Then, Murong Xiaoxian felt that he had been bounced back heavily, as if there was an invisible wall in front of him!