yuan kill

Murong Xiaoxian walked slowly to the head of the bed, and a faint orchid fragrance came, which made this room different.

Murong Xiaoxian stopped and shook his head. He turned around and went to the stone table and sat down.

"This turned out to be your house?" Murong Xiaoxian asked gently, but he was fiddling with an ivory comb, which was exquisitely crafted and inlaid with gold and jade agate.

The girl didn't say anything, just looked at the comb in Murong Xiaoxian's hand, and her expression was like a child being robbed of her beloved toy.

"Are you not from this tribe?" Murong Xiaoxian asked knowingly and put down the comb casually.

The girl looked at Murong Xiaoxian and still didn't say anything.

Isn't this girl a mute? Thinking that since I saw this girl, this girl seemed to have read a spell...

"So, do you know Su Muqi?" Murong Xiaoxian suddenly went straight in, which caught the girl off guard and couldn't help shouting.

"How do you know her? Aren't you a beast god?" After being shocked, the girl quickly regained her composure and asked.

Murong Xiaoxian sighed. The beauty of the girl made her afraid to look at her, but the girl's origin was really unknown. Looking at the wall, Murong Xiaoxian seemed to see through time and space.

"Beast God? Do you really believe the words of these barbarians? Murong Xiaoxian smiled bitterly.

"I don't believe it. However, don't underestimate these savages. The girl finally began to speak, and her voice was as pleasant as a silver bell.

"I know I have been placed under house arrest by these savages." Murong Xiaoxian said lightly, not sad or happy, but he didn't keep these things in his heart at all. After all, with the strength of these people, they can't even keep a hair.

"Or, you are also this fate?" Murong Xiaoxian turned his head and took a look at the girl, and the girl just turned her eyes.

The girl straightened her hair and said, "Can I sit down?"

"Of course, this is your house." Murong Xiaoxian made a gesture of invitation, but he got up and was a little farther away from the girl.

The girl sat silently on the stone bench and wanted to reach out to grab back the comb, but she thought about it and took it back.

"I know no more than ten people named Su Muqi. Which one are you asking?" The girl pinched the corners of her clothes and asked coldly.

"Oh, maybe I made a mistake. Maybe there are many people with the same name in this world. Only then did Murong Xiaoxian feel that his question was a little abrupt. Originally, there were many people in this continent, and there were countless women with similar figures.

"You are not wrong. You are right to ask me. Su's surname is not something that others can mess up. It is the surname of Xiang Xiong's royal family. There is only one name for Su Muqi in the whole continent, and only the princess of Xiangxiong is qualified to call this name. The girl's eyes turned and couldn't help showing a little playful appearance, but in a blink of an eye, she regained her cold look.

"Has she ever practiced Taoism in the Mountain of Creation?" Murong Xiaoxian asked tentatively, trying to make things more precise.

"Forty years, I haven't seen her become an immortal. She was still so depressed when she came back, and now she is still distracted every day." The girl raised her eyebrows and seemed to dislike Su Muqi in her tone.

"Then what is your relationship?" Since I know Su Muqi, and Su Muqi is a princess of a country, and this girl is a rich country, it is inferred that this girl is also a member of the royal family.

"She is my cousin. After all, I have only seen her three times. When she went to practice Taoism, I was not born yet. She came back once when I was born. Then five years ago, and then a month ago. The girl hesitated for a moment, as if thinking about the meaning of saying so many words.

"Thank you for telling me this. I want to ask..." Murong Xiaoxian looked excited and couldn't help holding a fist.

"You're welcome. I should actually thank you. You saved my life and told you these painless things. Do you want to ask, where is this and how to get out? The girl tilted her head and looked at Murong Xiaoxian. Murong Xiaoxian was stunned for a moment, but then nodded.

"You believe what I said, I'm lost?" Murong Xiaoxian asked strangely.

"You don't have the smell of these barbarians at all, and the style of your skirt is completely different from any tribe. So, you are a person who fell here for no idea why. The girl's words were chiseled and her analysis was extremely pertinent. Murong Xiaoxian couldn't help nodding.

"Then can you take me out of here?" Murong Xiaoxian said eagerly that in this vast forest, it is absolutely difficult to leave without a guide.

"I, I don't want to leave!" The girl took a look at Murong Xiaoxian, but said firmly.

"Can you tell me how to get out of this forest?" Murong Xiaoxian was a little disappointed, but he still asked politely.

"Then don't be disappointed. I don't know the way. I accidentally broke here. Although it's very bitter here, it's much better than going back. The girl shook her teeth, and a cloud flashed on her face, which seemed to touch her.

Don't recognize the way? It seems that this girl is running away from home. Maybe she is angry with her family?

"This..." Murong Xiaoxian suddenly felt like a frustrated ball, and his whole body suddenly waned down, but in a blink of an eye, he cheered up again. This girl doesn't know, which doesn't mean that these barbarians don't know.

If you can't ask, you can use the soul art! Whatever you have in your mind, I will take it out for you! However, most people who have been enchanted will become idiots!

Anyway, you live so ignorantly that it is not much different from idiots.

Murong Xiaoxian made up his mind and wanted to push the door out. He doesn't want to stay here for too long. There are too many things waiting for him to deal with in the outside world.

Xuyun's enemy has begun to emerge, and he must follow that clue.

Yuexian seems to have been pregnant for seven months at this time, and she will be in labor in two or three months. She must come to her side before she will be in labor! Izumo Empire, who knows how far it is from here?

Those craftsmen who scattered themselves must have made a scene for themselves, right? There are also tens of millions of gold coins...

"You are too kind to leave here." Just as Murong Xiaoxian pushed the door and was about to leave, the girl suddenly said faintly.

Murong Xiaoxian stopped and couldn't help but say suspiciously, "How to say?"

"You saved them, and you also prevented them from digging their eyes and other self-harm. This shows that you are kind, so you are taken to this tribe. These barbarians seem to be ignorant, but in fact they are extremely cunning! Think about it, there are more than a dozen tribes around here. The continuous melee can keep their tribes in this state, which is definitely not what ordinary barbarians can do. I overheard the women in this tribe say that it seems that the surrounding tribes are going to hold a sacrificial ceremony, and the sacrifices are those beasts corresponding to the name of the tribe. For example, white tiger, black bear, red elephant, black turtle and so on. But these beasts are not what they can hunt, so they have to rely on you. As for this beast god, it seems to be a god of all tribes. The girl said softly, but it was clear and comprehensive, which made Murong Xiaoxian have to believe it.

"But why did they hunt these beasts? Aren't these beasts sacred objects of their tribe?" Murong Xiaoxian said doubtfully.

The girl shook her head and said in disbelief, "If this tribe hunts a dragon tomorrow, the tribe will immediately change its name to the dragon tribe!"

Murong Xiaoxian suddenly realized that the name of this tribe is the same as that of the tribe.

However, Murong Xiaoxian found that he had asked for a long time and hardly asked the idea. He still didn't know where he was at this moment!

"So, what is this place, or which part of the Creation Continent?" Murong Xiaoxian smiled shyly, and the girl's face softened a lot, but then turned into disbelief!

"Where did you come from?" The girl asked.

"Chuangjie Mountain." Murong Xiaoxian replied.

Ah? So far away, is it possible that you came here with a teleport array? The girl asked in surprise.

"Do you also know the transmission array?" Murong Xiaoxian was also quite curious, but when he remembered the girl's strangeness, he found that he had asked more questions.

The girl looked at Murong Xiaoxian unhappily, but then found that she was a little embarrassed. After a moment of silence, she said, "This is the endless forest at the north of the creation continent, at the border between Xiangxiong and Borneo. I escaped from home, but I accidentally broke into the depths of the endless forest and could never get out again. As a result, I was caught by these barbarians. If I hadn't showed a few tricks, I'm afraid I would have been eaten by them.

Then, the girl blushed, "Actually, those are not spells at all, they are just tricks made with the power of the elixir."

"Seeing that I can have this strength, they call me Beast God!" The girl's tone was sarcastic, but a little lost.

Beast God?!

A stronger person is become a beast god, and this is owned by the beast god. If there is a new person, no matter how strong he is than me, he will be called the beast god by these people and then kick himself out again!

Of course, this is almost impossible. Murong Xiaoxian, who has received the inheritance of the witch clan, has far surpassed the strength of the practitioners at this moment, and the sages have come, and Murong Xiaoxian is also confident that he can easily deal with it. As for the real masters, who will care about this poor and ignorant place?

Ridiculous and ridiculous!

Murong Xiaoxian smiled and casually asked, "So you are also a member of Xiang Xiong's royal family?"

The girl was stunned, took a look at Murong Xiaoxian and nodded.

"My name is Su Han, and I am Princess Qi of Xiangxiong. I escaped from marriage..." Su Han looked a little pale, as if he remembered some unpleasant past events, and was a little depressed.

"Escape from marriage?" Murong Xiaoxian was stunned for a moment. He had heard a lot of stories about escaping from marriage, but it was the first time to meet a princess who escaped from marriage.

"Why?" Murong Xiaoxian asked curiously.

"It's a long story. It seems that you are not familiar with the situation of Xiang Xiongguo. Xiangxiong is a small country in the north of the creation, but it is very rich. As you can see, this place is full of gold and silver mines and gemstone mines, and this is still a relatively desolate place! Although Xiangxiong is rich, its population and military strength are small, because the terrain here is mostly high mountains and the transportation is extremely inconvenient. Although it is easy to defend and difficult to attack, it is also difficult to develop outward. Therefore, the monarch remembered the method of marriage and wanted to use the method of moving flowers and trees to develop the land outside the Xiong Dynasty. Originally, there was nothing wrong with this, but the object of the monarch's marriage was the Borneo Kingdom! Those are sinners!" Su Han said angrily.